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i suppose she didnt use a link or address... she may have went about it the hard way......... and started deleting everything in hers

i LOVE that... "don't worry about catching up, just keep up" .. i, too, find myself feeling guilty for all the material i missed out on.

i have interesting news.. it was just announced that our current C.O. was transferred to Sacramento, CA... how close is that to you?

His name is Timothy Eudy...... it is such a bittersweet departure.. as we didnt even get to say good bye.. he proved to be a great encouragement to me and my children this past year.. i will miss him so... he didnt get to finish his term with us... this was a newly formed circuit in need of an experienced CO and he we begin in Feb there..... he is actually from Arkansas, not far from where i live.. so serving here was a chance to be back home for a little bit.

Hey! I live in Sacramento and we're expecting a new CO. Maybe this is him. Our much loved CO Michael Morrow was "promoted" to DO. We have a CO apartment attached to our KH. I'll ask my CoBE about Eudy at the next meeting.

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I have an account, but i use it solely to keep in touch with friends and family....all are witnesses, i log on about once every two days...just to see if there is any news :)

I used to play games on there like Farmville...but it became silly and i found i was logging on just to do that ! so now i play only Famerama, which is online but not linked to facebook...i also don't need friends on it..my crops don't rot, and i can check in every couple of weeks...bliss :dance:

Facebook is ok, but there is a danger with it, as there is a danger with any worldly website :)

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I just got done deleting my account on Facebook. To much gossip, and lying going on. I can't stand it anymore. Besides, we have been strongly counseled in our local needs to remove ourselves from it. Some brothers and sisters use it for business matters which is ok, however, personal use is looked down upon.

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a short while later, unrelated to this incident a dear sister started showing signs of weakening in the faith and becoming lonely (she was deaf and had lots of obstacles in her life) but she received much love and encouragement from all of her brothers and sisters (i had even sent her some money to help her with circuit assembly costs!!) but in due time, she posted she was dissociating herself. she said she found worldly men more 'desirable than brothers who showed no interest) in her.

For the record, I have deactivate the account of MsTexan here. She has gone completely apostate.

i don't miss the silly, self centered, self promoting comments that dominate facebook.

That sentence alone sums facebook up perfectly!

i believe that the majority of friends i have are wasting valuable time obsessed with posts and comments and spending way too much time on facebook....

i like to think i might be setting an example, as a regular pioneer, that i have better things to do with my time, such as serving the most magnificent God of the Universe. not wasting time on mundane silly activities that do NOT allow for refreshment

Also true. The counsel we get regarding social networks and the internet (all of which apply to this group here as well) are cautionary statements about bad associations and the wasting of valuable time.

“So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise [persons], buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked.” Ephesians 5:15-16

Facebook is not about encouragement.... it is about drama.

Unless you are using it as intended... to keep in touch with people you know in real life.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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i have been on facebook for four years, starting with my daughter and a few clients and relatives. all worldly. when i started i was barely coming back into the truth. i found a wonderful group of Jehovah's Witnesses in a large group that helped me in so many ways to continue in my finding my way back to Jehovah. i found true friends that i cherish! in a short period of time i had more witness friends than non and the posts were so encouraging, in the beginning. then apostasy reared its ugly head. how? by JW friends who thought they were doing a good job by all of their apostate warnings. however, in due time, that kind of 'talk' only became discouraging and caused me to feel anxious. i deleted ones who talked about apostasy all the time. then the group disbanded and there was slander and hateful talk about why that happened. a short while later, unrelated to this incident a dear sister started showing signs of weakening in the faith and becoming lonely (she was deaf and had lots of obstacles in her life) but she received much love and encouragement from all of her brothers and sisters (i had even sent her some money to help her with circuit assembly costs!!) but in due time, she posted she was dissociating herself. she said she found worldly men more 'desirable than brothers who showed no interest) in her. i began to feel a love/hate thing for facebook and made a promise to myself, "if i see one more thing that causes me to feel discouraged on a site i have chosen to be on for spiritual refreshment, i am leaving." recently, i experienced two things; 1. slander and 2. (a separate incident) an announcement of a local sister (facebook friend) "in a relationship" with a disfellowshipped brother (also local). right then and there i deleted my account.

