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Interesting Article in the Sunday Mail (Our local weekend paper)

CHRISTIAN ministers are linking the spate of world natural disasters to the Apocalypse and prophesying the end of the world.

Congregations are being warned that recent earthquakes, tsunamis and Middle Eastern unrest are biblical signs of the Second Coming.

As Queenslanders grapple to make sense of a summer of destruction, evangelists are in serious recruitment mode, preaching that non-believers will be tossed into the "lake of fire".

Churches have reported a spike in interest from outside the fold at doomsday seminars and religious meetings following this year's tumult.

Members are often asked to donate about 10 per cent of their income to the church.

But psychology of religion expert Associate Professor Richard Hutch, from the University of Queensland, said making money from converts was not their motive.

"Cynical people would say they are just in it for the cash but it's not that," said Prof Hutch. "For these people the meaning of life depends on the validation of their world view. They are fervent believers." Prof Hutch warned it was dangerous for people who were questioning recent world events to accept such "simplistic answers".

Christians have been predicting the Apocalypse for centuries but many now believe the world as we know it is nearing an end.

The Sunday Mail spoke to ministers from several denominations who said "absolutely" there was "no doubt" that "we are living in the time of the end". They quoted several biblical texts in the books of Matthew, Luke, Revelation, Ezekiel and Daniel and said churches were preparing for a flood of new converts.

"People are observing these natural disasters and saying they have never seen anything like it and they're beginning to wonder what's taking place in the world around them," said Seventh Day Adventist Maryborough minister Lorenzo Berry. "Jesus's return is coming nearer and there's no question of it."

Travelling evangelist Gary Webster, who has been hosting a series of free public seminars on biblical prophesies, said the frequency and intensity of disasters would increase.

"It's not going to get better, according to Jesus, it's only going to get worse. People who think otherwise have their head in the sand."

Even so-called non-practising Christians are beginning to take note.

Hervey Bay retiree Peter Williams, who was raised a Catholic, attended Mr Webster's seminars after reading an ad in the local paper.

"In my 80 years I've never seen floods like this in my life and everything happening in Japan," Mr Williams said. "We talked about it and said, 'is this going to be closer to the end times?' "

The world is finally heading or taking note of what we have been saying for a long time.

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Hello interesting reading. Good for us to see they full filling the prophesies in Matthew 7:15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves.

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many;

People around here in Norway are looking forward to sit in the snow in the mountains and be sun bathing during Easter time. They have forgotten things around (already) them in the world because it doesn't happened in their neighbourhood. We know there is still people who is listening so we are looking every day for them.

We got our instructions to tell them in April about the ransom, Joh. 3:16, that's the instructions we got from our King and true the TFDS.

Jesus is the one mainly responsible for preaching, it has been entrusted to him.

(Revelation14:14) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.

The enthroned and crowned Jesus directs the reaping of the sheep-like ones.

Warm Christian love to you all.

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As usual, Churchianity is very late.

:) yes that’s true, one of my workmates was saying that 2012 will be doom's day and everyone was paying attention to what he was saying, listening attentively & they all got scared.

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This "2012" thing is incredible... we have been preaching them with the Truth for more than a century, and no one is listening...

Then, 1 or 2 movies, books about a false prediction, 2012, Nibiru, etc... and BOM ! the whole planet is scared and looking for info in despair.

What is wrong with you, humans !?! :hammer:

I have a coworker also, who is fully hypnotized by this 2012 thing... I am trying to help him but this is not easy.

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If one studies the Bible book of Revelation, countless Watchtowers on the subject, and the Revelation book, someone with their eyes open would realize that the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse have been riding for a while now. Thank goodness we have the truth and we get spiritually fed better than anyone else. What loving provisions we have from Jehovah, Jesus and the faithful slave. :-)

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People around here in Norway are looking forward to sit in the snow in the mountains and be sun bathing during Easter time. They have forgotten things around (already) them in the world because it doesn't happened in their neighbourhood.

It's the same here in Germany. The people feels always too well!

But the news article is extremely interesting!


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