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I don't know,

is this it?

Peter often said his prayers

While walking up and down the stairs

While reaching in the kitchen fridge

And fishing from the local bridge.

The constancy of Peter’s pleas

Kept him often on his knees

And with his family by his side

To God he often would confide

His focus was on Paradise

And this worlds complete demise

All these thoughts ran through his head

As on the right path he would tread

Peter wasn’t odd you see

He prayed the same as you and me

So don’t forget be like Pete

Like him our lives will be complete

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This is probably not it either?

Peter was a little boy who often prayed with his father

All his little friends at school said ‘why do you even bother?’

Peter didn’t get dismayed, he kept his head held high

His peers at school, not very bright, said ‘why do you even try?

As Peter grew his faith grew too, he shined going door to door

His father beamed and and as if in a dream, became happy to the core

Pete’s friends at school grew up and then, had little focus in life

They had trouble at home, at work and alone, with lives that were tangled with strife.

Our Peter you see, found purpose in life He looked to the future with bright eyes

He advanced in the truth , was never uncouth, and with his dear dad sought the prize

So never be swayed by others who say ‘why do you bother or try?’

Because living forever in joy and good health , are things that our God will supply

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