i don't miss the silly, self centered, self promoting comments that dominate facebook. i will miss my many wonderful friends but know i will see them for real in the near future after armaggedon. i believe that the majority of friends i have are wasting valuable time obsessed with posts and comments and spending way too much time on facebook. Jesus said at Mark 9:43-47 “And if ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go off into Ge‧hen′na, into the fire that cannot be put out. And if your foot makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life lame than with two feet to be pitched into Ge‧hen′na.  And if your eye makes you stumble, throw it away; it is finer for you to enter one-eyed into the kingdom of God than with two eyes to be pitched into Ge‧hen′na."

but then again, that is my own opinion, shared by some. i suggest that if facebook ever causes you to cry, or to lose sleep, or to feel upset because of something you see (sister wearing a skirt as short as right below her crotch, another one in a very skimpy bikini!!) or stupid worldly music videos promoting idol worship (sorry, that's how i see it), i suggest prayerful consideration about staying on facebook. also, i like to think i might be setting an example, as a regular pioneer, that i have better things to do with my time, such as serving the most magnificent God of the Universe. not wasting time on mundane silly activities that do NOT allow for refreshment, as somehow, each time, one logs on, there is something posted that raises your dander! shouldn't be like that. not by choice of where to spend our time. REFRESHMENT. ENCOURAGEMENT. LOVE. satan can and will use anything he can to cause us to stumble. beware, brothers.

If we were in the same room, I would give you the biggest HUG :D What wisdom you are displaying!

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i have been on facebook for four years, starting with my daughter and a few clients and relatives. all worldly. when i started i was barely coming back into the truth. i found a wonderful group of Jehovah's Witnesses in a large group that helped me in so many ways to continue in my finding my way back to Jehovah. i found true friends that i cherish! in a short period of time i had more witness friends than non and the posts were so encouraging, in the beginning. then apostasy reared its ugly head. how? by JW friends who thought they were doing a good job by all of their apostate warnings. however, in due time, that kind of 'talk' only became discouraging and caused me to feel anxious. i deleted ones who talked about apostasy all the time. then the group disbanded and there was slander and hateful talk about why that happened. a short while later, unrelated to this incident a dear sister started showing signs of weakening in the faith and becoming lonely (she was deaf and had lots of obstacles in her life) but she received much love and encouragement from all of her brothers and sisters (i had even sent her some money to help her with circuit assembly costs!!) but in due time, she posted she was dissociating herself. she said she found worldly men more 'desirable than brothers who showed no interest) in her. i began to feel a love/hate thing for facebook and made a promise to myself, "if i see one more thing that causes me to feel discouraged on a site i have chosen to be on for spiritual refreshment, i am leaving." recently, i experienced two things; 1. slander and 2. (a separate incident) an announcement of a local sister (facebook friend) "in a relationship" with a disfellowshipped brother (also local). right then and there i deleted my account.

i don't miss the silly, self centered, self promoting comments that dominate facebook. i will miss my many wonderful friends but know i will see them for real in the near future after armaggedon. i believe that the majority of friends i have are wasting valuable time obsessed with posts and comments and spending way too much time on facebook. Jesus said at Mark 9:43-47 “And if ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go off into Ge‧hen′na, into the fire that cannot be put out. And if your foot makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life lame than with two feet to be pitched into Ge‧hen′na.  And if your eye makes you stumble, throw it away; it is finer for you to enter one-eyed into the kingdom of God than with two eyes to be pitched into Ge‧hen′na."

but then again, that is my own opinion, shared by some. i suggest that if facebook ever causes you to cry, or to lose sleep, or to feel upset because of something you see (sister wearing a skirt as short as right below her crotch, another one in a very skimpy bikini!!) or stupid worldly music videos promoting idol worship (sorry, that's how i see it), i suggest prayerful consideration about staying on facebook. also, i like to think i might be setting an example, as a regular pioneer, that i have better things to do with my time, such as serving the most magnificent God of the Universe. not wasting time on mundane silly activities that do NOT allow for refreshment, as somehow, each time, one logs on, there is something posted that raises your dander! shouldn't be like that. not by choice of where to spend our time. REFRESHMENT. ENCOURAGEMENT. LOVE. satan can and will use anything he can to cause us to stumble. beware, brothers.

