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Taken from Psalms 139


To me how precious your thoughts are... O god, from you!

Just how much does the grand sum of them amount to?

Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand.

I have awaked… and yet here I am - still with you, though I’m only a man.

You have become familiar even with all my ways…

So high up… that I cannot attain to it - during all my days.

Such knowledge… too wonderful it is from thee…

But, look!... O Jehovah… you already know - ALL of me.

Behind me and in front of me, you have inundated me…

And you placed your hand upon me, for me to see.

O Jehovah… for there is not a word on my tongue.

You have searched through me… and you know me and from whence I come.

You yourself have come to know my sitting down and my rising up…

Though you kept your place, you have considered my thoughts from far away.

My journeying and my lying outstretched - you have measured… but

Where can I go from your spirit and your love…

And where can I run away from your face?

If I should ascend to heaven, there you would be…

And if I should spread out my couch in [the grave],

Look! You [would be there] with me too!

Were I to take the wings of the dawn, that I might reside in the most remote sea,

There, also, your own hand would lead me and your right hand would lay hold of me

And were I to say: “surely darkness itself will hastily seize me!”

Then night would be light about me.

Even the darkness itself would not prove too dark, O Jehovah,

For you, itself would shine just as the day does… this night.

The darkness might just as well be the light.

For you yourself produced my kidneys;

You kept me screened off in the belly of my mother.

Yes! You were there with me and in a fear-inspiring way,

I shall laud you because I am wonderfully made, like no other.

I was made in secret, woven as if in the lowest parts of the earth too.

But, as my soul is very well aware, my bones were not hidden from you.

Your eyes saw and you watched as the sperm were fighting.

Even the embryo of me, in your book all its parts were down in writing;

As regards the days when they were formed

And there was not yet one among them born.

O that you, o god, would slay the wicked one!

Then me even the [murderers] will certainly depart from.

According to [their] idea, things about you they say;

Your [antagonists] have taken up [your name] in a worthless way

Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, o Jehovah,

And do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you over and over?

With a complete hatred I do hate them from one sea throughout all the seas,

They have become to me real enemies.

Search through me, o god, and know my heart.

Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts,

And see whether there is in me any painful way,

And lead me in the way of time indefinite where, with you, forever I will stay.

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