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Arkansas mystery of dead birds and fish...

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Arkansas mystery of dead birds and fish

Thousands of blackbirds dropped dead over the US state on New Year's eve and then 100,000 fish washed up in a nearby river

In a devoutly Christian state such as Arkansas, it's a sequence of events that could get residents leafing through the Book of Revelation for portents: anything up to 5,000 blackbirds fall dead from the sky, and then 100,000 fish wash up along a river.

Environmental officials, however, insist they expect to find scientific explanations for the Biblical-seeming phenomena.....:eek:

rest of story


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Maybe some one started up one of those flash-forward machines ;-) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FlashForward)

Good TV always gets killed :-( nothing on but junk any more - Sorry for the missive.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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On our news radio officials thought the birds were frightened to death

by fireworks or a hail storm in the upper atmosphere got them.They said the birds were

torn up a bit.They didn't say anything about the fish this is the first I heard of them.

3 or 4 yrs back,we were supposed to report finding dead birds in our area and there were alot of them,we'd count dozens

everytime we went for a walk in a local park,so our local paper said don't report them anymore.They told us none of them

have west nile virus but they didn't say what they died from.I don't know what's going on.Wierd stuff.

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they say that the birds had suffered internal bleeding and blood clots..you would never know what the US. government is up to...one thing is for sure they won't be telling us anytime soon :eek:

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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What I dont understand is, if it was fireworks or hail, then why was it only ONE KIND of bird that died and not many different kinds of birds? There are many many different kinds of birds flying around up in the sky but it was ONLY the red winged black bird that fell from the sky? Doesnt make any sense! Also, why only ONE KIND of fish died. If it was poison or environmental then many many different types of fish would die not just one kind. Doesnt make any sense! I dont think its a sign of the end though. I just think it is very very weird and confusing! :?

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why was it only ONE KIND of bird that died and not many different kinds of birds.....why only ONE KIND of fish died.

I missed that...well observed:detective:

Sian - nice to see you out of that chair and out and about in the yard, gardening! (tu)

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i live a cpl of hours from Beebe... this has been very interesting, indeed! now, news has reported another 500 or so found yesterday about 360 miles away in Louisiana. Reports indicated severe trauma to the birds... everyone is wondering what the results of the testing will discover... CONFUSION in ARKANSAS!! LOL, it is already turning into talk of folk legend!!

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Well the reports are getting stranger and stranger .... the planet just can't take much more of what we're hitting it with. Time for Armageddon methings!

Bizarre blackbird, fish deaths spread: 500 birds dead in Louisiana; 100 tons of fish die in Brazil

It isn't 2012, but a rash of animal deaths is making this year look like the End of Days.

Following on the heels of thousands of red-winged blackbirds dying in a small Arkansas town, several hundred more mysteriously died farther south in Louisiana.

Officials are trying to determine what killed an estimated 500 of the small birds, who littered Louisiana Highway 1 near Pointe Coupee Parish when they fell out of the sky, according to Baton Rouge's The Advocate.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2011/01/04/2011-01-04_bizarre_blackbird_fish_deaths_spread_500_birds_dead_in_louisana_100_tons_of_fish.html#ixzz1A6t3CGkQ


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Swedens also saying it may be fireworks.

I don't think the fish would have been startled to

death by the fireworks however,sent into a mass panic,crashing into each other

while swimming causing blood clots and death from the hysteria and shock.

Maybe sleeping birds in trees but not the fish.

Maybe it's the 500 or so mini earthquakes Arkansas has been experiencing since Sept.

I heard animals die during earthquakes.

It has alot of people talking about Bible prophecies which is always good for us.

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It is very odd and interesting! I've seen a number of July 4th's, and never a bunch of dead birds the next day! Not even one bird that I've ever heard of has fallen from the sky due to fireworks.

Miners have long used birds to alert them of poisonous gasses, so that when they see a caged bird die, they may get out in time. Now, if many birds start dying, all over the world, it would indeed be a fearful site from heaven (Luke 21:11). Would be a good idea to clip the item out of the newspaper to use in service.

At least one person knows what's going on in all these cases - Matt 10:29 Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without YOUR Father’s [knowledge]. 30 But the very hairs of YOUR head are all numbered. 31 Therefore have no fear: YOU are worth more than many sparrows.

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New one coming in.....New Zealand

Dead snapper on Coromandel beaches

5/01/2011 11:56:01

Hundreds of dead snapper on Coromandel beaches has brought about an inquiry by the Ministry of Fisheries

The Ministry of Fisheries is investigating hundreds of dead snapper washed up on beaches on the Coromandel Peninsula.

People at Waikawau and Little Bay reported seeing the dead fish on the sand yesterday.

MFish Field Operations Manager Brendon Mikkelsen says it's too early to say what may have caused the fish to die.....

He says the Ministry is making an inquiry into what was happening in the area at the time.

Mr Mikkelsen urges anyone with information on the dead snapper to call........


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Its very interesting and certainly attracts our attention.

On the one hand, this could be part of the contributing factors causing man to become 'faint out of fear not knowing the way out'

On the other hand, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, and could he have a hand in this in causing a side show which then passes and people say 'Its nothing' and we are left dissapointed because nothing came of it. I'm not to clear on the thought of if the demon forces have this type of power over the animals. Perhaps someone can expand on that.

Meanwhile, lets keep watching and keep about our business. You can tell I just had a CO visit cant you :readbible:

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Its very interesting and certainly attracts our attention.

On the one hand, this could be part of the contributing factors causing man to become 'faint out of fear not knowing the way out'

On the other hand, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, and could he have a hand in this in causing a side show which then passes and people say 'Its nothing' and we are left dissapointed because nothing came of it. I'm not to clear on the thought of if the demon forces have this type of power over the animals. Perhaps someone can expand on that.

Meanwhile, lets keep watching and keep about our business. You can tell I just had a CO visit cant you :readbible:

its a brilliant CO visit, isn't it :) I have no idea about demon forces...I'm not sure they can do that kind of thing, but then you never know !

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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do you think it could come under "pestilence" ?

"and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs."

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That's what I was thinking

-----Original Message-----

From: sianrose

To: jwtalk@googlegroups.com

Sent: Wed, Jan 5, 2011 3:54 pm

Subject: Re: Arkansas mystery of dead birds and fish... (was: New Massive deaths of Birds)

do you think it could come under "pestilence" ?

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Its very interesting and certainly attracts our attention.

On the one hand, this could be part of the contributing factors causing man to become 'faint out of fear not knowing the way out'

On the other hand, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, and could he have a hand in this in causing a side show which then passes and people say 'Its nothing' and we are left dissapointed because nothing came of it. I'm not to clear on the thought of if the demon forces have this type of power over the animals. Perhaps someone can expand on that.

Meanwhile, lets keep watching and keep about our business. You can tell I just had a CO visit cant you :readbible:

Demon forces having destructive power over animals: Matt. 8:28-32; Mark 5:11-12; Luke 8:30-33

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Its very interesting and certainly attracts our attention.

On the one hand, this could be part of the contributing factors causing man to become 'faint out of fear not knowing the way out'

On the other hand, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, and could he have a hand in this in causing a side show which then passes and people say 'Its nothing' and we are left dissapointed because nothing came of it. I'm not to clear on the thought of if the demon forces have this type of power over the animals. Perhaps someone can expand on that.

Meanwhile, lets keep watching and keep about our business. You can tell I just had a CO visit cant you :readbible:

I have often wondered about that sort of thing, as well. You often hear about UFO sightings, etc., and it occurred to me this would certainly be a way for them to further distract from the Kingdom message.

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