If we were in the same room, I would give you the biggest HUG :D What wisdom you are displaying!

i am so surprised to receive such positive replies to my post! i thought i'd get some flak for my rigid point of view. thank you for your love and support! i'll take that hug! thank you!

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Me too I am surprised how many positive and encouraging posts I can see in here.Was right choice quit FACEBOOK.

I was planning that long time and that took me lots of courage to do that.

I found great place where to be encouraged and supported from my loving brothers and sisters!Wishing everybody great day!

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I like my Facebook. I do spend too much time on the games. I play Farmville everyday, but if it wasnt for Facebook I wouldnt have ever found JWTalk. I have to be very careful how much time I play on the games. I dont blame Facebook for the silly drama, but rather the people I PICK to be my friends on there. I really dont see a problem with Facebook itself, it is just who you have as friends that causes the problems. For example I post everything on my status as to what I'm doing such as what I'm cooking for dinner, what my pets are doing, and spiritual things too. I actually tend to be TOO open about myself, my feelings, my health problems,and my family, and I have never been very private. The problems I have is with my sons....who are not in the truth. One son claims to be athiest and anytime I post something Biblical or spiritual on my status he wants to attack it. Which starts an argument between us. I have wanted very badly to just delete HIM and not my Facebook! X( and then my other son wants to argue political stuff that I dont care about! He knows that I dont vote and other stuff but he just has to call me a Republican, as an insult, even though I dont affiliate with ANY political status. I'm sure if I deleted the two of them my Facebook might be a lot better! It is your own personal decision as to whether you delete your Facebook account, and I agree that you might want to pray about it. Maybe later I will want to delete it, but for now I dont want to. My health is very bad and I dont leave the house very often because of my bad health. I do spend time studying (eating my spiritual food), praying, and talking on the phone with my Witness family, cleaning my home, and occasionally going on Facebook, Farmville, and of course here.:)

I know how you feel. I have two daughters, one who isn't in the truth and one who is. I also have a younger sister who I consider to be bad association and I have deleted her off my facebook. If necessary I can call her.

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I miss you Dianne very much. I have got to where I don't make to many comments anymore. I get on to tag up with my family and talk to my dear sweet friend Carol Ficke who is struggling to make ends meet. I enjoy all the photo's of people and there assembly picks and the kindom hall photos. When my husband is gone off working it helps feel the void of him being gone.

I have made a lot of close friends on facebook including Kamil and Dianne and Br. Angle.

Every once in a while I will post a scripture to encourage others. I have deleted so many friends who have bad attitudes or who post things that don't comply with being a witness.

One day I will probably end up doing the very same thing. Right now I have my portrait site on facebook trying to help my business grow.

I get on usually at night when I am winding down.

Love you Dianne, keep in touch...you are a lot of encouragement for me.

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I miss you Dianne very much. I have got to where I don't make to many comments anymore. I get on to tag up with my family and talk to my dear sweet friend Carol Ficke who is struggling to make ends meet. I enjoy all the photo's of people and there assembly picks and the kindom hall photos. When my husband is gone off working it helps feel the void of him being gone.

I have made a lot of close friends on facebook including Kamil and Dianne and Br. Angle.

Every once in a while I will post a scripture to encourage others. I have deleted so many friends who have bad attitudes or who post things that don't comply with being a witness.

One day I will probably end up doing the very same thing. Right now I have my portrait site on facebook trying to help my business grow.

I get on usually at night when I am winding down.

Love you Dianne, keep in touch...you are a lot of encouragement for me.

i am here, melody!!! and you have my email address too! no need to miss me! we can PM here as often as you like! we are in this thing together and i value the good friends i have met, including you! it is refreshing to come here and see positive, encouraging comments. i love you, too, melody! i am not going anywhere (that i know of)!!!

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Thanks Melody for compliment.I found in you always refreshment and positive views what is right in Jehovah's eyes.

Lovely WT study about how Jehovah notes when we face trials when Satan test us about our beliefs and loyalty to Jehovah!You can find me always in here too!

Maybe good question for Bob can might be we can work create chat so anybody whats chat then could be possible.I have no idea how this web site has limitations otherwise I know it is not free!:)

Anyways I am always to talk to me.;)

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i suppose she didnt use a link or address... she may have went about it the hard way......... and started deleting everything in hers

i LOVE that... "don't worry about catching up, just keep up" .. i, too, find myself feeling guilty for all the material i missed out on.

i have interesting news.. it was just announced that our current C.O. was transferred to Sacramento, CA... how close is that to you?

