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Never Again: World War III & The Witnesses

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Thought this was interesting article...she has the wrong conclusion though

(2/2011) Never Again: World War III & The Witnesses


America: You are under attack and in the middle of World War III. But what are you doing? Watching football?

Look at the news--the Middle East is erupting. What happens there will affect us here. Religious minorities have been leaving the Middle East (especially Christians) for the last 100 years. That war has been on your shores already (think 9/11). Religious minorities will come under attack in the United States too.

An important lesson from history:

During World War II, Jehovah's Witnesses were rounded up by the Nazis because they were a large group that stuck to their beliefs. They were persecuted alongside Jews, Polish Christians, Gypsies, and other minority groups. Jehovah's Witnesses were considered political prisoners, and were some of the first people imprisoned (right along with journalists and publishers which condemned the Nazis). It was termed "protective custody" by the Nazis. (1935-1939)

Prisoners held by the Reich wore colored triangles--well known is the yellow Star of David, worn by Jews. And Catholic priests wore red triangles, but the Witnesses were given a purple triangle, separating them from other religious groups. Hans Hesse, author of Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses During the Nazi Regime writes that this group was set aside from other religions. Their religious convictions caused them to be seen as outsiders in Germany. Hesse adds that they would not salute Hitler, allow their children into the youth movement, participate in parades, nor join the Nazi movement. When an opportunity was given to renounce their faith, they would not. (1)

Punished severely, the Nazis even beheaded Jehovah Witness women. (Think Helene Gotthold who died in this way, Dec 1944). (2)

In 1936, the Gestapo arm of the Nazi government began compiling a list of Jehovah Witnesses. To do so, Nazi agents infiltrated the religious group. (3)

Approximately 10,000 Witnesses went to the German camps and 2500 died there. (4)

"Nazi authorities denounced Jehovah's Witnesses for their ties to the United States and derided the apparent revolutionary millennialism of their preaching that a battle of Armageddon would precede the rule of Christ on earth. They linked Jehovah's Witnesses to "international Jewry" by pointing to Witness reliance on certain Old Testament texts. The Nazis had grievances with many of the smaller Protestant groups on these issues." (5, 6)

Historian Sybil Milton concludes that "their courage and defiance in the face of torture and death punctures the myth of a monolithic Nazi state ruling over docile and submissive subjects." (7)

After the Nazis attacked the Jehovah Witnesses, they began their assault on the mainstream churches. (8)

"In response to Nazi efforts to destroy them, the worldwide Jehovah's Witness organization became a center of spiritual resistance against the Nazis. An international convention of Witnesses, held in Lucerne, Switzerland, in September 1936, issued a resolution condemning the entire Nazi regime. In this text and other literature brought into Germany, writers broadly indicted the Third Reich. Articles strongly denounced the persecution of German Jews, Nazi "savagery" toward Communists, the remilitarization of Germany, the Nazification of schools and universities, Nazi propaganda, and the regime's assault on mainstream churches." (9)

The lesson to be learned: Jehovah's Witnesses--you have reached World War III and once again you will be targeted. Who will hold firm? Who can run? (Some of the Witnesses fled Germany.) Who will reach out to others? Have you recognized the signs from history?

Catholic and Protestant churches: I know that you see the Witnesses as those without a cross, perhaps view them as a cult. But know this: Religious groups will be attacked first. You are weak already--your membership dwindling. Now is the time to ban together as fellow human beings--children of one God who made us all. Is this so difficult to do? I think not. Christians--that is your God-given duty--love others as yourselves. Do NOT attempt to convert anyone....

By Liz Colado...essayist and poet, resides in the United States.

article link has been removed...because of concern of some....because of the comments from apostates putting down the article...

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Interesting that she acknowledges the persecution of our brothers and sisters during world war 2 and willingness to endure to the end and... Band together what exactly does that mean? that we go into the world follow man and joins hands and sing kumbaya my lord.....or take up weapons killing our brothers? True Christians do not take up weapons to kill their Christian brothers or anyone else. The Bible states: “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. . . . We should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother.”—1 John 3:10-12; 4:20, 21(( Jesus said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. “By their fruits you will recognize them,” he said. “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” (Matthew 7:16, 17) In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. )) but remember It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matthew 4:10)

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Interesting that she acknowledges the persecution of our brothers and sisters during world war 2 and willingness to endure to the end and... Band together what exactly does that mean? that we go into the world follow man and joins hands and sing kumbaya my lord....

Hi Joel

she has such strange reasoning....how she came to that conclusion...after acknowledging the stance Jehovah's Witnesses take ....:S

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she has such strange reasoning....how she came to that conclusion...after acknowledging the stance Jehovah's Witnesses take ....

well from what i see in the link you have posted some of the people that made a reply to her view on the witnesses so seem to be exjw and anti-witnesses

so i do advise you sis to please be careful.

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Hi Joel

I can see nothing to say she is a ex witness...

"Liz Colado resides in the United States. An essayist, and a poet since childhood, her poems reflect the images and premonitions of her subconscious dreams. The writing of poetry has been her escape to a world apart, a dimension of other, a reality considered. The meaning of poetry has helped center her all of her life. She is also the main character of a life exposed, written by an anonymous author. Read the poetry of Liz Colado and consider the interior of her mind to be the discovery of a personal dream journal on the edge"

and anyone can comment on that blog...we have ex-witnesses, apostates... comment when ever anything is written about Jehovah's Witnesses...in our local paper ...

they are every where...

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Hi Joel

I can see nothing to say she is a ex witness...

"Liz Colado resides in the United States. An essayist, and a poet since childhood, her poems reflect the images and premonitions of her subconscious dreams. The writing of poetry has been her escape to a world apart, a dimension of other, a reality considered. The meaning of poetry has helped center her all of her life. She is also the main character of a life exposed, written by an anonymous author. Read the poetry of Liz Colado and consider the interior of her mind to be the discovery of a personal dream journal on the edge"

and anyone can comment on that blog...we have ex-witnesses, apostates... comment when ever anything is written about Jehovah's Witnesses...in our local paper ...

they are every where...

Isn't that the truth, no matter what is said about us, no matter how positive, apostates and their followers swarm like flies to spew foul accusations. They really must have no life other than what Satan is pushing them to do.

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i agree with joel. if we post things here on this safe forum direct links to apostate comments, we are exposing others to vile lies and apostate thoughts. if, because of being curious, these lies are considered valid and worthy of research, and one of our weaker brothers becomes stumbled out of the truth, that would be our fault. i suggest we post things without links to apostate words. simply copying and pasting without the following comments would be a protection for our brothers. we have as members here unbaptized publishers working toward baptism. out of regard for others spiritual safety, this forum should be kept free from contamination. i feel the same about utube videos that have blatant attacks against us in the comments. it is not refreshing to view something encouraging followed by hateful comments. that is just my opinion.

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you are precious, whoever took down the article, not because of the article, but the hateful comments in the link! my heart was happy see this action! very thoughtful and very humble. thank you for keeping Jehovah's name held high and allow no room for satan to spread his lies!

i love Jehovah's clean organization! our 'badge' of love is evident!

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