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Teens, stop sucking each other's blood or you're grounded! (An Article)

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While I will never make a blanket statement that this or that movie is bad or that we cannot watch something, because such things are conscience matters, the truth is such things can seriously affect us.

Here is an article that shows parents need to be keenly aware of what their children are obsessing over...

Teens, stop sucking each other's blood or you're grounded!

JoNel Aleccia writes: Bizarre teen trends have been horrifying parents for generations, but health officials are warning that a vampire-inspired biting fad could be dangerous, not to mention disgusting.

Teenagers obsessed with the “Twilight” vampire saga, or those simply fascinated with fangs, reportedly have been biting each other -- hard – and then licking or sucking the blood.

“These are kids who think they are real vampires,” said Dr. Orly Avitzur, the medical advisor to Consumers Union, the agency that publishes Consumer Reports magazine.

Avitzur said conversations with teens and sessions spent trolling vampire-related teen Web sites convinced her that the trend was taking hold. Indeed, groups like “I drink blood,” a category at www.experienceproject.com, and “I want to be a vampire” at the site www.43things.com are filled with apparent posts from young people with a yearning for blood.

“Having that thick, warm copper-tasting blood in my mouth is the best thing I can think of!” wrote a teenager identified as “GothicGirl10” this year. “Sometimes my boyfriend lets me feed off him. I let him feed off me as well.”

Such talk alarms medical experts, who warn about the dangers of blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis and HIV, as well as the risk of nasty infections. Typically, 10 to 15 percent of human bites wounds become infected.

“If you break the skin, your mouth is pretty dirty,” said Dr. Thomas Abshire, a pediatric blood and cancer specialist and spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics. “The human mouth flora is dirtier than a dog or cat’s.”

Equally worrisome is the motive behind the acts, the idea of branding or owning another person, the experts said.

“If you think about it, there is such glamorization in those teen vampire movies, they make it seem so sexy and appealing and intriguing,” Avitzur said. “It’s all mixed up with passion.”

But at least one teen who likes to bite says adults have got it all wrong. Michael Kaplor, 16, of Dallas, says he was biting his girlfriend intermittently for more than a year because the intimacy of it, not for any gothic obsession.

“It’s really gotten a bad rap because of this whole vampire thing,” said Kaplor.

In reality, he said, a lot of teens bite – and leave marks – for the thrill of it.

“You feel it for a considerable amount of time afterwards,” he said. “It’s the way you receive happiness.”

Some people do draw blood, but that’s where Kaplor draws the line.

“Kids don’t understand how dangerous blood is,” the high-schooler said, “especially if it’s not your own blood.”

Do you know teens who’ve turned vampire obsession into a real-life drama? Tell us here.

Article Source: http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/09/23/5166992-love-bites-teens-stop-sucking-each-others-blood-or-youre-grounded


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I read this yesterday on MSNBC and I really just didn't know what to think. It is absolutely disgusting what some of the young people today are involved with. I havn't let my children see any of these vampire movies and after reading this article, I'm glad. This world is really going downhill. Truly disgusting.

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Wow... Things like this are really interesting to me because when the series first came out in book form, I loved it. Its such a huge romance and adventure that it really draws teens, especially teen girls, into it and you either "forget" that they're vampires or it makes vampires seem "cool" because he's a "good vampire". So once I started studying it took a long time for me to understand and accept Jehovah's viewpoint on the matter. And although I know some people come to different conclusions about this movie, you're absolutely right about how influential it can be... Its crazy.

But its not even always "bad things" that can be really influential. I know of several sisters who won't read any romance novels because they always have the "perfect man" in them and it makes you want that... and at the same time start to resent your husband for not being as "sweet" and perfect.

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Wow... Things like this are really interesting to me because when the series first came out in book form, I loved it.... And although I know some people come to different conclusions about this movie, you're absolutely right about how influential it can be... Its crazy.

That's why I won't make a blanket statement about a conscience matter. I know brothers and sisters who have seen these movies, and walk away unscathed, and are no better or worse for having seen it. Besides, who am I to judge.

