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Why Cutting Onions Makes You Cry: The Science Behind the Tears





Onions are a staple in kitchens worldwide, but they have a unique ability to bring tears to your eyes. Have you ever wondered why? The answer lies in a fascinating chemical reaction that occurs when you slice into this common vegetable.


The Culprit: Sulfur Compounds

When you cut into an onion, you break open its cells, releasing an enzyme called alliinase. This enzyme reacts with sulfur-containing compounds in the onion, producing a gas called syn-Propanethial-S-oxide. This gas is the irritant responsible for making you cry.


The Science of Tears

As the gas rises from the onion, it reaches your eyes, where it reacts with the water on their surface. This reaction forms sulfuric acid—a mild but irritating substance. Your body responds by producing tears to dilute and flush away the irritant, which is why chopping onions can lead to a stream of tears.


Protecting Your Pets

The same gas that causes eye irritation in humans can also affect your pets. Animals nearby may experience discomfort or eye irritation if exposed to the gas released while cutting onions. To avoid causing them discomfort, keep pets out of the kitchen during meal preparation.


Additionally, onions are toxic to pets if ingested. They contain compounds that can damage red blood cells, potentially leading to serious health issues like hemolytic anemia. Even small amounts, whether raw, cooked, or powdered, can be harmful. Keep onions and foods containing onion securely stored, and consult your veterinarian if your pet shows signs of illness after exposure.


Why Does This Happen?

This reaction is part of the onion’s natural defense mechanism. In the wild, the irritant deters animals from eating the onion, helping it survive. While it’s an inconvenience for cooks, it’s an ingenious design for the onion’s protection.


Tips to Minimize Tears

1. Chill the Onion: Cooling the onion slows down the chemical reaction, reducing the release of the gas.

2. Use a Sharp Knife: A sharp knife causes less cell damage, limiting the amount of gas released.

3. Ventilate Your Workspace: Cutting onions under a kitchen vent or fan helps disperse the gas.

4. Wear Goggles: A surefire way to keep the gas from reaching your eyes is to block it altogether.


Jehovah’s Creation in Action

Even in the smallest details of life, Jehovah’s design is evident. The onion’s ability to protect itself showcases the intricate systems within creation. Psalm 139:14 reminds us, “I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” The onion’s defensive mechanism is yet another example of the complexity and beauty in the natural world.



New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 2013 Revision

Psalm 139:14

“The Chemistry of Onions,” Scientific American.

“Why Onions Make You Cry,” National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

“Onion Toxicity in Pets,” Vet Explains Pets.


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