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Why true Christians should not celebrate Christmas,

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a track from the Baptist on Christmas


Since Christ was about 30 years of age when commencing his work and his ministry was three and a half years long, he was 33 1/2 years old around Passover time, or about April 1, 33 C.E. Christ would have been 34 years of age six months later, or about October 1. Again counting back, we must conclude that Jesus was born, not on December 25, but about October



By Hollace H. Combs Published in the Berea Baptist Banner December 5, 1990.

On  Page 1:  1. Christmas is of heathen origin; therefore did it not originate under the leadership of the Holy Spirit of whom God said, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” ( John 16:13). According to history, Christ’s birth-day was not celebrated until the fourth century after Christ, and then by the Roman Catholic Church. The following few brief excerpts from standard encyclopedias will suffice to prove the origin of Christmas.


     “Beffana. A corruption of the word “epinhania” (Epiphany) is the name of an old female character in Italian folk-lore who was so busily engaged in house cleaning where three wise men of the East passed by on the way to offer their treasures to the infant Saviour, that she excused herself for not going out to see them, thinking that she would have an opportunity of doing so when they returned. Not knowing that they went home by another road, she has been ever since watching for them. She, like the Dutch Santa Claus, is supposed to take a great interest in children, who in Italy, are put in bed early on the “twelfth night,” a stocking of each being hung up before the fire. Soon the cry “Ecco la Beffana” is raised when the children jump up and seize their stockings, each of which contains a present bearing value in proportion to the conduct of the child during the year. One whose behavior has been particularly bad finds his stocking filled with ashes, in token of Beffana’s displeasure.

“The custom of carrying an effigy called the Beffana’s on ‘Twelfth Night,’ in procession

On Page 2:  through the streets is probably a relic of one of the ‘mysteries of the middle ages’” (New Americanized Encyclopedia Britannica. Edition 1899, Vol. XI, page 404).

     “Saturn, an ancient Italian god. . . .”

     “Saturnalis, this is the great ‘Festival of Saturn’ celebrated on the 19th, the after Caesar’s reform of the  calendar,  on the 17th of December. “Augustus decreed that the 17th and 18th should be sacred to Saturn, and the 19th and 20th to Ophelia, the festival of Ops.

      “Caligula added a fifth day. ‘The Day of Youth,’ December 25, lasted seven days. The time was one of general joy and mirth. The woolen fetters were taken from the feet of the Image of Saturn, and each man offered a

%the Scriptures (Isa. 22:12,13; Luke 12:19). Jesus said to His disciples: “Take heed to your-selves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness” (Luke 21:34). The overeating at Christmas feasts is definitely included in

the word “surfeiting,” and is therefore contrary to the teaching of Jesus in this verse. Gluttonous feasts are inconsistent with saints, according to I Peter 4:1-4. Also read Proverbs 23:2,3; Num. 11:33,34; Psalm 78:29-31.

     There is always a wave of illness and death as a postlude to Christmas feasts and activities.

Remember that fasting and prayer are associated together throughout the Bible, and are opposite to feasting and drunkenness.



     25. Christmas time is a time of great reveling and the gratifying of the flesh. We are told in Romans 13:14: “Make not provision for the flesh,” yet much provision  is made for the flesh in the Christmas season. “And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts” (Gal. 5:24). Peter said: “Abstain from fleshly lusts” (I Peter 2:11). “Abstain from

all appearance of evil” (I Thess. 5:22).


     26. Jesus Christ, the supposed central figure of Christmas, is forgotten in the celebrations. It is significant to note that when Jesus was twelve years of age and about His Father’s business, He attended the Passover, where many thousands of Jews were gathered for the feast which spoke of Him ( Jesus), while He, the true Passover Lamb, was lost amid the celebrations, and was not found. Let Christmas crucify affections for heathen customs, bury them, and arise to walk after the Spirit, thus finding Jesus the “third day.”


     27. Christmas is boosted by the commercial world. It is the greatest money-making season of the year. Professed Christian business men look forward to the Christmas season, not for the sake of Christ, but for the sake of financial gain.

      Quoting from the press of November, 1948, “Americans are going on the biggest buying spree in history this Christmas season, surveys throughout the nation reveal. Storekeepers the land over are looking forward to the greatest Yuletide business they ever had.”     



     28. We are not to remember Jesus Christ after the flesh now, except as historically; not memorially. “Where-fore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more” (II Cor. 5:16). “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . .” (Gal. 6:14).

We are not to glory in His flesh: “For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (I Cor. 2:2) (Not born).


     29. Christmas is an abomination in the sight of the Lord. “And he ( Jesus) said unto them (the Pharisees),  Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15). This latter statement is true regardless of who is being addressed. Just what did Christ name in this verse as being “abomination?” “That which” means, “Anything which.” Then anything which men highly esteem is abomination. Men esteem Christmas more highly than almost anything  else. It is the only thing requiring a two-week holiday

On Page 16: in schools over the nation. Business houses that never close any other time of the year, close for Christmas. It is the only time of the year that some people will give a gift; the only time some people get drunk; the only time many firms will give employees a bonus. Many large stores have a “Christmas Saving Fund” for customers. Immediately after Christmas, customers begin depositing money into these saving accounts, to assure them, not of grocery or doctor bills, but to assure them of spending money for the next Christmas. Preparations are made further in advance for Christmas than for any other large event. Christmas is so highly esteemed among men that, according to the press of November 13, 1948, “Last December retail sales reached a staggering total of $12,641,000,000,” and “they expect sales to reach about $14,000,000,000” in 1949.”

     Since Christmas is so highly esteemed among men, it is definitely included in the abomination spoken of by Christ.


     “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” ( James 4:17).

                                     Don’t Let This Trace Die! Pass it On !



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Edited by Cort24
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