BUT, we ARE warned about these things, and articles like this prove why. When I was not in the truth as a young lad I watched vampire movies... the ones featuring real vampires and not these sissy high school boy vampires :-) They were the bad guys and the good guys would win. Didn't phase me whatsoever.

But then I had friends who decided that they were "gothic" and would wear black and intentionally avoid the sun so they could be as pale looking as possible and would dress up and wear fangs and stuff. Absolutely ridiculous! But it proves that some people are really impressionable, just as this article brings out, and that these influences can be strong and harmful.

That why I made the statement to watch what are kids are *obsessing* over, whether it is this, or anything else.

But its not even always "bad things" that can be really influential. I know of several sisters who won't read any romance novels because they always have the "perfect man" in them and it makes you want that... and at the same time start to resent your husband for not being as "sweet" and perfect.

I know an older single sister who lives off these. She'll be the first to tell you to blow it out your ear if you try to counsel her about it :tongue:


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I really don't get the fascination over these stories. Vampires are supposed to be monsters, right? But because they have been romanticized by authors, children now think they are misunderstood heroes or something. It's sad, really.

Pretty much :-)

Back when I was a kid, vampires were monsters that needed to be exterminated or run out of town. Today, they are the perfect dinner date. Completely backwards.

Your choice of word is appropriate... "fascination". When it gets to that point, someone's got a problem for sure.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Interesting.... This is a big topic with my wife and I. Can't get over how fellow brothers and sisters can be such fans of the Twilight Saga after Jehovah clearly said "DO NOT EAT BLOOD." Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person. Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures and in spite of speculation by literary historian Brian Frost that the "belief in vampires and bloodsucking demons is as old as man himself". It's wierd, they will preach from the platform to stay away from magic, voodoo, black/white magic, oiuja boards, tarot, etc all because it is DEMONIC, yet have the nerves to be fans of demons.

When I lived in WA state, I lost the truth when I was 17 and went to a college party there were a few people that had their teeths fixed to be vampires. They were doing seances, dancing in a pentagram (that was WILD to watch), spells, and speaking in tongues. I have never been under such a black, strong influence before. These weren't "monsters" I was dealing with, these were Jehovah's fallen angels. Nothing on earth was more powerful than them. For once I was in fear for my life, but didn't care.

In my eyes, demons are not monsters. In my mind there is a HUGE difference between the two. Monsters are made up, figments of the imagination, "fake" until proven real: big foot, aliens, Chupacabra, boogie man in my closet.

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Interesting.... This is a big topic with my wife and I. Can't get over how fellow brothers and sisters can be such fans of the Twilight Saga after Jehovah clearly said "DO NOT EAT BLOOD." Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person. Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures and in spite of speculation by literary historian Brian Frost that the "belief in vampires and bloodsucking demons is as old as man himself". It's wierd, they will preach from the platform to stay away from magic, voodoo, black/white magic, oiuja boards, tarot, etc all because it is DEMONIC, yet have the nerves to be fans of demons.

When I lived in WA state, I lost the truth when I was 17 and went to a college party there were a few people that had their teeths fixed to be vampires. They were doing seances, dancing in a pentagram (that was WILD to watch), spells, and speaking in tongues. I have never been under such a black, strong influence before. These weren't "monsters" I was dealing with, these were Jehovah's fallen angels. Nothing on earth was more powerful than them. For once I was in fear for my life, but didn't care.

In my eyes, demons are not monsters. In my mind there is a HUGE difference between the two. Monsters are made up, figments of the imagination, "fake" until proven real: big foot, aliens, Chupacabra, boogie man in my closet.

I learned some years ago not to tell my fellow brothers and sisters what movies they should see or not see. I was babysitting some kids of an elder at my hall when I was 18. I took the kids to a disney movie, and afterwards the parents were very upset with me for taking the kids to this movie. Still not sure why, but they are allowed their opinion. After that experience, I never suggested movies to people again. It's a conscious matter for all of us what movies we see. But these new movies like the Twilight Saga, I just honestly don't see how any brothers and sisters can see these movies. I know a few who have seen them, and I have refrained from saying anything to them as it is not our place to judge, but it really bothers me when they tell me they have seen these kind of movies.

