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Documentary film about transfusions now available for online purchase

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Documentary film about blood transfusions now available for online purchase

Maybe of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses.

"Primum Non Nocere - First Do No Harm", Now Available for Purchase online. (Download option or 7 day access Stream option).


If anyone gets to see this film (or has already seen it), please tell us about it here....



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I have not personally seen the film. But I received this from a French-speaking friend of mine:

C'est un excellent documentaire, les interviews sont de toutes nationalités. Des extraits vidéos des années 1930 à 2000 vraiment impressionnantes.

J'ai même appris qu'une personne qui reçoit une transfusion, même cinquante ans plus tard à toujours des morceaux d'ADN de l'unité de sang transfusée.

Une femme (chromosomes seulement XX) transfusée il y a 20 ans avec du sang d'un homme a maintenant des chromosomes XY.

Un DVD devrait bientôt sortir pour 30$ US. Pour l'instant pas de version française en vue.

I provide an approximate translation of his comments:

This is an excellent documentary, interviews are from all nationalities. Video excerpts from 1930 to 2000 are really impressive.

I even learned that a person who receives a transfusion, even fifty years later still has pieces of DNA from the unit of transfused blood.

Female (XX chromosomes only) transfused 20 years ago with the blood of a man now has XY chromosomes.

A DVD should be out soon for $30 US. For now no French version in sight.

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