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A Lesson From Jehovah...From A Housefly???

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Yes, you most definitely read that correctly.


But, in order for me to get you there...I will need you to, temporarily, disengage from your sense of reality and allow me to plunge you into the world of fantasy.


So please, sit back...grab a cup of coffee or tea... (or perhaps a few sips of something stronger) ...and allow me to take you to take you on a brief journey into the life of Ed... 58-year-old widowed vacuum salesman who has just returned from yet another day of fruitless knocking on doors, just trying to get a single person to allow him to show them the EuroJet Deluxe...the single greatest vacuum ever invented.


The year is 1962, and Ed resides in a small one-bedroom apartment...his entire life laying within arm's reach in any direction. As he plops down into his worn-out easy chair and stares forlornly around at his bleak existence...he nudges the world's highest quality vacuum across the floor with his toe and lets out a deep sigh.


He wished he could just get one big sale...just one...so his boss would know he wasn't a failure...so he could show everyone down at the office that he could sell.


Finally, unable to stand the silence one second more, he reached over and flicked on the electric fan that sat a few feet away from his easy chair, then sank back into the cushions and tried to think of any other leads he had possibly missed over the past few weeks.


As he sat, thoroughly engaged in his ruminating...a single housefly came buzzing in through the open window and alighted on the arm of his chair. Instinct taking over, he reached out to swat at it but then...suddenly...something about this fly made him pull up short...he never did know why.


A second later, feeling silly and stupid...he pointed at the fly and said, tiredly... “I've had a rough day, and you're tickling my arm. Please go over there...” He said, vaguely pointing in the general direction of his FM radio set.


And, just like that...the fly buzzed up into the air and landed right on his radio. For a moment he sat...a look of incredulity on his face.


Laughing at his own stupidity, he shook his head, picked up and opened his newspaper to see the day's headlines...when suddenly the fly buzzed again...flicking its wings in what appeared to be annoyance.


Ed's eyebrows furrowed and, letting the paper rest in his lap, he spoke again. “Why are you looking at me like that? If you don't like it there...go over by the fridge. But stay away from any of my food!!” He warned, moving to pick his newspaper up again.


Then, to his astonishment...the fly obeyed...buzzing gently over to the refrigerator, where it alighted on the handle and continued looking at him.


Ed ran a hand through his graying hair and shook his head...then he moved the newspaper aside and stood, walking over to his fridge. Moving close to the odd insect, Ed spoke a third time...his voice hesitant and confused. “Can... can you hear me? Can you understand what I'm saying?”


The fly remained silent, staring at him.


“Okay, Okay...Maybe you just know how to follow instructions.” He said quickly, feeling even more silly as the words left his mouth. “Here... follow my finger.”


Slowly he waved his index finger back and forth...his mouth falling open in utter shock as the fly took off into the air and joined him in a midair ballet...everywhere Ed's finger went...the fly followed...dancing around in a strange pirouette of figure eights, rectangles and several triangles.


By thunder...you actually DO obey!!” He cried, his face suddenly glowing with pure joy. For several minutes he ran the fly through a series of complicated mazes made from silverware and a few other kitchen items...his elation growing stronger every minute. The fly was obeying his every command, it did exactly what he asked it to do. It wasn't a trained fly...it was just a normal everyday common housefly...and yet it listened to him!


Bursting with sheer joy...knowing he had finally found something special...he started thinking of all the people he could tell...all his family and friends who would be so amazed and awed at such a sight.


But suddenly a shadow of worry flitted across his face...and a terrible thought filled his mind.


What if it was killed? What if someone came over in the meantime and saw it?? Surely, they wouldn't understand it's worth...they wouldn't have any clue of how valuable this was...a wild housefly that obeyed orders?? Unheard of...against its every instinct...against its very nature!! No, they would surely try to kill it!


Suddenly an overwhelming urge entered his head, he had to protect it!! Somehow, someway...he had to make sure nothing bad happened to it...and with that...Ed began to plan on how to keep his precious fly safe and sound...


Ready to return to reality, friends?


Wondering how this could possibly apply...what lesson we could possibly draw from such a ridiculous scenario?


Please follow my line of thought, (as weird as it may be).


If that housefly had come flying in and buzzed around Ed's face, whizzing back and forth like all flies do...would it have surprised you at all if Ed had simply swatted it with his newspaper?


Not only would that have been expected...it would have been the usual course of events...flies are a nuisance...and I would hazard a guess that every single one of us own at least one fly swatter.


But let me ask you a different question...what else could the fly offer Ed?


Strange question...but think about it realistically for a moment. The fly couldn't fetch his slippers...it couldn't shut off the lights when he went to bed. It couldn't help poor Ed with a single thing...other than what it gave.


Yes, my dear friends...the only thing that fly could have offered Ed was its obedience...it's pure willing obedience when being directed on where to go...how to fly.


It wasn't much...but it was more than enough for Ed.


And finally...once Ed saw that it WAS being obedient...what did it make him want to do??


Automatically, instinctively...Ed began to think of ways to protect it.


My dear brothers and sisters...the lesson is simple...if we remain obedient to Jehovah...He will automatically and instinctively look for ways to protect us.


Just as every single one of you would want to protect that amazing housefly, to show it off to everyone around us...so too Jehovah is so proud of us... that he shows us off to an entire host of spirit creatures who are all cheering us on....he proudly puts us on display in front of Satan and all of his demons...a simple pathetic human...full of sinful thoughts and desires...and yet...we OBEY!


It's such a simple thought...and yet if thought about properly...it should cause each and every one of us to redouble our efforts into a single simple task...just be obedient.


Obey Jehovah with the highest degree of joy we can muster...and it will cause Jehovah to react instinctively... he will rush to give us whatever protection he can...and then he will stand back and proudly watch as we prove Satan a liar.


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