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The irony of all these vampire and mystical movies is when I go to Walmart the Bibles there are in the same section as the vampire books like the series of movies and other demonic teaching books. How ridiculous!

That is ironic and sad at the same time.

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I learned some years ago not to tell my fellow brothers and sisters what movies they should see or not see. I was babysitting some kids of an elder at my hall when I was 18. I took the kids to a disney movie' date=' and afterwards the parents were very upset with me for taking the kids to this movie. Still not sure why, but they are allowed their opinion. After that experience, I never suggested movies to people again. It's a conscious matter for all of us what movies we see. But these new movies like the Twilight Saga, I just honestly don't see how any brothers and sisters can see these movies. I know a few who have seen them, and I have refrained from saying anything to them as it is not our place to judge, but it really bothers me when they tell me they have seen these kind of movies.[/quote']

I agree. However, I am the one that speaks my mind, and I can be harsh about it. If brothers and sisters do not want to heed what Jehovah tells us, then they are part of the "bad association". As a brother, I can counsel an elder if I believe he is doing something wrong. I can understand keeping one's mouth shut about "minor" movies, however, when it comes to dealing with something that could grieve the holy spirit, such as eating blood, I will say something. I have yet to be counseled about it, and I wait for that time because I feel what I am doing is correct. We are suppose to imitate Jesus, correct? Jesus corrected people's thinking and actions when they went against Jehovah's laws. If I don't say anything, and something was to happen to that person in Armegeddon because of that one thing, I could be held bloodguilty because I knew about it, and chose not to do anything. I know it may seem harsh, but it's who I am. The thing is, my uncle is an elder and I will approach him with the information, no names, and ask him "What should I do?" I take his word to heart! BTW, he's an elder I have counseled. LOL! Since then, he has taken the counsel to heart and practice!!!

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My Grandchildren are not teenagers, just 5 and 7, and already Halloween has creeped into their lives. I advise them that blood is precious to Jehovah. He created blood, its meaning is life and we should respect that. He has told us in his Word to not eat it, either physically or mentally. There is a lot of blood connected to Halloween, facing children soon.

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I learned some years ago not to tell my fellow brothers and sisters what movies they should see or not see. I was babysitting some kids of an elder at my hall when I was 18. I took the kids to a disney movie' date=' and afterwards the parents were very upset with me for taking the kids to this movie. Still not sure why, but they are allowed their opinion. After that experience, I never suggested movies to people again. It's a conscious matter for all of us what movies we see. But these new movies like the Twilight Saga, I just honestly don't see how any brothers and sisters can see these movies. I know a few who have seen them, and I have refrained from saying anything to them as it is not our place to judge, but it really bothers me when they tell me they have seen these kind of movies.[/quote']

I agree. However, I am the one that speaks my mind, and I can be harsh about it. If brothers and sisters do not want to heed what Jehovah tells us, then they are part of the "bad association". As a brother, I can counsel an elder if I believe he is doing something wrong. I can understand keeping one's mouth shut about "minor" movies, however, when it comes to dealing with something that could grieve the holy spirit, such as eating blood, I will say something. I have yet to be counseled about it, and I wait for that time because I feel what I am doing is correct. We are suppose to imitate Jesus, correct? Jesus corrected people's thinking and actions when they went against Jehovah's laws. If I don't say anything, and something was to happen to that person in Armegeddon because of that one thing, I could be held bloodguilty because I knew about it, and chose not to do anything. I know it may seem harsh, but it's who I am. The thing is, my uncle is an elder and I will approach him with the information, no names, and ask him "What should I do?" I take his word to heart! BTW, he's an elder I have counseled. LOL! Since then, he has taken the counsel to heart and practice!!!

If it is someone I am close too, I will say something. I am more careful with ones I do not know very well. If they ask me to attend the movie or ask me what my opinion is on the movie, I will say something. I can definitely say, it's a bit different when you are a sister, lol. As a sister, if a brother was to say to me he saw this movie, I wouldn't counsel him. I would go to my husband and let him handle it. If it's a sister who said to me they saw this movie, then I would be more comfortable saying something. I tend to pick my battles I guess you can say, lol. Every situation is different and needs to be handled in it's own way.

