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You Talk Funny - English!





English is a funny language, not just because of its confusing grammar and spelling but because it refuses to stay the same. It adapts, morphs, and picks up odd phrases as it travels the globe. Whether you’re from Massachusetts, Manchester, or Melbourne, English speakers everywhere have their quirks—and sometimes, they can leave you scratching your head (or banging a “u-ey” in frustration). Let’s take a tour of English quirks and laugh along the way.


From Trousers to Thongs (No, Not Those Thongs)

In America, “pants” are what you wear on your legs, but in the UK, they’re what you wear under your trousers. So, when an English friend tells you to “put your pants on,” they’re asking you to get fully dressed, not just halfway there.


And speaking of confusing clothing, Australians call flip-flops “thongs.” Imagine the panic of an American tourist when their Aussie host says, “Don’t forget to grab your thongs before heading to the beach!”


“Bubblers,” “Privies,” and the Throne

New Englanders have a unique way of keeping you hydrated. If you’re in Massachusetts and someone points you to the “bubbler,” they’re not directing you to a decorative fountain in the park. It’s their term for a drinking fountain—because apparently, water bubbling up from a spout needed a better name.


On the flip side, outdoor toilets (aka outhouses) take on names that seem just as creative. Australians call them “dunnies,” while South Africans might direct you to the “long drop.” In Canada, the term “biffy” is common, and in some parts of the US, it’s affectionately known as the “johnnyhouse.” Sailors, of course, keep it nautical with the term “head,” which might sound respectable until you learn it’s because of its location at the ship’s bow.


Permission to Visit the Lavatory

If you were a Massachusetts kid in the 1960s or 70s, asking to “go to the bathroom” wasn’t the norm. No, you politely raised your hand and asked to visit the “lavatory.” Whether this was an attempt to make bathroom trips sound more refined or just a quirky regional tradition, it definitely added some weight to the task.


Southern Charm and “Fixins”

In the Southern United States, the language is as warm and rich as their sweet tea. If someone says they’re “fixin’ to” do something, don’t assume they’re making repairs—they’re just about to get started. Meanwhile, if you’re “busy as a cat on a hot tin roof,” you’re probably running around like mad trying to get things done. And don’t forget the ultimate Southern expression: “Bless your heart.” It can mean anything from genuine sympathy to a polite way of pointing out your shortcomings, depending on the tone.


“Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater”

It’s a catchy English saying, but its origin isn’t quite what you’ve heard. The idea that the phrase comes from families bathing in shared water, with the baby being bathed last and possibly thrown out with the dirty water, is a myth. The phrase actually derives from a 16th-century German proverb. But that’s not our topic today.

Pronunciation: The Great Divide

Even when we agree on the words, we can’t seem to agree on how to say them. Americans “sked-jool” their appointments, while the British “shed-yool” theirs. And while Americans grab a “tomayto” for their sandwich, the Brits will slice up a “tomahto.”


Other linguistic quirks include the British “vitamin” (rhymes with “bit”) versus the American “vitamin” (rhymes with “bite”). Then there’s the aluminum versus aluminium debate—where Brits insist on the extra syllable and Americans just shrug.


The Funny Side of English

One of the joys of English is how it keeps us laughing—and sometimes scratching our heads. Whether it’s the Aussie who wants you to grab your thongs, the New Englander pointing you to the bubbler, or the Southerner who’s “fixin’ to” get something done, these quirks remind us that language is as much about culture as it is about communication.


So, the next time you’re “winging it” (did you know that term came from underprepared actors in the theater?), just remember—you’re not alone. English speakers everywhere are making it up as they go along.



The Watchtower, “What Do You Mean by ‘Shakes,’ ‘Shingles’ and ‘Froes’?” Awake!, 1978

Regional slang collected from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, South Africa, Canada, and the United States

The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between American and British English by Lynne Murphy

Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way by Bill Bryson

The Story of English by Robert McCrum, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil

I am sure there are so many others that you know of, and I would love it if you would share it below. - Dave

Edited by dljbsp


Recommended Comments

Had no idea about thongs in Australia. 😅

Canadian here, but I have never heard of biffy. Must be a regional term or something from the past…but my fellow Canadians can clarify.🙃


I am losing my English here in Germany, but for washrooms, it is quite normal to address them as toilet, instead of any descriptive words about it. So it’s quite normal to say to “go to the toilet“, or “where is the toilet“? It sounds a bit too direct if you grew up referring to it as washroom, restroom or bathroom. It‘s like saying “I am going to the can“, which is a funny phrase in itself.

Edited by Amygdala
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