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 I was sitting, on a summer day, beneath a shady tree,

 Descending into slumber, when a vision came to me.



There was beating of a thousand drums - the ground was shaking too.

 Then over the horizon came a woman into view.



And then another woman, with a hundred at her heel.

 They multiplied a thousand fold - the vision was surreal!



Salvation was their helmet, and solid faith their shield,

 With righteousness as breastplates, their hearts were well concealed.



A mighty sword they all possessed, held tightly in their palms.

 Was this the female army indicated in the Psalms?



Their eyes were facing forward as they marched in perfect time.

 Then I recognized their faces! These were sisters - friends of mine!



See there that single sister? Satan put her to the test!

 How she longed to have a husband; to be loved like all the rest!



And there, that older sister, though her spouse does not believe,

 You'll find her out in service, every morning, noon and eve..



Another lost her husband, yet she marches through her trial.

 Says she, 'He's on vacation - merely resting for awhile.'



And that one lost her husband when he simply went AWOL.

 He dropped his sword mid-battle, yet she's marching straight and tall.


Oh yes, and there's my sister with her young ones - quite a sight.

 Her husband is in prison - for the war he refused to fight.



This sister here seems quite content - her life seems quite ideal,

 But what goes on behind closed doors she never will reveal.



In spite of all these hardships, the women march on strong.

 The old, the young, the strong, the weak: they bravely trudge along.



And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to my face.

 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no time left to waste!'



'Here, take this sword and take this shield, this breastplate you must


 'Don't rest until the Kingdom News is broadcast everywhere!'



And so I found my place in line, with no time to debate.

 For now I see the urgency - my sleep will have to wait.



No time for insecurities, no time for shrinking back.

 Just time to get this preaching done, false doctrines to attack!


So next time you sit down to rest, or get the urge to snooze,

 Or if you start to tire out while preaching the good news,



Observe this military force, just see what they can do,

 And pray for strength from God on high, then you can do it too.



'The women telling the good news are a large army.'



Writer Unknown

 - Psalm 68:11

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Dear aunty, you resemble my study conductor ( her name is naomi bello and she is a Anglo Indian ) since I work in a bank , I get little chance to reply to all. By the way, where r you from sister.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk

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Well thought out words dear sister. U r using ur brain to the maximum. Enjoyed & inspired.

Good morning from India

(By the way I am gayathri , wife of brother dilip. )

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk

Nice to meet you sister, wonderful to meet our brothers and sisters from all over the world. One note though, I did not write this poem. Just had it in my archives and wanted to share it.

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