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May be this is just for the older ones...when if you have... come to the realization that you are mortal.

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May be this is just for the older ones...when... if you have... come to the realization that you are mortal...and that one day you will die...(I am happy soul aren't I :D)...

In my mid 40's...I had some sort of pancreatic/gallbladder attack...and I thought I was going to die...obviously I didn't...but I personally realized that one day we really will die...

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I'm 35 now. I was invincible till 33, and 34 was the year I became aware of my mortality.

34 brought me...

1) My first root canal.

2) A bad knee.

3) Tendonitis in my elbow.

4) A desire to wear my glasses.

5) No longer in denial that I have lost considerable amounts of hair.

6) I grew out my goatee and it is 75% GRAY!


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I always was sure, I'll never die, Har-Magedon will come when I'm still a kid (I was quite surprised after finshing school that I had to start working, never thought so far into the future...)

Now I'm 33, still young, and I look so much younger that I actually am. Last october our circuit overseer's wife was surprised when I offered to drive her, she never had thought that I already have my driver's licsense (which you get with 18 in Austria)! :whistlin

But still I know that we can't be sure that the end of this system will come so soon, as 25 years have passed for me, could be the same time again or even more (what I don't hope!)

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May be this is just for the older ones...when... if you have... come to the realization that you are mortal...and that one day you will die...(I am happy soul aren't I :D)...

In my mid 40's...I had some sort of pancreatic/gallbladder attack...and I thought I was going to die...obviously I didn't...but I personally realized that one day we really will die...

I had major surgery in 2009 when I was 39. I had lost a lot of blood and was extremely anemic. My hemoglobin was 4 (about 1/4th normal levels). One doctor said he was "terrified" to operate on me without blood. I was hospitalized for a month before it to try to build it up a little bit and figure out a plan.

The way it works, you explain your stand to every nurse and doctor before the surgery, then the morning of, you get rolled down, and you're sitting in your bed waiting to be wheeled in to the operating room, and people are coming into work - doctors, nurses, receptionists, blood takers, cafeteria workers - they're all talking about their weekend, or some other chatter, and you're freaking out because you're about to be cut open, and worried about dying. It's surreal!

Then they come up to you, one by one - each doctor, nurse, anestesiologist that's about to take part and they each make you sign that that's what you really want - no blood.

For me, the last one was a second anestesiologist, who asked me if I realized what it meant to be brain dead, what a burden to my family that would be! Am I sure that's what I want? And he told me he used to work at a Witness Hospital where a lot of witnesses, when they found out what that meant, secretly gave him permission to administer blood.

It was like Satan himself standing there before me at my moment of temptation. Thankfully I passed my test. And I'm sure that he made up his story about "all those witnesses" too, but at the time, it seemed believable.

There's a lot more that happened before and after that too. Very scary, because I have three little girls. Since then, I've concentrated on building myself up in any areas that I didn't fully understand, or where I had any doubt. I feel that was a major test for me, and prepared me for anything at all that may come in the future.

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I always was sure, I'll never die, Har-Magedon will come when I'm still a kid (I was quite surprised after finshing school that I had to start working, never thought so far into the future...)

And me too. Now 46, been greying since 30 something, the skins elasticity is going through some metaphormisis. Has any who has realized their mortality noticed the tremendous savings on fuel and tires. Suddenly you drive more carefully. :)

Jokes aside, I probably realized my own mortality when watching my wife nearly die from a relatively simple medical condition which became life threatening due to her disability. She has been paralyzed for 20 years, half her life, and every day is a bonus for her too.

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Well I turn 20 next month...dont laugh...i'm already starting to go slightly bald, i've got a chronic back problem which normally hits ppl in their 50's and leaves me unable to play some sports and not able to lift anything heavy. Its not much but for someone my age i'd like to do more. This also makes entering full time service(some forms of it anyway) rather difficult and in some cases impossible. But have learned to rely on jehovah more, specially when i'm in much agony and pain.

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....I am 51...and I feel like I am 81 !!

I have Rehumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, a bad ankle...broken and never healed properly !! also very painful hips, and a bad knee which I got from a terrible horse riding accident...so I feel like a wreck...BUT I am glad to be alive...and hope that I canbe a live as Armageddon approches, and hopefully live through :)

I always felt immortal...I used to think that 25 was old :dance: there are many much worse off than myself, I am still able to walk and talk...and while I have these things I will never stop serving Jehovah :)

I think that age catches up with you once you hit 40.... !

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I think my first heart attack really was the thing that brought it home to me that I might die before Armageddon, (I was 46).

Now, every day is a bonus and I am just grateful each morning for another day of life.

Hi Christopher,

What was having a heart attack like? What are the symptoms, and do you have any tips, should anyone feel one coming on?


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This is a pretty interesting topic... it makes it seem as if most people are expectant to die in this system of things? Or am I misreading. Either way, what would you currently place as the odds you never experience death at all (i.e., survive into the new world). It seems like most people are feeling as if, for them personally, it is under 50% at least?

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Hi Simon

it makes it seem as if most people are expectant to die in this system of things?

Hi Simon

I would love to live through Armageddon...and into the new system...

when you are younger you are conscious you are getting older...but death seems something that happens to other people not you....

but when you have had a health scare... you realize what puny mortals we are....

I strongly believe we are... so... near the end...the world situation...everything is coming into place...

but "time and unforeseen occurrence" can befall any one of us...

so if we do not take "time and unforeseen occurrence....health" into the equations...and Jehovah... wants me in the paradise... 100%...and very soon(:P)

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I think my first heart attack really was the thing that brought it home to me that I might die before Armageddon, (I was 46).

Now, every day is a bonus and I am just grateful each morning for another day of life.

Hi Christopher,

What was having a heart attack like? What are the symptoms, and do you have any tips, should anyone feel one coming on?



For me it was feeling really, really unwell and incredible pain in my left arm. Most people get the pain in their chest (like iron bands tight around the chest) or their jaw. The sooner you get medical attention, the greater the chance of recovery and treatment.

TIP 1: Call the emergency service immediately.

TIP2: See tip1.

I hope you never experience it, Chris.

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I think my first heart attack really was the thing that brought it home to me that I might die before Armageddon, (I was 46).

Now, every day is a bonus and I am just grateful each morning for another day of life.

Hi Christopher,

What was having a heart attack like? What are the symptoms, and do you have any tips, should anyone feel one coming on?



For me it was feeling really, really unwell and incredible pain in my left arm. Most people get the pain in their chest (like iron bands tight around the chest) or their jaw. The sooner you get medical attention, the greater the chance of recovery and treatment.

TIP 1: Call the emergency service immediately.

TIP2: See tip1.

I hope you never experience it, Chris.

Wow - very scary. I worry about that happening during sleep. I've heard two things can help too - aspirin and coughing - is that true?

Glad you made it through.


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This is a pretty interesting topic... it makes it seem as if most people are expectant to die in this system of things? Or am I misreading. Either way, what would you currently place as the odds you never experience death at all (i.e., survive into the new world). It seems like most people are feeling as if, for them personally, it is under 50% at least?

Well, while we are to keep the end close in mind and anticipate Jehovah's day at any time, we also have to live with the present reality as well. That is, barring divine intervention, we will die just as anyone else has.

For the record, unless "time and unforseen occurrence" snuffs me, I honestly believe I will have a front row seat at armageddon.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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