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earthquake hits qld

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just when you thought it was safe...australia gets whacked by an earthquake, only a 4 on the Richter. but still it makes you wonder.....

Anyway heres the news article:

A small offshore earthquake has rattled far north Queensland, sending a tremor through Cairns and surrounding areas.

Geoscience Australia confirmed a magnitude 4.0 earthquake took place about 30km off Innisfail, south of Cairns, at 4.08pm (AEST) on Tuesday.

Residents to the north and south of Cairns reported feeling a tremor, but no damage was reported.

Cairns resident Kathy Brown said the sensation experienced by those in her office at Smithfield, north of the city, was similar to that caused by a passing heavy vehicle.

"I was just sitting here and I felt it through the floor and then my computer started to shake," Ms Brown told AAP.

She said she was shocked to discover the shaking was the result of an earthquake.

"A couple of people who'd been through one before said: `That was an earthquake'. But, I said: `We don't get earthquakes in Cairns'.

"I wish it had been a passing truck. We're used to cyclones but we don't need any earthquakes."

Geoscience Australia said residents at Gordonvale, south of the city, had reported mirrors and other items shaking, and said the tremors had been felt at Innisfail.

But, it said, the quake was too small to generate a tsunami, to the relief of locals in the region battered by Cyclone Yasi last month.

The Cairns Post reported fish were seen jumping out of the water as the earthquake hit.

Russell Heads resident Keith Fisher told the paper the quake lasted about four seconds.

"It sounded like distant thunder. There was a distant rumbling," Mr Fisher said.

"I haven't heard anything like it before. It was very slight."

Geoscience Australia duty seismologist Steve Tatham said that although earthquakes in Queensland were uncommon, three small events had been reported offshore in the Innisfail/Ingham area in the past decade.

"Queensland is generally pretty seismically quiet but this is not completely unheard of," he told AAP.

Mr Tatham said intra-plate earthquakes happened across Australia fairly regularly but were usually very small.

He said there was no evidence to link the seismic activity to recent earthquakes in Japan and Christchurch, although some have theorised that large earthquakes could cause seismic instability elsewhere.

"There is an idea that that could be the case but we don't have any evidence to support it unequivocally."

Jehovahs day is fast approaching...are you prepared?:popcorn::readbible:

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Yup that's interesting. I say that also because they said somewhere on the news, and don't quote me for this because I honestly don't remember word for word, that there may also be a start of a greater frequency of earthquakes in the USA. In fact, the largest earthquake to ever hit Utah within 18 years just recently happened.

This reminds me of what Jesus said.

Mark 13:28-31 - 28 “Now from the fig tree learn the illustration: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and puts forth its leaves, YOU know that summer is near. 29 Likewise also YOU, when YOU see these things happening, know that he is near, at the doors. 30 Truly I say to YOU that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

Now instead of focusing all on these signs, we can just see them for what they are, signs, and whole-heartedly focus on Jehovah's spirit of truth and understanding to make it through all this mess :P Because rest assured things are going to get worse before they get better.

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