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If it is someone I am close too, I will say something. I am more careful with ones I do not know very well. If they ask me to attend the movie or ask me what my opinion is on the movie, I will say something. I can definitely say, it's a bit different when you are a sister, lol. As a sister, if a brother was to say to me he saw this movie, I wouldn't counsel him. I would go to my husband and let him handle it. If it's a sister who said to me they saw this movie, then I would be more comfortable saying something. I tend to pick my battles I guess you can say, lol. Every situation is different and needs to be handled in it's own way.

Anybody can counsel anybody. The idea that sisters cannot counsel brothers is just another one of those taboos.

However, no matter who you are, the method in which you deliver some counsel could mean everything. I would never tell someone they offend Jehovah, are a bad association, or anything else that amounts to a put down, right in the other persons face. That's not counsel, it's an attack.

But when someone is speaking about having seen the movie, I can ask "And don't those vampires, occult overtones, and eating of blood bother your conscience?" and allow them to answer. It might not, but just the question alone might make them think that maybe it should. I would especially do this if it were in a group setting and they were encouraging others to go see it.

As far as what I watch, I have learned to keep it to myself, because at the same time there is always that brother or sister that thinks everything is bad.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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In my eyes, anything that dabbles in the occult is demonic and all christians should not be involved in it. I think Bobs advice is good to ask them if it bothers their conscious and let them bite. But either way...bad associations spoil useful habits and I would definately not want to associate with them. Demons can sneak in my house if they are there (in my humble opinion). I have enough problems just living in this wicked world without inviting them into my life!

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In my eyes, anything that dabbles in the occult is demonic and all christians should not be involved in it. I think Bobs advice is good to ask them if it bothers their conscious and let them bite. But either way...bad associations spoil useful habits and I would definately not want to associate with them.

I would not judge someone as a bad associate based on a movie they might have seen.

I might think this way if they repeatedly ignore counsel and have a habit of watching such movies.

For example...

Sister A watches Twilight. So what? She should keep it to herself.

Brother B habitually watches every installment of Nightmare on Elmstreet, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Saw, Night of the Living Dead, etc, and encourages others to watch it too. Keep this one marked and don't associate with him.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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In my eyes, anything that dabbles in the occult is demonic and all christians should not be involved in it. I think Bobs advice is good to ask them if it bothers their conscious and let them bite. But either way...bad associations spoil useful habits and I would definately not want to associate with them.

I would not judge someone as a bad associate based on a movie they might have seen.

I might think this way if they repeatedly ignore counsel and have a habit of watching such movies.

For example...

Sister A watches Twilight. So what? She should keep it to herself.

Brother B habitually watches every installment of Nightmare on Elmstreet, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Saw, Night of the Living Dead, etc, and encourages others to watch it too. Keep this one marked and don't associate with him.

Would you associate with a brother or sister, who willingly accepted a blood transfusion for a surgery, to keep alive?

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Would you associate with a brother or sister, who willingly accepted a blood transfusion for a surgery, to keep alive?

I don't think this question has any relevance at all.

Accepting a blood transfusion is a gross sin, akin to committing adultery, murder, or anything else that might result in expulsion from the congregation. Watching Twilight is not a gross sin, and nobody will get expelled from the congregation for watching it. They might get some counsel, as we have been discussing here, but in the end, you can do what you wanna do in accord with your Bible trained conscience, or lack thereof.

This is why I qualified my statements above with the sister who "should keep it to herself" and the brother "who encourages others to watch it too". The latter is clearly bad association within the congregation. The former, not necessarily, and if she kept it to herself, how would anyone know anyway.

But in regards to your question, "Would you associate with a brother or sister, who willingly accepted a blood transfusion for a surgery, to keep alive?", it is not that simply cut and dry.

A brother or sister could have succumbed to accepting a blood transfusion to keep alive and feel totally remorseful about it. Obviously this would have been a caving into pressure, whether from her family members, or fear, for after all, her life was on the line. As a result she may have immediately confessed her sin both to Jehovah and to her congregation elders with tears and weeping. A judicial committee may be formed to determine if she is truly repentant and remorseful, and they may determine that she is and that she is not a threat to the congregation and therefore will not expel her and will focus on trying to help her recover spiritually and become stronger.

