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Be on the watch

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I have been putting 100% effort on becoming a regular pioneer. Well, first I got sick with a flu and it took almost 6 weeks to get rid off. Secondly, my back snap and it has been 4 weeks and still I get some discomfort when I sit for a while. Third my car had a flat tire and on unemployment took me a week to get it fix, and last but not least my card battery broke, so another week down.

I thought Satan's attacks were over. Today I went to the park to study my University material and do a test to send in, and out all the people in the park an old man that was running there stop suddenly walked towards me and started attacking me with all kind of arguments from the born again Christian religion to make me believe on the trinity and arguing that Jehovah's Witnesses was a false religion. Either Jehovah has some assignment for me and is letting Satan to test my loyalty or Satan is feeling his last seconds before Christ chain him down and is trying to corrupt me with false teaching. I have to continually study the bible and keep in constant praying so I don't fail our almighty God.

So brothers and sisters, lets pray for each other because the road ahead is going to be very bumpy.



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You ever have that feeling that it's all NOT a coincidence? I mean, granted, Satan didn't snap your back and may not have been involved in those other things, but the expression "kick me while I am down" came to my mind when I read your post, which IS something that Satan likes to do.

Nobody is going to talk me out of the truth. I have done way to much deep personal study and have made the truth my own that Bible teaching cannot be separated from me on a doctrinal level. Just as the "Keep Yourself in God's Love" book that we are currently in states, most people don't find themselves outside the congregation over doctrine, but conduct.

Now I can sit here and say I will always 'maintain my conduct fine' (1 Peter 2:12), but we are warned “let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).

Satan likes to kick us while we are down, hit us when we are weak, just like he has done to all kinds of Jehovah's servants, including Jesus. Discouragement is his most effective weapon, and knowing that and always remembering that must be part of our best defense.

Your brother,

- Bob


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Poor Pedro.......You need a hug!...well Bob doesn't have a hug smiley so how about a beer?:)-D

There...fell better now?


And after a few beers we're gonna need a hug smiley :P. I'll hunt for one later.

- Bob


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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It is almost 11:00 pm and I just read your message. Yes it is a serious test and challenge. I am writing this while listening to a talk I just downloaded by Bro. Aljian entitled Think Big!

It talks about maintaining our integrity to Jehovah despite all we are going through. I too have been through many many things: death of a spouse, loss of home, loss of employment and almost loss of relationship with Jehovah due to loosing my perspective. Now as I struggle to regain my spiritual balance I am finding my prayer, personal study and ministry have become so much more wonderful. Staying faithful daily is what I am working on now and pray for us all.

As the years go by it is more and more difficult as the Watchtower June 15, 1994 page 8 says: 'the bible truths that deeply moved you years ago may not move you now!' That was a hammer hitting the nail on the head for me. I stopped fighting hard, studying more, praying with real meaning!

I want to pioneer but have not felt worthy. However I am learning that I have not been looking at this correctly. My prayer is for you to join the ranks and I pray that I too may be able to rejoin the ranks! Remember...Think Big!!! >:D<

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It is almost 11:00 pm and I just read your message. Yes it is a serious test and challenge. I am writing this while listening to a talk I just downloaded by Bro. Aljian entitled Think Big!

Would you mind sharing it here in the Downloads Area? I'll send you instructions on how to get large files up here, and then after I move it to the proper directory I'll let you post the link :-)

- Bob


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Remember Jehovah never forgets the work you have done for him and while Satan may "slap" you when you are already down, you will come out stronger. I am an "expert" at this, lol. I see Satan's little twists and tricks. The knit picking is the worst. Sometimes our fellow brothers or sisters may do this-but i do not harbor any resentment toward them because imperfection and because Satan can use others to say the wrong thing-using the imperfection to discourage.

Since I am stronger it seems that although Satan has not given up on his tricks i find that I can easily deal with other situations that I would normally not know how to deal with and also Satan has lost many attempts to get me down and in some areas has let up.

He continues to find ways where he can, and he will as long as he is among us so we should always pray for help, allow the tests to make us stronger because I can tell you from all the trials I have been through in the last year, I feel stronger than I have in my life. Still much for me to work on spiritually but I feel so empowered as a person now.

I remember I used to could auxiliary pioneer a couple times a year and right now I just can't. I would like to try to again. In time, I am sure i will be able to.

Don't let Satan smother you. Let Jehovah raise you back up. Just keep persisting and going forward. That is your best fight against Satan. Doing all you can for Jehovah.

You will come off the winner.

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Pedro...I am sorry you were having difficult times.

When I do...I try to remember I am not the only one...and that all of Jehovah's faithful ones are suffering. I can't look at anyone sitting in the Kingdom Hall and not notice someone suffering from one thing or another. It soothes me to know we're not alone...and that we're all running the race together. That's why we so desperately need each other. Yes?

If none of us were suffering...then it would be a scary thing. Who would have us then? Satan would - that's who. Yes? But these Scriptures say it nicely:

(1 Peter 2:19-20) 19 For if someone, because of conscience toward God, bears up under grievous things and suffers unjustly, this is an agreeable thing. 20 For what merit is there in it if, when YOU are sinning and being slapped, YOU endure it? But if, when YOU are doing good and YOU suffer, YOU endure it, this is a thing agreeable with God.

You can be assured that Jehovah loves you when you suffer in his behalf and in return - you are counted worthy before him. : )

To be in Jehovah's love...is truly a blessing and he will doubly bless you.

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