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Hi Everyone.

I haven't been on here since after my dad passed away. I'mnot sure if any of you remember me.. I'm glad to be back.. I haven't been to the KH in about a year. it was right after my dad passed away was the last time I went to the kH. I'm in need of some encourgement. I read and I read to my girls almost every night and I pray to Jehovah to help me get back on track..

What are some scriptures that help you when you feel really down?


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Ps. 34:18: “Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.”

2 Pet. 3:9, 15: “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation.”

Hope these can help you somewhat!!! Welcome back, sister!!!


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Hello Lela. Here's one of my favorites when I feel like this world finally beat me down to a pulp.

Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU. Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."

How loving the promise Jesus gave us! Note though that taking that yoke upon your shoulders implies some effort on your part. However the rewards are so worth it, because when you do, you have that help, you will find refreshment!

Also, prayer and meeting attendance is crucial now more than ever as that literally is the only place we find refreshment. It's like the world is a desert and the only water and relaxation is our Oasis that is the Kingdom Hall. Just remember

Matthew 21:22 "And all the things YOU ask in prayer, having faith, YOU will receive."

Philippians 4:6, 7 "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."

Also, it is awesome to know that all we have to do is ask Jehovah for Holy Spirit and it will be given to us. This holy spirit helps us to endure this wicked system. (Luke 11:13)

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HI Lela, along with the scripture sited it is good to bear in mind that

1- Death is but temporary and Jah will reverse this

2- When he does reverse death where will we be?? If we want to see our dead loved ones again it is upon us to prove steadfast and unmovable and stick closer to Jehovah more than ever.

3 - Keep busy in the Lord, through meetings and field service the more you are away the more discouraged you will get. However the more you are closer to Jehovah the more he will give you his holy spirit and that is sure to help all of us push on until the end.

Lots of love from your sister in Uganda (<img src=)'>

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There isn't much to say aside from what has been said. But then l will also want you to have this in mind, the first time you will go back to the KH your brothers and sisters will be happy to see you so they will all want to welcome you back with kind words, like 'happy to see you, welcome back' etc they are not doing this to embarass you they are only expressing their joy to see you again. Pls don't be nervous but see it as a way by which Jehovah is welcoming and accepting you back. I am talking from personal experience, l was once away like you for some years and the first day l went back to the KH, l was ashamed l felt like a new person that is just coming into the truth. But with the help of prayer and my determination to reconcile with my loving Creator l was able to withstand all the situation. Be sure of Jehovah's love and His joy of accepting you back (Luke 15:7,10) Warm christian love from me too my 'dear' sister.

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After being away from the truth for a dozen years and moving to another state far from "home", I was read this scripture by an elder in my congregation:

(Isaiah 55:6-7) 6 Search for Jehovah, YOU people, while he may be found. Call to him while he proves to be near. 7 Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts; and let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.

I still love it and read it often.

I also was terrified to go into the Kingdom Hall and the only people who I knew there were out of town my first time back. I prayed on my way into the hall for help, walked in and sat down, and then a sister walked up to me and asked me if I would like to sit with her and her husband. It just proved to me that Jehovah was listening and that he cared. Jehovah listens and will help, sometimes we just have to have the courage to help him help us.:sweat::welcome:

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Hi Lela, I've only just joined and look forward to getting to know you. I know one of my favourite scriptures (along with Psalm 55:22 which has already been mentioned) is Isaiah 41:13 "For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.’"

I hope this can be of some encouragement to you.

Christian love from Ireland, Martha

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thank you everyone for the encourgment and the scriptures.. I will writ them down adn read them and also come on here. thank you all for the support.. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone..

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hi lela from me here in the uk...

ive never been in your situation but the death of any loved one is heartbreaking.

lots of lovely scripture here already given and many helpful uplifting people.

keep praying to your/our loving god Jehovah, hes waiting to hear your prayer, to hear your reliance on him and he will answer you.

i will pray for you and your girls..

brotherly love stuagu

ps. and a dancing taz always cheers me up! :taz:

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thank you.. I love Taz.. he is awesome..lol..

hi lela from me here in the uk...

ive never been in your situation but the death of any loved one is heartbreaking.

lots of lovely scripture here already given and many helpful uplifting people.

keep praying to your/our loving god Jehovah, hes waiting to hear your prayer, to hear your reliance on him and he will answer you.

i will pray for you and your girls..

brotherly love stuagu

ps. and a dancing taz always cheers me up! :taz:

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Hi Lela,

I live in the land of the Taz Devil and sometimes my dancing even looks a little bit like the little Taz Devil dancing here, it's a very scary sight.

I know how hard it can be to get back to the meetings after a tragic event. I have been where you are.

I had to take baby steps meaning in that when I started going back I would sit in the car at first for the whole meeting. Then the next step was walking in to the hall when the meeting had started and sitting in one of the back rooms. This was up until a couple of years ago.

Even now I find walking into the hall before the meeting has started very challenging. I will often walk in with my husband & son, but I will sit in the toilet until I know the song has started, then I'll go in to the hall.

And I know of alot of others/friends both in my cong. and other congs. who suffer great anxiety when going to the meeting, especially after an event that has been traumatic emotionally.

I get great comfort in remembering that Jehovah knows our struggles and sees how hard it can be at times to get to the meetings.

I find comfort in the words at Is. 41:10-13 as someone had already quoted.

Also remembering that the things that cause us great pain and heartache in this system are temporary. Very soon we will be in the new world where Jehovah has wonderful things in store for us.

Keep pouring out your heart to Jehovah, he is very near to you and is always ready to support and help you.

Warm Christian Love,

Your Sister in Australia,

Kerri xx:flowers::taz::wave:

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