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(Job Chapters 1 & 2)

At the Circuit Overseer's visit he gave a talk and it was centered on being tired and weary.

We are so tired in this day and age and the brother mentioned Jeremiah and how after being put in stocks for just one day, he was complaining and cursing the man that announced his birth and wishing that he had died in his mum's womb.

Why? He was tired.

Then he asked what comes to mind when you think of Job's wife. Most people think of her telling Job to curse god and die (Job 2:9).

The Circuit Overseer asks why she wasn't rebuked with the three 'so-called' comforters.

It was brought out that Job's wife was tired.

Probably more tired than you can imagine...

Think of this:

When the messengers told Job that he had lost all his livestock, Job's wife lost hers too.

When Job was told that he had lost all his land and material goods, Job's wife lost hers too.

When the messengers told Job that he had lost all his children, Job's wife lost hers too.

The children that you carried for 9 months, bonded with as you breast-fed each and everyone of them, watched them grow up and stand tall, only to lose them all at once violently.

Was she tired? Yes!

Then, to make matters worse, (if they could get any worse), your husband mysteriously and suddenly develops huge boils all over his body that are open and oozing pus and stench.

You watch as the man you love, the father of your children cracks a pottery jar and begins to dig and scratch himself in order to alleviate some of the pain, but to no avail.

This man, who has been all that to you, is staying away because his breath is so bad that no one can stand it.

And you can only sit by helpless, without any explanation for anything.

Do you want to continue to see him suffer or would you too want him to die?

Most of us would want a loved one out of their misery.

So when Job's wife said curse God and die, she wasn't being disloyal to Jehovah, she wanted her husband's misery to be over.

It was an act of love.

She was tired!!

In the end, not only was she not reproved but, she was blessed with everything that Job received, more children, more wealth and a healthy husband.

There are times when, due to our health problems either physical, or mental, that we are not doing all that we feel that we should.

Once I was in such a state.

A young friend asked me if I considered Job a faithful man?

Of course, I said, 'oh yes!'

Then she lovingly pointed out, that at one time, all Job could do, was sit in the dirt, and scrape his sores.

That was his act of worship, proving Satan a liar.

He did not lose faith.

So, next time you are being hard on yourself for circumstances beyond your control....

remember the account of Job and his wife.

We can, in spite of our circumstances, still give a reply even if we are just breathing and praying to Jehovah to get through the next minute whether it is physical or mental distress.

We can be likened to Job, only able to scrape his sores and praying to get through this trial, yet we are still doing what Jehovah has asked us.

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That just almost brings tears to my eyes as we forget that these were real people with feelings and pain-physical and emotional and while I have not had it as bad as Job in that way, I have had my share of problems-even wanting to give up and die at times but yet never can I give up on Jehovah. I am always grateful for having the truth that has kept me sane through my difficulties.

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