His name is Timothy Eudy...... it is such a bittersweet departure.. as we didnt even get to say good bye.. he proved to be a great encouragement to me and my children this past year.. i will miss him so... he didnt get to finish his term with us... this was a newly formed circuit in need of an experienced CO and he we begin in Feb there..... he is actually from Arkansas, not far from where i live.. so serving here was a chance to be back home for a little bit.

Hey! I live in Sacramento and we're expecting a new CO. Maybe this is him. Our much loved CO Michael Morrow was "promoted" to DO. We have a CO apartment attached to our KH. I'll ask my CoBE about Eudy at the next meeting.

Hey! What do ya know, small world...heehee! reminds me of the part on the service meeting tonite about our "pure language"... if it is Eudy, you guys are in for a tremendous treat!!!! i LOVE his sense of humor and he has a heart filled with compassion!! loves the kiddos and enjoys a good home cooked meal!

pls keep me posted & let me know if you find out... AGAPE... BTW, my name is Jen... nice to meet you! :wave:

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For the record, I have deactivate the account of MsTexan here. She has gone completely apostate.

i don't miss the silly, self centered, self promoting comments that dominate facebook.

That sentence alone sums facebook up perfectly!

Bob, i knew when i read this comment Dianne made that you were gonna reply to it!!! it had your name written ALL over it :lol2:

And thanx for deactivating Ms Texan, yeah she's way out there!!

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Maybe good question for Bob can might be we can work create chat so anybody whats chat then could be possible.I have no idea how this web site has limitations otherwise I know it is not free!:)

Anyways I am always to talk to me.;)

Actually, we tossed the idea for chat around a little over a year ago. I was even beta testing some scripts and what not, but then we kinda dropped the idea.

It put's a big load on the server, which might mean I would have to move the site to a dedicated server and pay more.

And then there is moderation issues. People can always trade Skype, Google, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Trillian, and other instant messenger eachother at their own risk.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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put's a big load on the server, which might mean I would have to move the site to a dedicated server and pay more.

And then there is moderation issues. People can always trade Skype, Google, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Trillian, and other instant messenger eachother at their own risk.


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Maybe good question for Bob can might be we can work create chat so anybody whats chat then could be possible.I have no idea how this web site has limitations otherwise I know it is not free!:)

Anyways I am always to talk to me.;)

Actually, we tossed the idea for chat around a little over a year ago. I was even beta testing some scripts and what not, but then we kinda dropped the idea.

It put's a big load on the server, which might mean I would have to move the site to a dedicated server and pay more.

And then there is moderation issues. People can always trade Skype, Google, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Trillian, and other instant messenger eachother at their own risk.

"if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" >:D<

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i suppose she didnt use a link or address... she may have went about it the hard way......... and started deleting everything in hers

i LOVE that... "don't worry about catching up, just keep up" .. i, too, find myself feeling guilty for all the material i missed out on.

i have interesting news.. it was just announced that our current C.O. was transferred to Sacramento, CA... how close is that to you?

His name is Timothy Eudy...... it is such a bittersweet departure.. as we didnt even get to say good bye.. he proved to be a great encouragement to me and my children this past year.. i will miss him so... he didnt get to finish his term with us... this was a newly formed circuit in need of an experienced CO and he we begin in Feb there..... he is actually from Arkansas, not far from where i live.. so serving here was a chance to be back home for a little bit.

Hey! I live in Sacramento and we're expecting a new CO. Maybe this is him. Our much loved CO Michael Morrow was "promoted" to DO. We have a CO apartment attached to our KH. I'll ask my CoBE about Eudy at the next meeting.

Hey! What do ya know, small world...heehee! reminds me of the part on the service meeting tonite about our "pure language"... if it is Eudy, you guys are in for a tremendous treat!!!! i LOVE his sense of humor and he has a heart filled with compassion!! loves the kiddos and enjoys a good home cooked meal!

pls keep me posted & let me know if you find out... AGAPE... BTW, my name is Jen... nice to meet you! :wave:

Jen! It's confirmed! Eudy is our new CO and he will be visiting our congregation April 19-24.

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