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General greetings to all the members, especially the experience and older ones both brothers and sisters. Please i need your help. After my meeting yesterday, a young brother walked up to me and said that he saw our coordinator and he said he should see me. And you know what was that? He said i should be the Chairman for his wedding talk at the kingdom hall. I was like WAOOOHHHH :huh: :huh: :huh:. I don't even know what to say.


Friends, please my problem is that i have never in any way handle any thing of such but now i am appointed as an Elder since late 2013 till date this 1st time privilege just came to me as a blow. But i have to do it for that is where i will know if i can do it well or not.


Please what i need is a format guide on how i can handle the meeting for the wedding talk at the Kingdom Hall as the Chairman, that is ,what to say in terms of FDS guide of handling it. Remember the chairman role during the public discourse.


I would be very glad for brothers who are experienced in handling this part during the wedding discourse as the chairman.


Thank you.


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When you are referring to the Chairman for a wedding talk, do you mean as as in the case of Serentity's response which deals with the 'director of the feast', or have you been asked to officiate?

The reason this unclear is you state "at the Kingdom Hall". When we have a wedding here in the US the 'feast' or as we call it the reception does not take place at he Kingdom Hall.

I have officiated at a number of weddings at the kingdom Hall but the ceremony does not use a 'chairman' like we do for public talks or the Memorial.

If you are performing the wedding (officiating) you would use the wedding outline provided by the FDS.




 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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