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How bad where you are ?

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The collapse of the econimic system is now world wide... how are you effected where you live ?? how bad are things ?? this is one example that I heard locally.. :(

A family with 3 children and unemployed inspect their daughters lunch box whe she comes home from school to see if there is anything they can share out...

And another mother waters down milk to make it go further....

We have just had a government budget ... and from today onwards we are exactly 156 Euros per week worse off !! this doesn't take into account the fuel increases etc ..

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Things feel like they are rebounding around here. The unemployment rate is dropping, and construction is moving along again in the commercial sector, although new home construction (the former heartbeat of the economy) is still dead as a door nail.

When things crashed in early 2008 we were miserable. I read that we wouldn't have a modest recovery until 2013. I was like "oh I hope things get better sooner than that" - but 2013 isn't that far off anymore.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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The collapse of economic system here is getting worse every day, unemployment rate keeps on rising, a lot of people live on less than a dollar per day,meaning that just one meal a day which is not even enough, everything is just getting out of hand.

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Things are good in Texas overall where I live. I have family in Illinois and that area has been hit hard. My husband's company filed bankruptcy the other day, so that is not good. His job is secure, but there will definitely be a pay cut and loss of retirement benefits. He took a paycut in 2003 which has not been returned, so another paycut is gonna hit us hard.

I have come to learn though that don't count on anything. Things may be ok now, but in this economic climate, it's temporary. I see ones who have jobs and spend money like crazy thinking "I have a good paying job, so why not", well, that can change in an instant, as I have learned in the past and millions of others have learned. So just cause your financial situation may be good now, that can change so fast.

When my husband took a pay cut in 2003, it blew us away. We were making good money and didn't think about tomorrow. Since that time, we have learned to keep things simple and be content with what we have. Now with another pay cut looming, we are much better prepared to handle it emotionally as we have done it once before.

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Things are good in Texas overall where I live.

My grandparents are in Texas. They said at one point just last year that "they might be starting to see some effect by it" - 2 or 3 years after the collapse. Even still, Texas remains strong.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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The Euro crisis is deepening... I watched one poor woman on the Itlaian government unable to speak because of her tears,the country are trillions in debt and it seems likely that this country will contribute greatly to the fall of the Euro... it is like a pack of dominos...

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I was shocked to read about the tent cities cropping up outside many major cities in America. I googled/youtube and saw footage of tent cities outside Los Angeles, in Florida and New Jersey. Interviews showed that these were people who had once had well paid job and were made redundant. Welfare money didn't last, or cover their home costs and their homes were forclosed. Charities were bringing donated food and little water, but not enough. They provide PC access too so people could see if their were jobs advertised anywhere - but there was nothing available. The government were giving out figures for how many unemployed there are, but the charities were counting far more and in LA 100 new people per day were added to the tent city.It must be dreadful for them when winter comes on the East coast as the ice storms and snow in a tent must be horrendous.

When I was at school we saw footage of shanty towns like this in the Depression of the 1930's in Central Park, New York and similar is happening again only on a greater scale!

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Things are good in Texas overall where I live.

My grandparents are in Texas. They said at one point just last year that "they might be starting to see some effect by it" - 2 or 3 years after the collapse. Even still, Texas remains strong.

Texas has been ok due to the fact that the property is cheap, no state income tax, it's a "Right To Work" state. Over the last 10 years, lots and lots of companies have relocated here and brought tons of people. The population has surged. So right now, it's ok. But as I said earlier, that can change in an instant.

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I'm up here in Maine, Maine is a really tough place for the economy. I don't know about before but it's hard to get a job here in Maine. It's a tough place to live. There aren't alot of factories, as a matter of fact since I've been here there has been at least 5 businesses closed down and I've only been here 10 years.

Vernalee might remember 'Hathaway' in Waterville. Or 'Solon Mfg' 'Dexter Shoe' can't remember the other two (maybe more and don't remember)

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I'm up here in Maine, Maine is a really tough place for the economy. I don't know about before but it's hard to get a job here in Maine. It's a tough place to live. There aren't alot of factories, as a matter of fact since I've been here there has been at least 5 businesses closed down and I've only been here 10 years.

Vernalee might remember 'Hathaway' in Waterville. Or 'Solon Mfg' 'Dexter Shoe' can't remember the other two (maybe more and don't remember)

Yeah I remember Hathaway, and Mardens. What a great place to get bargain's. I don't know if they're still open or not. The one in Sanford, Me. was open the last time I was there, a couple of years ago.:heart:

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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The collapse of the econimic system is now world wide... how are you effected where you live ?? how bad are things ?? this is one example that I heard locally.. :(

A family with 3 children and unemployed inspect their daughters lunch box whe she comes home from school to see if there is anything they can share out...

And another mother waters down milk to make it go further....

We have just had a government budget ... and from today onwards we are exactly 156 Euros per week worse off !! this doesn't take into account the fuel increases etc ..

It's pretty bad around here as far as jobs and everything, thankfully we do qualify for government assistance with food so we don't aren't at that point. We are planning to move after the first of the year though so hopefully we will be able to find jobs up there. and the cost of living is a bit cheaper..


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My son who lives in a different part of Florida, has not had any work for 3 years.

:( what part of Florida? The jobs aren't great down here either.. didn't realize how bad it was till we moved down here.. we lived in Orlando for almost a year and at first it was ok for jobs then when my husband lost his job it was hard to find any legitimate jobs.. by that I mean lot of scams, you might get paid but you are scamming other people and that is not something we could do in good conscience.. so that made it harder to find something


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One way to find a job is to go early in the morning to the day labor places. I can't remember their names, Job Source or something like that. When Grumpy was younger he had to do that for a while. I the employer likes you then he can hire you on permanently. I actually found a job that way once. My son lives in the Orlando area too. But he's not in the Truth.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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One way to find a job is to go early in the morning to the day labor places. I can't remember their names, Job Source or something like that. When Grumpy was younger he had to do that for a while. I the employer likes you then he can hire you on permanently. I actually found a job that way once. My son lives in the Orlando area too. But he's not in the Truth.

oh.. we live in North Port now.. this is where my husbands dad's side of the family live they are not in the truth either, but we thought being closer to family would help.. haha not with this family.. Yeah the labor places are a good place to go if you can get there.. LOL the closest one here is in Port Charlotte just a town over but a good 10-15 miles away or more, and our car is broken down now.. talk about a double whammy.. Last night he worked for the taxi again he's been working for her but this woman is selfish, I would not allow him to beg her for a job.. I told him just ask her if she wants you to work or not, well she did want him to work so that worked out nice as last night turned out to be a decent night. But since he notified her he will not be able to work on Saturday because of our Special Assembly Day I'm not sure she will want him to come back.. that's just the kind of person she is. But this week Gram is coming down here so we will have a vehicle to get around..so that will be nice..


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