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Tajik Gov's New Anti-Religious Law

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They've just passed a new law that is supposed to prevent radicalisation of children in Tajikistan by banning participation of children and teens. The only religious ceremonies they are allowed to attend are funerals. That exception is an interesting choice if it is really only funerals and not that they have just left out weddings because it would lead the children associate religion with death and sadness at least a little bit. The law may not last long, pray that it doesn't because it will cause our brothers there great harm.

The story

The Guardian's Original Article

This is what many atheists in the West are trying to achieve, banning parents from teaching their children any kind of religion so that the children will be raised atheist or at least agnostic. I wonder how long it will be before they succeed in doing this in a Western nation, it is already quite possible in some of the ultra-Leftist nations of Scandinavia.

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I just saw another article about Muslim extremism - Egypt: Muslim extremists 'surround church and threaten to kill priest'

Perhaps with the "Muslim Spring" they have more impetus than ever to show how they really feel - not just about their governments, but about other religions.

It will be interesting to see how this turns to a cry of "Peace and Security".

Hold on to your seats it is going to be a bumpy ride.

I thought a comment on one of these articles was interesting - "If this happened in the Western world where an extremist Christian group did the same at a Mosques - I wonder what the response would be" :nope:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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The response would be the complete opposite to the reaction to Muslim violence - there would be helicopters and trucks full of special forces and riot descending on the church, there would be endless coverage of the church in the press and article after article on why Christians are evil and stupid and need to be suppressed. But then we already see these sorts of thing in the Western media and governments, just recently a Republican in the US started hearings about Muslim radicals in the US and one of the Democrats demanded they instead investigate "radical Christians" who she thinks are going to destroy America. Basically all of Christianity whether true or false is under increasing scrutiny and facing increasing antipathy and the laws are getting incrementally more restrictive. We see examples of this in the US where religion is being banned from public spaces like schools and Australia where atheists are trying to get rid of school chaplains. Christians are even the group that is second most likely to be affected by hate violence for being Christians after Jews in the US and Europe.

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You are right. It makes me look forward to the fullfillment of Ezekiel 6:10 (plus 20 other places in Ez.) "they will have to know that I am Jehovah!"

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Yes, it will be a great day when people see the "Sign of the Son of Man" and know that all the things they have done are right or wrong. Unfortunately it will be too late for those who oppose Christ and his followers, but it will be the end of all the evils men commit.

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Yes, it will be a great day when people see the "Sign of the Son of Man" and know that all the things they have done are right or wrong. Unfortunately it will be too late for those who oppose Christ and his followers, but it will be the end of all the evils men commit.

Can you imagine the utter shock and horror they will feel.... that alone will cause men to become faint out of fear.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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