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Her waters are drying up, even in "religious" USA

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As the real Bible people, we know that Christendom's attendees would be walking away from Babylon the Great as the last days progressed, and we have seen this gradually happen. But in recent decades, Europe has seen a massive drop in attendance. Now, according to this article, the USA is starting to see the same thing happening here. The reason? Churches alliance with politics is seen as disgusting by today's progressive youth....



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It just shows that the reasons we keep out of politics are very valid.

Ironically it seems to escape these "progressive" youths that there are more and more churches making alliances with progressive causes and that conservative churches have always existed. It is typical of the media to focus on conservative political/religious alliances when so many churches are aligning themselves in the opposite direction. For example an increasing number of US churches are pro-Muslim, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-homosexual, Socialist, anti-Israel, anti-Capitalist and anti-Western. The more left leaning sects such as the Episcopalians, Methodists as well as liberal Catholics, Lutherans and Presbyterians have come out strongly against Israel in recent years and are major movers in the illegal immigrant amnesty movement and of course the Episcopalian church is a major proponent of homosexual marriage and priesthood.

It's a curious insight into the thinking of the world when conservative church alliances are a reason for people leaving the church but on the other hand progressive alliances - which have also driven many from the churches and caused schisms - goes unmentioned. Most of the larger sects are aligned with some political group but there is a great deal of bias when they are conservative as America traditionally is.

In the end though, it isn't the politics of the churches that is really the issue, if it was they would be just as disgusted with progressive and moderate politicking - the education system of the West, including the US, has long been the playground of Marxists who have constantly sought to shape the minds of the youth. It is the reason why any idea considered "conservative" attracts so much ire from supposedly ordinary people. The youth of the world are becoming more and more Socialist and most Western societies are shifting leftward so that even some who hold ideas that were once considered "moderate" are being now considered "conservative" while conservatives are pushed to the far fringes.

Marx, Buddha and Mohammed have become the norm in the West while Christ is being pushed further and further into the shadows.

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