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‘Justice for Trayvon’: Audio released of DOJ member urging action against George Zimmerman

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While it is important that we remain neutral, like someone else mentioned, we still need to know what is going on in the news in order to apply it to our ministry. 


Also a need to know for our own safety. There's been several racial motivated murders and beatings in the last two days and those calling for more. It would be wise to know how the community feels about what has happened and what is going on, so you are not putting your own life or that of anothers in jeopardy.

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  with over 100 rallies & marches scheduled for this Saturday across the U.S. while Al Sharpton publicly declares "Florida will be our battleground"  we come to their homes this week with timely magazine cover articles that focus on these hot points straight on. Who knows what hearts we may reach?

... perhaps we can just get people thinking on a different path, showing them that hate & divisions will soon be replaced worldwide by unity and love... and in fact has already been replaced by a worldwide brotherhood that we want them to be a part of...


   :grouphug:   :dance:   :givehug:  :flowers:  :yes:

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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It is so interesting (and heartwarming) watching some of the friends with strong opinions on this trying to stay neutral.  And that is just the point; it is why Jesus begged his father on our behalf, because of the wicked one.  Even Peter got caught up in bias conduct.  Satan is cleverer than any of us.  If we think we can slip from his influence we are fooling ourselves (even as Jehovah's witnesses we are tainted with it).  He saturates the air with his spirit and seeks to sow seeds of division not just among the world but even to wage war with the remaining ones of the woman's seed.  How can anyone really know what happened?  24 hour coverage and opinionated news won't reveal what happened.  Only Jehovah knows what happened and I am satisfied knowing that he is our supreme judge. 


To get caught up in speculation and opinions servers no good purpose.  I can't believe that anyone (especially witnesses) even has time to watch the trial.  We have to help people on both sides of any issue to see that true justice rest alone with Jehovah.  There are millions dying, suffering, in this evil world. Do we have to know the ins and outs of this case to give a thorough witnesses.  How about this: Yes many have an opinion on this case, but let me show you a wonderful Bible promise about our future (That's all that is needed, get the focus on God's word, that is the answer, not who was screaming).


I knew a group of witnesses that went out in service after the OJ trial and they started to talk about it.  And they ended up arguing and quit service.  (Satan won that day).  I don't care what this world decides is just or not, because it will always fall miserably short of Jehovah's justice.  Just wait when 24 hour media turns its camera on us and makes us look like the vilest of people.  As difficult as it maybe, Stay Neutral, Jesus prayed that you would.

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It's interesting that Zimmerman was a Democrat, voted for Obama, tutored black kids, brought a black girl to his prom, has relatives who are black and launched a campaign to help a homeless black man who was beaten up by a white kid, but wont see that on the MSM. It's a very sad story, the world is an ignorant place.


Feet of clay and iron, soon...

This just confirms, yet again, that all the collective gasping and breathless anticipation of responses from "white" and "black" folk regarding this tragedy is manipulated by media under the influence of Satan and the demons.  The people that fan this fire could care less about the Martin or the Zimmerman families.  For the media and the folks charged with maintaining this system, it is never about "justice" but what's going to be the most profitable and or distracting, and they make way more money off conflict and division that they do on unity and camaraderie.  Demonic influence is seen in every aspect of this system of things.  The challenge is remembering who decides "good and bad" in this system.  Once we establish that, we're not shocked or outraged by too much of anything done by people alienated from Jehovah.  The only real justice that these two families, other families impacted by unmanned drone strikes or any of the other atrocity sufferers will receive will not come from a human court of human laws.  Jehovah is the only hope, His kingdom the only solution.

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I knew a group of witnesses that went out in service after the OJ trial and they started to talk about it. And they ended up arguing and quit service. (Satan won that day). I don't care what this world decides is just or not, because it will always fall miserably short of Jehovah's justice. Just wait when 24 hour media turns its camera on us and makes us look like the vilest of people. As difficult as it maybe, Stay Neutral, Jesus prayed that you would.

We talk about things happening in the news from time to time as a reflection of what we can use in service to reach people, especially if it's a hot topic we can reason with someone on, like you say. That's the purpose, at least it is with me. Follow what others are moaning and sighing over conditions in the world today. They stress their concerns, to some extent publicly, and we can pick up on that and use it and perhaps guide them toward Jehovah.

What a timely article in the awake on protesting... and to think that was written over a year ago (is what I was told). I found that very interesting and how many other articles are just so timely in that same way, seems like all of them. It's almost like someone knows it's going to happen in advance <wink wink, nod nod>

The case (Trayvon Martin) over all, like almost all other news, is just a distraction from what's really happening in the world, Jehovah's system is almost here, that's the real news. I find that it's not hard to stay neutral but it's is hard to live by others consciences and it's more likely at the door I'll end up having to defend my neutrality to listeners than take a side in worldly affairs (which is never).

Not too long ago there was an article in the watchtower that used Daniel 2:44 (which I see is another hot topic in the forum) The presentation was given at the door that Jehovah's "government" would replace all earthly governments to achieve ever lasting peace and security. In the course of the conversation he pointed out that my neutrality made it so that I didn't "get to have an opinion in what happens in the world today" and asked if I truly had one. I asked him if Daniel 2:44 sounded neutral? He smiled. I have an opinion or I wouldn't be in the truth, my opinion is that Jehovah's way is the only right way, the only way that will work, that's the side I've chosen just like all of the other members in this forum. We've chosen Jehovah's government over mans. It's not really a hard choice, at least I don't find it to be difficult choice considering the alternative.

