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Pew Research Religious Landscape Poll

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This article claiming 75% of Jehovah’s Witnesses supported outlawing abortion showed up a few weeks back and was widely syndicated to various newspapers and online news sources. 



The article was the subject of some discussion of neutrality during our meeting for field service. Similar discussion appeared here in the forums 



I was intrigued by the discussion of the poll so I traced the sources back to the Pew Research polls that make up the source for these claims, including the questions used and how the data was collected.
The poll was done in 2014 and repeats one done in 2007. Based on the mention of 35000 respondents and it showing 0.8% as Witnesses there were probably almost 300 self proclaimed Witnesses answering questions. 
Based on the script one would have to self-identify as one of Jehovah's Witnesses to be counted as one, it wasn't included in the 'menu'. Each question counts people who refused to answer so someone expressing their neutrality for particular questions wouldn't be included in the percentages but still shows in the total results. 
The results are fascinating. Witnesses attend the meetings far more than any other religion attends their services, although when you start to include weekly and monthly services some of the other faiths start to catch up.
Apparently we're not too good at paying attention to questions because 50% said yes to "Do you think there is a heaven, where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded?".
7% of Witnesses believe in Hell. "Do you think there is a hell, where people who have led bad lives and die without being sorry are eternally punished?" 8% speak or pray in tongues. 17% are absolutely certain that they're registered to vote at their current address and 25% disclose a political party preference, leaving 75% proclaiming neutrality with this question.
I wonder if answers like these start to put some measurements of error on the poll, people just making stuff up to mess with the pollsters or a handful of Witness adjacent individuals, we know it wouldn't take many to throw this off. On the other hand, some of the other answers seem more accurate, with only 2% or so being ‘off’ or questionable. 
We're near or at the top of regular prayer, Bible study, and sharing our faith with others. 
Anyway, fascinating stuff, there are more interesting results in there that I didn’t summarize. This really shows how we have to work on how we practice and express our neutrality, especially on these ‘hot button’ issues that have been pulled into the realm of politics. 
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