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You Are Worth So Much More, Remember the 8 Cow Wife.

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Dignify yourselves as Jehovah already has, by giving your valuable time and attention to those that truly deserve it. Do not cheapen yourself by falling for false flattery. Costume jewelry is easy to come by but will not last, so are men and women that will flatter you with attention, but after they have shined on you for a moment they fade quickly. Remember you are worth soooo much more. Jehovah already paid that price, why insult him by being disobedient for the attention of a fool.

Remember the 8 Cow Wife?. Well Jehovah paid far more for you, act as though you believe you were worth it.


A man had several daughters all but one were very beautiful in appearance. The one daughter that was not so beautiful was the one that most of the farm and chores of the household fell upon. One day a man came calling looking for a wife. So the farmer had all of his beautiful daughters come to meet the caller and dance and show their beauty. The plain daughter meanwhile prepared the meal and cleaned up afterwards. When the caller was ready to select a wife he told the farmer he wanted the plain daughter as his wife.Now the farmer was upset because in his country the price for a daughter as wife could be as much as a cow, which would increase his herd. But this daughter would not bring that high a price, maybe a few chickens. So he tried to convince the caller to choose another, he also knew there would be more chores to be done around the farm with her gone. So he mentioned that to the stranger. Well the stranger thought for a moment and then offered the farmer 8 cows for the plain daughter.The farmer could not believe it, but quickly got his daughter ready to leave.A year later the caller returned to the farm, now the farmer was worried for he did not see his daughter with the caller. Instead there was a beautiful woman with a baby with him. The farmer asked where his daughter was, the caller said right here. The farmer was stunned. What happened, how did his daughter become so beautiful? His daughter answered: my husband placed a high value on me, and I then did too. His love for who I am brought out my true beauty.   


The husband of a friend of mine had 8 Cow Wife inscribed on her wedding band

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