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GOD’s Theocratic Clock

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A drama about theocratic (god rule) time as it marches on . . . In step with god’s times and seasons, for he is a precise timekeeper.

((((tick-tock)))), ((((tick-tock)))) goes god’s theocratic clock! ((((tick-tock)))), (((bong!))) (((bong!))) (((bong!))) ((((tick-tock)))), on and on it goes to never stop, for eternity is its destiny.

Is my world, and are my hopes debased… or is my faith built on god’s rock? Oh, but the sand looks so very grand and time in the sun could be such fun… but ((((tick-tock)))), ((((tick-tock)))) on and on goes god’s grand clock.

Oh but to become an “in-crowd” god with nothing withheld! Or, to be on some violent trail! Time marches on in god’s grand scheme and to no avail.

Is the world just having fun with its wars and confusion, in its lost direction while for earth’s sons there is no correction. Values lost by everyone, look out, for within your mind no value will you find in your selection. ((((tick-tock)))) goes the clock, on and on.

“the adversary walks about like a roaring lion” … loudly, shockingly, boasting of his distractions, ((((tick-tock)))), and we might see no need for any actions, as within ourselves our senses become dulled through this most wicked faction. But, ((((tick-tock)))), ((((tick-tock)))), (((bong!))) (((bong!))) (((bong!))).. Goes another hour under his strong power.

Spiritual realities without god’s spirit cannot be perceived, lest he shows us mercifully, ((((tick-tock)))). We must turn around and “do what god requires, for the world is passing away and so is its desire”.

God controls theocratic time with precision, and is himself “a god of times and seasons.” Directly affected, we are by gods biological clock! “even the stork in the heavens well know their appointed time… and the turtle-dove and the swift, and the bul-bul” are within its control, its chime.

Under satan’s great influences the false stylus works in fabrication,.. Trying to heal the breakdown of the nations,.. While their time marches on to no-good, ((((tick-tock)))). “

“the stylus’ are lightly (sheepishly) saying, there is peace, when there is no peace!” Feeling no shame . . . For to them it has never been related, they are not even knowing how to feel humiliated!” For the disrespect of your great name, they shall themselves stumble before the god of the theocratic clock, in vain!

“the false prophets think of making my people forget my name,” “by means of dreams they relate” and within their versions for god’s name they ingratiate, saying too sacred it is to pronounce, lest their own failings they would have to announce, in so failing they invalidate the more than six thousand times in which of the original writings relate.

It is gods spirit by which we are taught, and within our own mind god puts his thoughts. “I am Jehovah, that is my name, and to no one else shall I give my own glory” -- my great fame!

((((((bong!)))))) – ((((((bong!))))))- ((((((bong!)))))) Goes the clock! God will never leave us in the dark. “for he is the father of celestial lights, in him there is no variation of the turning of the shadow,” and whatever it is we need he provides. He sees our needs as his guide!

“there is actually one god, the father (our provider), out of whom all things come, and we for him, and there is only one lord Jesus christ (our blessing) through whom all things are, and we through him! As times and seasons come aghast! (((bong!)))- (((bong!))) The seasons come along and times go on but the minutes will not last!

Ding-dong, ding-dong goes our doorbells at home. For god provides someone to interpret “the clocks’ times . . . Our times and seasons have come . . . And while the clock is forever and eternity is its’ destiny, the lord god Jehovah’s time and seasons pant on till our lord Jesus, the rock,.. Arrives as a destroyer among mankind, ((((tick-tock)))).

Says Jehovah: “come, now, you people, and let us see! We can set matters straight between you and me”. “though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow”; with a full pardon…

“if you people show willingness and do listen,.. The good of the land you will eat… but, if rebelliously you people refuse, with a sword you will be eaten up” complete; for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken it.”



Ed Littlefield

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