News happens, "the scene of the world is changing" - we try and take advantage of it to enhance our performance to do Jehovah's will, we also joke about it. This morning an elder send me a link today about a Marijuana pipe found in 4-year-old's Kid's Meal in Michigan and asked me "why I did that", we cracked up about it for a while but neither one of us would take that comment seriously, were brothers. When we talk about other things in the world happening as brothers we know that nothing in the news matters and that it's a distraction from the reality of Jehovah's kingdom announcement being near at hand.

I seriously doubt any of the brothers spend any inordinate amounts of time looking up news daily other than to look at what's really going on in the world. I happen to be in a unique position personally, as a part owner in a company that scans millions of sites and servers daily for banners, text and ppv ads. Many of those ads are running on social media and news sites. Bots are not too smart and will pull in more than they are asked for due to unforeseen changes - I see a lot of news daily - you think your job is boring? Ha, I laugh.

Imagine sitting in front of a computer all day coding and re-coding bots to find a constantly moving target. I get far more than my share of seeing news - millions of sites daily / urls and I the pain and pleasure of seeing the world change on a massive scale daily. Google uses something like this to do predictive sales - that's what the tracking at Google and FB is all about really, however they sell it to others that use it for other reasons. Just a note on that - it's a good reason to not put any personal information on FB (and other places) for any reason. Not trying to be your conscience and I would never want to mistakenly tell anyone how to think or what their conscience should feel, especially in an on-line environment where things can easily be misunderstood, but rather thinking you may want to know that if you don't already ;)

Anyway, we get news, videos and images mixed up for ads all the time thats because media buys include those three mediums. I wake up in the middle of the night seeing ads for multi flavor cheerios and one china's leaders being executed for pedophilia all on the same page and site. Sometimes (mentally) they all blend together and get lost like tears in the rain. Sometimes I send these things out to a brother that possibly had just mention reading about that item or some sister needed some encouragement etc...

Many times like you I'm sure get messages from brothers and sisters that send things off their massive friends list which takes up more than the article itself :) We all get news, everyday, some of us more than others. Probably have seen that one a million times before they sent it. ;) I enjoy that it makes them happy and they find use in it, so I think to myself even though I've seen it 2.5 million times before its good to see my brother or sister enjoying it's use. Too many people in this world are unhappy, and for good reason, it's nice to see brothers and sisters enjoying things without having to be the master of someone else conscience (as the WT puts it) or worry about where they stand on matters in a worldly context. We don't or we wouldn't be here.

It truly is the information age. Wonderful and horrible and goes under things you love and hate at the same time. :D

I know brothers and sisters here like myself don't take sides with the world (what would be the point?) and use news and current events as a tool to lift people caught up in a false left vs right, black vs white, right vs wrong paradigm to the most important thing - true freedom and truth which we all know, or should at this point in life is only going to happen when we take in knowledge of Jehovah, that's what means everlasting life, everything else is just "oh that again?".

Its good that we have news to use in that way. It often helps us to plant the seed.

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Jordan I like your last sentence. Its  good that we have the news to use in a way, It often helps plant the seed.

Very thought provoking.

got to look for ways to connect with people.

Its a part of what the apostle Paul stated..becoming all things to others so we can preach the good news.


I also  think even though we remain neutral. We are affected by what happens to people around us.

I can't wait til the whole earth & all people no matter what race can be at peace.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Jordan I like your last sentence. Its  good that we have the news to use in a way, It often helps plant the seed.

Very thought provoking.

got to look for ways to connect with people.

Its a part of what the apostle Paul stated..becoming all things to others so we can preach the good news.


I also  think even though we remain neutral. We are affected by what happens to people around us.

I can't wait til the whole earth & all people no matter what race can be at peace.

Exactly Gabe,

Paul was an expert at it. Paul observed evidence of the Athenians' "Unknown God" and subtly and shrewdly used that in a powerful way in the ministry. As you pointed out (1 Corinthians 9:20-23) Paul became all things to people of all sorts that he might by means save some. He was progressive and adaptable and it didn't take sophistication to known what moved peoples hearts. Just listen to them...

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We talk about things happening in the news from time to time as a reflection of what we can use in service to reach people, especially if it's a hot topic we can reason with someone on, like you say. That's the purpose, at least it is with me.


Not sure if you understood what I meant. Not saying don't talk about what's going on, just stay neutral when you talk about it.  Jesus prayed not to take us out of the world, but to watch over us because of the wicked one.  Jesus directly intervened in matters that could have divided his disciples.  But no longer would he be there to do this, so he left it to his father to help us.


I am a news hound and I use what is on people's mind (as we all should) to give a witness. Jehovah is rocking the nations and using us to tell folks what the state of this world is all about.  If you go to the door of a black person (if they disagree with the verdict) and say 'well, you know the justice system worked'  see if you get a listening ear.  But if you say 'true justice is allusive in this world, it will never attain it, but friend Justice originated with Jehovah God' you may have an open heart to witness to.  Even if in the recesses of my heart I have an opinion, I sacrifice it to God's will because we know what the opinions of humans, are costing us all.  Mine would be no different.


People are hurting and sighing and they are seeking something, we have to point them to Jehovah, through Christ not to human opinion and biases.

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Yes Sir understood .. I was just blabbing in general... there were several posts to comment on so I kind mixed them all together and I just happened to quote that part of yours -- sorry if it looked like I was pointing at anyone at all. Wasn't so.


If you go to the door of a black person (if they disagree with the verdict) and say 'well, you know the justice system worked' see if you get a listening ear. But if you say 'true justice is allusive in this world, it will never attain it, but friend Justice originated with Jehovah God' you may have an open heart to witness to. Even if in the recesses of my heart I have an opinion

Exactly my point, and it's awesome to see that happens with our many brothers and sisters, we learn the right ways to plan that seed. I agree with you. Need to sharpen those planting tools :)

Edited by Jordan
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