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Be Like Anna...Not Like Miriam

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Allow me to apologize in advance, my dear sisters. I do not mean to disparage any of you...but I recently conducted a personal study about these two sisters...and I could not help but notice a definite and measurable difference between the two of them...at least in two circumstances mentioned in the Bible. 


First...let's take an example of Miriam's behavior...and as unfortunate as it was...it was recorded for all of our benefits...brother or sister. The article reference for the first two quotes can be found here: Questions From Readers — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)


She and her brother Aaron spoke out against Moses...and she was struck with leprosy because of it. Those are the plain and simple facts...and if we start to examine the why's of the situation...the Watchtower does not shy away from why Miriam was punished, and Aaron was not:


"The record of this event is found in Numbers chapter 12, and a plausible explanation can be given. Aaron at that time was high priest in Israel, and according to the requirements of the high priest as given in Leviticus chapter 21, and particularly Le 21 verses 20, 21, no Israelite of the household of Aaron, who had a plague in his flesh, scurvy or other blemish, could be high priest. So, if Aaron had been smitten with leprosy he would have been ejected from the priesthood, or at least for seven days that the leprosy would continue as in the case of Miriam. (Num. 12:15) It was evidently his office that saved Aaron from such dire punishment. Also, the record is plain that when Miriam was smitten with leprosy it was a painful experience to Aaron and caused him to cry out on her behalf, which brotherly pain that he felt was no doubt punishment enough for him. We would often prefer to endure pain ourselves than to have those we love dearly undergo it.—Num. 12:10-12."


Before you judge Miriam too harshly...just know that the bible speaks of her favorably after this point: "And while it was certainly not right for Aaron to criticize Moses, it was even more presumptuous for Miriam to do so, in view of the woman’s assigned place of subjection to the man in the congregation of God. So God punished her with leprosy, and that humbled her in the sight of everyone. For seven days she was on the outside, and then she was brought back and restored to her station. In time she died and was buried with restored respect in Israel and in the favor of God." (See Micah 6:4)



Jehovah took this opportunity to show...visibly...how he felt about this sister at the moment. The leprosy was an outward sign that she was ugly on the inside...and as unbelievable as it may seem...Jehovah was showing her mercy...even by today's standards!! 


How can I say that?? We certainly aren't struck with leprosy today...so how can I use today's standards as a measuring rod to say that this sister received Divine mercy??


Friends...when a person is disfellowshipped in our congregations...how long must they "sit on the sidelines"...so to speak? Six months? A year?


Miriam was disfellowshipped for seven days...that's right...you read that right...and here is the reference to prove it: Keeping the Organization Clean — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org):


"Now we can turn to another example in the Bible. Numbers 12 tells us about Miriam and Aaron. They got a little high-minded. Miriam was Aaron and Moses’ sister, but she became proud and foolish. Because she wanted to take the position of a man in the congregation and have something to say about the arrangements of the Lord among the Israelites, she was stricken with leprosy. She had to be disfellowshiped or put out of the congregation for seven days; and then only after the pleading of her brother Moses to Jehovah to save her life so He would not kill her with leprosy, she was cleansed and came back."


Her outrage about was going on in Jehovah's organization motivated her to speak out...it thrust her into a place of outrage and anger that propelled her forward...and she demanded  change. Was she right? According to Jehovah...the simple answer is...no. She forgot her place...and spoke out against the anointed of Jehovah.


But ummmmm...wait one cotton picking minute!!! Hold up there, Mr. Slick!!!!


I can hear some of the sisters making the following objection... (I actually heard the following argument used against this account) ... MY  objections are different...Miriam was clearly in the wrong...she had zero business challenging Moses's authority...but MY  objections are valid...they are about things that have actually happened in the congregation...and are STILL going on. What do you have to say about that???


Anna had a lot to say about it...and she said it with her silence to others in Jehovah's organization.


First...we know that Anna was, like Miriam, also considered a Prophetess...she had become a widow after only 7 years of marriage. We know that the scriptures say she was "never missing from the temple", and this was at 84 years of age. In fact, as the priest offered incense in the temple each morning and evening, Anna would be with the assembled crowd in the courtyard offering silent prayer for perhaps half an hour.


She had no idea that, centuries later...brothers and sisters would still be encouraged by her upbuilding example. But a closer look gives us an added detail that I had missed prior to my deep dive into this personal study...thus I am sharing it with all of you: She Was Not Too Old to Serve Jehovah — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)


"Anna rendered sacred service to Jehovah night and day. She did this “with fastings and supplications,” indicating mourning and earnest longing. (Luke 2:37) The centuries-long Jewish subjection to Gentile powers, coupled with the deteriorating religious conditions that reached even to the temple and its priesthood, could well have accounted for Anna’s fastings and supplications to Jehovah God."


Do you see the difference? 


Our dear sister Anna had legitimate concerns...true worship was crumbling around her ears...her heart ached for answers...for justice to be meted out from Jehovah...and yet...instead of putting her feelings out to the congregation as a whole...instead of pointing accusing fingers at those truly responsible...this dear sister fasted and supplicated...two strong words that show deep despair and concerns...and then simply trusted that Jehovah would take of it all.


She had her say in her heart...and left the rest up to Jehovah.


That...my friends...was a true example of a spiritual woman!!


I pray that Jehovah gives me the strength and the wisdom to act like our dear sister Anna...and to take heed of Miriam's example...because that's the difference between true faith...and attempting to take matters into our own hands.

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