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Through the wormhole - Prayer

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Very interesting!  You see how much less atheists use different areas of their brains.  It makes me wonder, is this truly because they don't believe, could it be genetics in some or maybe even someone being abused... seldom using this area of the brain... could use or lack of use be an indicator of other things?  Does that make sense?  Obviously it has a lot to do with how someone is raised... can it be counter-acted?  Don't know if I am phrasing this right....

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That was very cool. I loved the atheist's non-approach to God. They cannot connect so they don't. They do not even attempt to 'pick up the phone.'


As to being raised with certain religious beliefs and having activated brains, a person can become an unbeliever - an atheist. Does that mean that at one time in their lives their brains did light up and then stopped praying when they lost faith and it no longer lit up?


I have many theories about prayer and human thoughts. When someone in the room has a hatred for others in their heart and mind those powerful intangibles seep out into the room. If we are at the hall and there is someone there thinking 'bad thoughts' - does it change the energy in the room? Holy spirit is energy from God, a powerful force that can mold us and correct our thinking. BUT, if a person is resisting that power with another force, an opposite or 'wicked spirit' power, what happens in the room? What can happen to the congregation?


I am reminded of Achan and his family. He had thoughts of stealing and then acted on it. It began a chain of events that blocked Jehovah's powerful force and the Israelites, who were winning the war, suddenly began losing the battle with many casualties. Why? The evil force and the holy force were battling energies. I am not saying that Jehovah's force is not more powerful. I am saying that the wicked force repelled the good one. You cannot be partaking of the table of Jehovah and the table of demons. Like two powerful magnets, those two forces repelled, until Achan and his wicked family were discovered and destroyed.


So what does that have to do with prayer? If we have a hatred of someone in the room and we begin praying about them, we turn to God to help us overcome and forgive this person. There is an energy shift in our brain and in the force coming out of our brain. Holy spirit can now freely operate in the room. The two opposing forces are now more attractive rather than repellent. I think of God even warning Cain to stop harboring hatred for his brother. He had a choice but he chose to resist God's powerful force. Thus he acted upon the force he was attracting, wicked spirit.


Since humans can light up human brains to see a physical change in our energy, I wonder if the wicked spirits can see our brains light up as well? Do they know when we are praying to Jehovah? Do they know when others are praying to their gods? Is that 'visible' to them? Things that make you wanna say: 'hmmmmm....'

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