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Theocratic Words

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(HERE IS A PRESENTATION - See that if you witness this way to a householder, how many words will he able to understand?

So we can imagine what indepth knowledge we do have from the Bible. It is not surprising then, the so-called bible scholars are not able to understand the Bible, its message, its doctrines etc. even though they have secured lot of knowledge. Because, to understand these theocratic words, God's Holy Sprit is required and that He gives only to His worshippers. So aren't we grateful to Jehovah who teaches the least one and makes the wisdom of this world foolish....

Now please see as a JW, how many words DO EACH ONE OF YOU really understand. If you do not understand certain words, be frank, and discuss. Thanks )


a JW witnessing to a householder...here goes...

Greetings! I'm a member of the great crowd of other sheep rendering sacred service to the Ancient of Days in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple by following the example of the fine shepherd and engaging as a regular pioneer (or publisher) in preaching the good news of the kingdom with the sword of the spirit.

We are helping to warn those not familiar with the Divine Name that the second presence of the Chief Agent of Life has begun, and soon the last days will reach their culmination when the scarlet-colored wild beast will turn on the harlot and destroy Babylon the Great, thus starting the great tribulation which is climaxed by Armageddon and the ruler of the world, now in Tartarus, being thrown into the abyss for the rest of the last Adam's millennial reign.

However, antitypical apostate Jerusalem, with her man of lawlessness class, is supporting the false prophet and fighting against the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel, the ambassadors of heavenly Jerusalem and their envoys, who are keeping themselves without spot from the world and who would rather go to Sheol or Hades than Gehenna by rejecting the theocracy proclaimed by the faithful and discreet slave and the Governing Body of the spiritual paradise on earth today.

So, if you would like a personal Bible Study, & would like to learn more about Jehovah's Theocratic order, here's a program schedule for the Kingdom Hall, where you can come and learn more about New Jerusalem, new heavens, new earth, new commandment, new birth, new song, new creation, new personality, and the new covenant.

Thank you for your time... which is not to be confused with a time, times & half a time.


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Thanx for the post Rajan, i read it with a big smile on my face. It really is a reminder of the wealth of the knowledge we have as Jehovah's people. I must say though that i need to refresh my memory through bible study on the earthy courtyard and spiritual temple in relation to natural Israel. Dont think i can give a stisfactory explanation if someone asked me right now.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Greetings! I'm a member of the great crowd of other sheep rendering sacred service to the Ancient of Days in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple by following the example of the fine shepherd and engaging as a regular pioneer (or publisher) in preaching the good news of the kingdom with the sword of the spirit.

We are helping to warn those not familiar with the Divine Name that the second presence of the Chief Agent of Life has begun, and soon the last days will reach their culmination when the scarlet-colored wild beast will turn on the harlot and destroy Babylon the Great, thus starting the great tribulation which is climaxed by Armageddon and the ruler of the world, now in Tartarus, being thrown into the abyss for the rest of the last Adam's millennial reign.

However, antitypical apostate Jerusalem, with her man of lawlessness class, is supporting the false prophet and fighting against the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel, the ambassadors of heavenly Jerusalem and their envoys, who are keeping themselves without spot from the world and who would rather go to Sheol or Hades than Gehenna by rejecting the theocracy proclaimed by the faithful and discreet slave and the Governing Body of the spiritual paradise on earth today.

So, if you would like a personal Bible Study, & would like to learn more about Jehovah's Theocratic order, here's a program schedule for the Kingdom Hall, where you can come and learn more about New Jerusalem, new heavens, new earth, new commandment, new birth, new song, new creation, new personality, and the new covenant.

Thank you for your time... which is not to be confused with a time, times & half a time.

Not sure of those 2 terms... Will do research... Thanks! Still have a long way to learn...

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Hi, i am also a member of the great crowd, recently baptized this july, been around the truth since a child. I believe that the earthly courtyard is the

Place of worship for us here on earth, i believe, but tartarus is a place of darkness. Jehovah throw the disobedient angels in noahs day there, and

Satan and his demons, they can no longer enter into the spirit realm of the heavens, therefore they do not know any of jehovah's plans for us but

They are able to taunt us and try too keep us from worshipping jehovah at all. Hope this helps, but we all need to keep abrisk, new information is

Constantly being revealed, i believe that this board may be a good way too keep teaching and learning.

Edit: Please do not type your post in all CAPS, thank you as it is considered shouting.

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hi rajan! frankly speaking, these things you have said were very much unknown to many. only us..... Jehovah's servants would understand those bible prophecies. thus, if they will hear it, we might get their attention and would ask us to comeback and teach them about it.

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This is something a brother has put together that's interesting and good about words ~ Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese ~ "Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is about language Jehovah's Witnesses use in everyday life. The Glossary is more than a mere word book. Its extended definitions, commentaries, and anecdotes provide a miniature profile of the state of our culture."


"Purpose And History of the Glossary

This is a revision of the fourth major version of the Glossary. The first version appeared in November 1993 as a single unformatted ASCII file, and contained 372 headword entries. The second, with 453 headwords, was released in January 1994, and was prepared using the TeX typesetting language and the LaTeX macro set. A text file extraction was also made. The third edition, with 874 headwords, was released in January 1995.[5] Version 6.1 was dated July 22, 1996. This is version 6.7, essentially an edition of revisions to existing material. Versions 6.2 through 6.6 were internal working versions, and were never released.

[5] In June 1995 a patched version with three small but important changes was released and was labeled version 5.2. It contained no new material.

This revised edition of the Glossary has 1090 headwords. Although there are only about a dozen new headwords, the changes from version 6.1 are substantial...."

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