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Re: Risky Business

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Hi Shawna. It is so nice to meet you. I think it's interesting that you guys met on line and are having a wonderful life. I met someone on line, too and am catching heck about it from almost everyone....UGHHHH! He is a wonderful man and is exactly what I was asking Jehovah for....a male version of me...hahaha! I'm just happy to hear your success story and I hope to be writing my own soon for everyone to read. You may meet my guy on here as a matter of fact:)

That's right LaRhonda, you should put your foot down and tell him to get back here now or it's over!

{just kidding, of course}

Ya know, it is risky business indeed, but life is full of risks and it is your risk to take. Honestly, I would probably give you some cautionary advice as well, out of a heart full of love for you. The intentions of those who are giving you "heck" for it are good. They care about you, although I understand that hearing the same thing 50,000 times a day from 50,000 people can get discouraging. So try not to get too upset at your brothers and sisters. They want whats best for you. You want whats best for you. You don't agree on whats best for you. So....

Keep it a matter of prayer to Jehovah. Continue to get to know each other better. Talk to people who know him and invite him to talk to people who know you. No secrets, all open, no fear, no shame!

Shawna and her hubby are a "success story". So is our other member and his wife who met on AOL. I know of others too (maybe I can get them over here). At the same time, there are disaster stories as well. A marriage vow is a major major step to take, and can be likened to the vow you made Jehovah when you dedicated yourself to him in prayer and later symbolized it by baptism. That was a choice you did not make lightly, and this is one you shouldn't make lightly either.

But it's your homework assignment :-)

Your brother,

- Bob


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Oh, Bob.....I know that all the friends are just concerned about my wellfare and I love them for that....but they have not spent the hours after hours that we have spent together talking and getting to know eachother. They have not talked to his PO and his Mom and Dad. They have not talked to his sister and his child. I'm not a stupid woman..regardless of what they think. I am also VERY good at reading people....very good at it. I'm going to do what I know will make me happy.. I'm 50 years old and it's time I choose to make myself happy instead of living my life trying to please everyone else. We have both kept this close to Jehovah in prayer and we know that it is right. We are so alike...like I said, he is just a male version of ME!!! The world better watch out with 2 of us together....hahaha. We're going to serve Jah where the need is great and help this systen get into the position so that Jehovah will end this mess!

I will be writing my success story and I would love to hear from your friends who have has success with a relationship thet started on line. Hummm....I think I'll make a new topic:)

Love. Lm

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>:D< Always hold to the 3 cord rule. As we have discussed, when both parties are fulfilling their christian roles for husband and wives as outlined in Ephesians 5:21-29 " Be in subjection to one another in fear of Christ. 22 Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, 23 because a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, he being a savior of [this] body. 24 In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, so let wives also be to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, continue loving YOUR wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it, 26 that he might sanctify it, cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word, 27 that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor, not having a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things, but that it should be holy and without blemish.

28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation,"

AND, cultivating the fruitage of the spirit,

problems will be few and with the aid of Jehovah, will be overcome with faith. With faith, all things are possible as Jesus told us in John 17:20 B

For truly I say to YOU, If YOU have faith the size of a mustard grain, YOU will say to this mountain, ‘Transfer from here to there,’ and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for YOU.

Prayer, prayer and more prayer and it will be a "success story". Oh, and did I mention PRAYER!

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Ok Bob, she told me she had to dump me if I didn't get back on here and start posting. I hope you are happy now! :lol1:


It's not that you're not allowed out. It's just that you have to be in by your curfew. We've decided that we're going to let you off with just a warning this time. ;)

- Bob


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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My brother Bob. I keep coming back to this one sentence you wrote and thinking how I might reply to it. I have decided that to say anything at all will put me in the category of the one mentioned at Proverbs 26:12 where we read: "Have you seen a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for the stupid one than for him."

The best course for me in this case would be to smile, keep quiet and have a beer. :)-D

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OK Guys.....I want to know why you WOULDN'T reccommend meeting someone on line..... Are you saying you wish you hadn't married your mate? Because I did a poll at a party I was at several weeks ago and asked all the sisters if they had their chance to do it all over again, would they get married. It was a 50?50 split. The oddest part was that most of the women who said no were the wives of Elders.....hHh. bUT THE POINT IS.....none OF THEM MET ON LINE.....SO i GUESS EITHER WAY....IT'S ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU MAKE IT...AM i RIGHT?


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It has nothing to do with my wife!!! I love her to death!!!! It has to do with the danger of the internet. Anyone can pose as a JW and lure a true witness into a situation they may not be able to get themselves out of. I know a situation where a sister met a brother online, dated, got engaged, then on their honeymoon night, the sister discovered through her horror the brother she married, was really a woman posing to deceive a witness!!! Needless to say the marraige was anulled. The so called brother looked so much like a brother. Would show up at the meetings in a suit, sounded like a man, etc... "He" even fooled the brothers in his own congregation. And now the apostates has so much access to the internet, it is easy for them to lure witnesses away.

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I agree with Micah...thatz why Bethel has given us soooo many warnings about the dangers of the Internet. I also know a case where a married sister just had an innocent online fb friend who was a brother...she thought. when he got flirty she said she was gonna remove him as friend and he said, no you're not...i know where you live. he stalked her and she and her husband had to sell their house and move! the brothers at bethel are only interested in our wellbeing and spirituality. thatz why they give us warnings.

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I'm so happy that you guys love eachother, Micah. I suppose the sister who married the he-she didnt do enough following up, hum. Well he-she could have just been fooling everyone, I guess....thats awful!!! Just imagine....YUCK!!!! Hey Jon.....you DO have all the right parts, don't you? If not....it WILL NOT WORK....and expect an annulment, too....X(

And Gloria, I'm happy that you would marry your man again, too. Many of the sisters said that they would too and I'm sure I will be one of them. I don't like the single life one bit. It is just not meant for me at all. I have been very cautious and I know that it is risky business...more so than meeting someone in person, but my point is....it can still be risky even if you do meet them in person and there are success and failure stories either way you go about it. You still have to be careful, you still have to ask around about them, you still need to meet their family, you still have to pray, you still have to use caution....no matter where you meet your mate. There's still going to be a chance that you may be in the 50% that would say they wouldn't have done it again. I'm not one to give up and I feel that marriage is forever so we, especially with Jehovah in our cord will make it work and you'll be hearing our story again on our every anniversary. We'll keep everyone posted:)-D

Thanks for all the imput and advice.

Love, Sister LaRhonda

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