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Global Earthquake Signaling the 7 Trumpets

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Revelation 8:5

But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar and hurled it to the earth. And thunders occurred and voices and lightnings and an earthquake.


This video was posted by a brother on another website. Now it is not from the Faithful Slave~ but I am wondering how true all of this is? There is to be a global earthquake felt by all humans that will start the signalling of the 7 trumpets etc.

Can someone please watch this and let me know if it's in anyway correct?

Thanks! Cherie

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This looks like a mixed up thing from christendom.

If you read the Revelation Climax book it explains what is REALLY going to happen.

It looks like they know what they are talking about, but they really don't know.

Their scripture meaning of Matthew 24:14 is way off base, since we JW's are fulfilling this today.

If you see this kind of stuff, you can easily see that they don't know he Bible.

Just throw it in the trash, no need to scramble ourselves with this.

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For the real understanding of these Trumpet Blasts, "Revelation - its Grand Climax" will help.

The Lamb opens the seventh seal. Seven angels receive seven trumpets. Six of the angels blow their trumpets, heralding judgment messages on “a third” of mankind—Christendom. (Rev. 8:1, 2, 7-12; 9:15, 18) This is what John sees in the fifth vision. Participating in the vision that follows, John eats the little scroll and measures the temple sanctuary. After the blowing of the seventh trumpet, loud voices announce: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.”—Rev. 10:10; 11:1, 15. (Effect of 7th Trumpet blast - Jesus is enthroned as King in 1914).

Rev.8:6-12; 9:1, 13; 11:15—When did the seven angels prepare to blow their trumpets, and when and how were the trumpet blasts sounded? Preparation to blow the seven trumpets included giving direction to the revitalized members of the John class on earth from 1919 to 1922. Such anointed ones were then getting busy in reorganizing the public ministry and building up publishing facilities. (Rev. 12:13, 14) The sounding of the trumpets represents fearless proclamations of Jehovah’s judgments against Satan’s world by God’s people in cooperation with the angels. Notably, this began with the Cedar Point, Ohio, convention in 1922 and lasts all the way down to the great tribulation.

Rev.8:13; 9:12; 11:14—In what way are the final three trumpet blasts “woes”? Whereas the first four trumpet blasts are proclamations exposing the spiritually dead condition of Christendom, the last three are woes in that they have to do with specific events. The fifth blast is related to the release of God’s people from “the abyss” of inactivity in 1919 and to their relentless witnessing work, which became like a tormenting plague on Christendom. (Rev. 9:1) The sixth is about the greatest cavalry charge in history and the worldwide preaching campaign that began in 1922. The final blast has to do with the birth of the Messianic Kingdom.


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Seriously????????? Weren't you at the Watchtower study for last month - about the 7 kings?????


That should have been your first clue.

There wasn't a pope "reigning" when John wrote revelation - saying

The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.

And there certainly weren't 5 who already reigned. Throw this VIDEO in the trash can.

If you want a recap of those Watchtowers try - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?10,120617

And then the one about the 7th king - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?10,121633

As for the 7th trumpet blast - the verse tells the meaning -

“And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: ‘The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.’” (Revelation 11:15)

You know when that happened - 1914.

And the Blast that announced that was at the end of 7 conventions - each announcing what the blast is about - starting in 1922 and the 7th in 1929.

As to the "earthquake" the revelation climax books is spot on -

Since 1914 there has been a tremendous upheaval in the realm of religion. Happily, though, this “earthquake” has been accompanied by dedicated voices giving a clear message about God’s established Kingdom. Thunderous ‘storm warnings’ from the Bible have been sounded. Like lightning, flashes of insight as to God’s prophetic Word have been seen and publicized. A hard pounding “hail” of divine judgments has been unleashed against Christendom and false religion in general. All of this should have caught people’s attention. Sadly, though, the majority—like the people of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time—have failed to discern the fulfillment of these Revelation signs.—Luke 19:41-44.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 2 months later...

Well said and put across Jerry. That video should just be thrown in the trash very misleading.Jehovah through his Son our Heavenly King Jesus Christ and the Discreet slave are feeding us with vital information which we can use in our everyday lives and how privileged we are to be part of Jehovah's Organisation. Our commission is to make disciples and that is what we should focus our attention on. Like Jeremiah our message yes of course is of Judgement and hope so lets be positive about it brothers and sisters and for sure that day will come sooner than we expect it.:readbible:

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Seriously????????? Weren't you at the Watchtower study for last month - about the 7 kings?????


That should have been your first clue.

There wasn't a pope "reigning" when John wrote revelation - saying

The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. 10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.

And there certainly weren't 5 who already reigned. Throw this VIDEO in the trash can.

I agree Jerry, this is way off! Actually, since it does promote and deal with false worship and teachings, I might suggest that it be removed so as not to promote it!

If you want a recap of those Watchtowers try - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?10,120617

And then the one about the 7th king - http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?10,121633

As for the 7th trumpet blast - the verse tells the meaning -

“And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: ‘The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.’” (Revelation 11:15)

You know when that happened - 1914.

And the Blast that announced that was at the end of 7 conventions - each announcing what the blast is about - starting in 1922 and the 7th in 1929.

As to the "earthquake" the revelation climax books is spot on -

Since 1914 there has been a tremendous upheaval in the realm of religion. Happily, though, this “earthquake” has been accompanied by dedicated voices giving a clear message about God’s established Kingdom. Thunderous ‘storm warnings’ from the Bible have been sounded. Like lightning, flashes of insight as to God’s prophetic Word have been seen and publicized. A hard pounding “hail” of divine judgments has been unleashed against Christendom and false religion in general. All of this should have caught people’s attention. Sadly, though, the majority—like the people of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time—have failed to discern the fulfillment of these Revelation signs.—Luke 19:41-44.

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