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3 hours ago, Landon1285 said:

I like this site cause I can find like minded individuals without too much criticism. 


Agreed. I got counseled by an elder about "speculation" when I wondered if our eye color might change in the NS (due to health defects/abnormalities we have now).


Not everyone can hypothesize. 

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Thank you very much Tim for your kind words and specially for sharing that beautiful experience, that touched our hearts deep here at home.

I love this site and its people and wait for the time when we all meet in person.

Some of you make me happy with your happiness and joy, some of you make me sad with your sadness and problems, and some of you even made me angry a couple of times with unkind words.

But I just love you all, my true family are my brothers and sisters.

Edited by Paulo


Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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5 hours ago, Paulo said:

Thank you very much Tim for your kind words and specially for sharing that beautiful experience, that touched our hearts deep here at home.

I love this site and its people and wait for the time when we all meet in person.

Some of you make me happy with your happiness and joy, some of you make me sad with your sadness and problems, and some of you even made me angry a couple of times with unkind words.

But I just love you all, my true family are my brothers and sisters.


Thank you, Paulo...and to everyone who responded. It's not easy to face this world and all the evil in it...I can only imagine how people in the world face it day after day with no real hope.


Our hope is sure...our faith is based on reality. But Satan has made his false reality so attractive, so appealing...so unbelievably...in the moment...that sometimes it can be hard to see past its insistent glare. 


A brother from Bethel used to stand by the Brooklyn Bridge and look out over what he could see of the glittering landscape of New York...and he used to say, "This perfectly encapsulates Satan's system...it only glitters and glows in the darkness."


At our worst...petty squabbles and all...we not only outshine Satan's world and everything he offers...we outclass the absolute best he has to offer !


At his absolute best...Satan can offer you wealth and fame all their entrapments in this system...and once you have wasted over half your life or better to achieve those things...you will find out, (just like the rest of the world), that they are hollow...empty...worthless. 


I started this post to show all of us, staff included...that Jehovah is not limited to our Kingdom Halls...our assemblies...our convention...or even our car groups...Jehovah can reach right through cyber space and touch each and every single one of us...he fully understands our longing to be among true friends...and he knows the aching in our hearts to be heard...to be understood.


Like our dear sister mentioned in my experience...each of us, at one time or another, contributed without understanding that we, in fact...are the true beneficiaries. 


I just want to reach out to each and every single one of you reading these words...all other things to the side...and say that each and every single one of you are a brilliant light shining in the darkness...and I personally appreciate each of you. Your ability to recognize truth...to take a stand against Satan and his wicked system...it fills me with love for all of you. 


We know what we're up against...we understand the personal sacrifices we have to give to carry out this fight...day after day.


I look up...and I see Jehovah's four angels...struggling mightily to hold back the winds of destruction. I look up...and I see the angels above us...helping us...guiding us to those who still have the right heart condition.  I look up...and I see Jehovah and his son...watching us...cheering us on as we struggle through the quicksand of Satan's system to do what is right.


Then I look down...around me. 


I see my brothers and sisters in my local congregation...loving and kind...putting themselves out for us who need it most. I look around me...and I see our elders...struggling under tremendous burdens for all they have to bear in our congregations and all the work they do for the LDC and every other group they can assist...and I cry...because I cannot imagine the burdens they bear on our behalf. 


Then I look around me...and I see those around me on this site...and I see how hard the staff works to vet posts and how hard they work at being diligent at trying to make sure that all of us have an upbuilding experience on here...and then I look around me again...at all of the brothers and sisters so hesitant to make sure that anything they post is loving and kind...and always conscientious of how their words can make someone else feel...and I thank my God that I have spiritual friends who care so deeply about me...that they would feel pain to see me cry...and I start to cry all over again...because that, my dear dear friends...is how I personally know Jehovah is real.


You see, I want to be understood...I want to be heard...and I want to know that when I reach out...those who respond do so because they know Jehovah has, at some point, touched them as well...and they want to help me understand that Jehovah will help me in the same way. 


So please know...each one of you...that if you have but simply reacted to one of my posts...or commented in some way...I treasure that...and I know that MY God does as well. I love all of you...and ask that each of you...whether you believe it will help or not...gives yourself a virtual hug from me.


Jehovah loves you...and so do I! May we all see each other in the new system...and may we all continue to help each other in any and every way possible until that point!!

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JWTalk 23.8.11 (changelog)