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I got these from a sister, some of you may already know these:


Smart splinter remover: pour a drop of Elmer's Glue, all over the splinter, let it dry, and then peel the dried glue off your skin.


Hunt's Tomato paste boil cure: cover the boil with HUNT'S tomato paste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head.


Balm for broken blisters: To disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of LISTERINE, a powerful antiseptic.


HEINZ vinegar to heal bruises: Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process.


FLEA KILLER:  DAWN dish washing liquid does the trick.  Add a few drops to your dog's bath (sorry, it didn't say Cat's) and shampoo the animal thoroughly, rinse well to avoid skin irritations...goodbye fleas!


Quaker Oats for fast pain relief:  Its not just a breakfast anymore!  Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.


GATORADE (yuck, I can't stand it, but it works) - two glasses of this stuff can relieve headache pain almost immediately and without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers. 


COLGATE is not just for teeth - toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.


HONEY- use if you have skin blemishes; cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it.  Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. 


LISTERINE is not just a mouthwash: therapy for toenail fungus (who knew), get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in LISTERINE mouthwash.  It's a powerful antiseptic and it will leave your toenails looking healthy. 

Edited by allabord4jah
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Thanks for sharing. I see things like this and think, "now this is good information" I will use it. Then I loose it. Ah, yes, the computer. Some people actually print out the good information. I think I have a file for it somewhere....hopeless? Well, absolutely no! I've got all sorts of hope, and I thank Jehovah that I can make sense of it! Thanks for sharing!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Listerine on a broke blister!!!!  oooowwww!!!!!



these are not house-hold tips, but a few food tips:  to rid your hands of odor from onions, fish and garlic... stainless steal!  wet your hands, rub on stainless steal, if you have a stainless steal sink, voila!


if you are only using 1/2 pepper, cut the bottom half off, keep top with seeds in it... keeps it fresh twice as long!


Wendy's style burgers:  mix your hamburger as you like, I use onion soup mix, egg, a little mustard and ketchup, turn oven onto 350, press all hamburger into bottom of jelly roll pan or cookie sheet with lip.  Bake 20 - 30 minutes, depending on doneness liking and how much meat you use.  When done, drain all grease, cut into squares - your choice of size, top with cheese and pop back in oven for a couple of minutes to melt!  Add toppings of your choice!  So yummy and no splatter to clean later!


Perfect cookies (soft) and brownies:  under-cook 2 minutes, remove from oven and allow to finish cooking in pan.


Perfect hard-boiled eggs, bring water and eggs to boil, cook 2 minutes, turn off, move to another burner if needed to stop boiling, cover and let sit for 13 minutes.  Immediately put into cold water, cool completely, peel starting at small end!


I know more, will post as I remember!  lol! 

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Stainless steel seems a little harsh for me.  I would use a slice of lemon to get the stink off my hands.  When you eat Crabs (those blue babies from our polluted bay) cooked in a steamer, with beer and seasoning/salt on them, the meat is sweet, but the stink stays on your hands and finger tips.  I cut a piece of lemon (fresh) and rub it on my hands and then I rinse it off.  No sticky mess, just a sweet smell of lemon juice!   There are so many decent things out that aren't harsh and can help out.  Little tiny tips that are simple.  And yes, the Listerine is a bit harsh, but it does its job!   I my self like to use SCOPE mouthwash instead of Listerine.  That stuff numbs my throat!  But it sure disinfects well!

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Stainless steel seems a little harsh for me.  I would use a slice of lemon to get the stink off my hands.  When you eat Crabs (those blue babies from our polluted bay) cooked in a steamer, with beer and seasoning/salt on them, the meat is sweet, but the stink stays on your hands and finger tips.  I cut a piece of lemon (fresh) and rub it on my hands and then I rinse it off.  No sticky mess, just a sweet smell of lemon juice!   There are so many decent things out that aren't harsh and can help out.  Little tiny tips that are simple.  And yes, the Listerine is a bit harsh, but it does its job!   I my self like to use SCOPE mouthwash instead of Listerine.  That stuff numbs my throat!  But it sure disinfects well!

there is nothing harsh about stainless steel!  lol!  it is a smooth surface, cold water and a little rubbing!  Lemon does not take the smell off just disguises it for a little while!  The stainless steel gets rid of it completely!

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Honey is also good for spider bites,centipede stings and snake bites(it neutralizes the poison), put raw honey on the  bite every hour and put band-aid over it. By around the 4th day white ooze will come out, that is the poison. Keep putting honey on until wound heals, if it is healing fast then you can just put fresh raw honey on it 4 times a day. Also take a Tablespoon of honey internally 4-5 times a day. I have used this with recluse bites and copper head snake bites. I recommend going to the doctor too but the doctor will also be amazed how quickly you heal from a poisonous bite.


After cleaning fish you can wash your hands with toothpaste and the smell will go away.  

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