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how long it will be for the subject up for voting...is the removal for religion?

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time sequence from my notes...last Sunday public talk

7)1000 year reign...Jesus hands back to Jehovah...1 Corinthians 15; 24-28

8).Satan let loose...final test...Satan and all his followers destroyed...everlasting life for all who pass...Revelation 20:7,8

I thought #8 came before #7

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time sequence from my notes...last Sunday public talk

7)1000 year reign...Jesus hands back to Jehovah...1 Corinthians 15; 24-28

8).Satan let loose...final test...Satan and all his followers destroyed...everlasting life for all who pass...Revelation 20:7,8

I thought #8 came before #7

yes, I thought that too

at the end of the thousand years Satan will be let loose, not after the thousand years, at the end, let's say 1 year before the thousand years are over - that's how I always thought it will be

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Hi Astrid and Destiny

"But how will perfected mankind be put to a test of heart allegiance? The Bible answers: Satan the Devil and his demons will be loosed “for a little while” from the abyss in which they have been confined for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:3) By permitting the Devil to put restored mankind to the test, members of perfected mankind can be proved as to their individual integrity to God in a perfect sense.—Compare Job 1:12.

8 Seven thousand years previously, Satan the Devil was able to induce the perfect Adam and Eve to sin by taking a self-seeking course of action. What methods of temptation Jehovah will permit Satan and the demons to employ after their release from the abyss the Scriptures do not say. But no doubt there will be an appeal to selfishness and to a desire for independence from God. Still a rebel himself against Jehovah’s sovereignty, the Devil will be intent on making rebels of mankind too. Exactly to what degree these released demonic forces will be successful is also not stated, but there will be enough human rebels to make an impression as of a large crowd."

Chapter 22

The God of the “Prince of Peace” Becomes “All Things to Everyone”

We will not be perfect for 1000years...only then we can be tested...

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After listening to the UN voting...on Libya...

I started wondering ...how long it will be for the subject up for voting...is the removal for religion?

So, going back to Sian's original pondering. I wonder, will it be a subject of voting. Interesting.

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Becomes “All Things to Everyone”

We will not be perfect for 1000years...only then we can be tested...

I understand that, my thoughts was that after we perfected and tested and have passed the final test.

It is then that Jesus hands us over to his father, and he opens his hands and becomes "all things to everyone"

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]We will not be perfect for 1000years...only then we can be tested...

i often think with the amount of imperfections i have that Jehovah will get to 997 years ... 998 years... 999 years... and then he will realise i need another 1000 to iron out a few wrinkles!:whistling:

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]We will not be perfect for 1000years...only then we can be tested...

i often think with the amount of imperfections i have that Jehovah will get to 997 years ... 998 years... 999 years... and then he will realise i need another 1000 to iron out a few wrinkles!:whistling:

a little imperfection i guess is ok, but those disturbing the peace during this time, and those not wanting to change, ...we will give attention to their place and they will be no more.:ohmy:....i don't have a problem with this, i want to sit under my vine and my fig tree in peace.:chinese:

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