Someone like that is certainly in need of good Christian association, don't you think?

As a servant in my congregation, I look to build up my brothers and sisters.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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If it is someone I am close too, I will say something. I am more careful with ones I do not know very well. If they ask me to attend the movie or ask me what my opinion is on the movie, I will say something. I can definitely say, it's a bit different when you are a sister, lol. As a sister, if a brother was to say to me he saw this movie, I wouldn't counsel him. I would go to my husband and let him handle it. If it's a sister who said to me they saw this movie, then I would be more comfortable saying something. I tend to pick my battles I guess you can say, lol. Every situation is different and needs to be handled in it's own way.

Anybody can counsel anybody. The idea that sisters cannot counsel brothers is just another one of those taboos.

However, no matter who you are, the method in which you deliver some counsel could mean everything. I would never tell someone they offend Jehovah, are a bad association, or anything else that amounts to a put down, right in the other persons face. That's not counsel, it's an attack.

But when someone is speaking about having seen the movie, I can ask "And don't those vampires, occult overtones, and eating of blood bother your conscience?" and allow them to answer. It might not, but just the question alone might make them think that maybe it should. I would especially do this if it were in a group setting and they were encouraging others to go see it.

As far as what I watch, I have learned to keep it to myself, because at the same time there is always that brother or sister that thinks everything is bad.

You are right that we are allowed to say something, sister or brother. I may not be explaining myself well here, lol. As a sister, I have learned with some people, it's best for me not to say something to them directly, but let my husband or someone else handle it. As I said earlier, every situation is different, every person is different and each situation needs to be handled in it's own way. Basically, I make a decision as to say something based on many factors and then depending on everything, I will either say something, or I will let someone else handle it. I have learned over the years that speaking my mind to everyone about everything doesn't always work. Situations and people are different and tact needs to be involved and yes, sometimes it's best for me not to be the one to say something, rather it's better for the counsel to come from someone else.

Hopefully, that is better explained, lol. Hard sometimes to explain your position and feelings on the internet.

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As I said earlier, every situation is different, every person is different and each situation needs to be handled in it's own way.

True. True. :yes:

I have learned over the years that speaking my mind to everyone about everything doesn't always work. Situations and people are different and tact needs to be involved and yes, sometimes it's best for me not to be the one to say something, rather it's better for the counsel to come from someone else.

Hopefully, that is better explained, lol. Hard sometimes to explain your position and feelings on the internet.

Yes, I get it.

And you are right about the difficulty in conveying things over the internet. The typed words lack the depth of feeling in the voice. Even a hand written letter is more easily understood than emails or posts.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Actually, I think what made these vampires interesting to a lot of teenagers is the romance in the novels about them. They were painted with a different colour other than pale white. Now, they are sparkling people! I remember someone else who was described in the Bible as "sparkling" - like an angel of light. They seem to belong in the same group. hehehehe!

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That is a good point, Joy....a sparkling angel of light.

In my eyes, I still wouldnt think that a Christian would want to watch a TV show about humans that died and came back to life as imortal creature that drink blood any more than they would want to watch 2 people having sex. I wouldnt anyway. It's demonic and evil! Of course, if someone is watching it and not telling anyone, well we wouldnt know about it, would we, but Jehovah would bring it out eventually if it would harm the congregation. To each his own and I dont wqant to throw my conscious on anyone, but personally I don't want anything to do at all with demons! We have to deal with them enough as it is without going out there inviting them into our lives.

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I like the 'angel of light' comparison too.

And in a sense, that is what has happened to the vampire these days as well since it has been romanticized. What was at one time always depicted as bad and evil, is now depicted as good hearted, misunderstood, unfortunate, and unfairly prejudiced against. Yesterdays much to be feared vampire is today's angel of light.

And LaRhonda, your position based on your conscience is oh so valid, and so stick to it girl! I certainly hope I wasn't misunderstood.

There are some people in the congregation that try as I might, I just don't get them. But that's okay, because I am sure some people just don't get me either. It's all good :yes:


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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