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Gay 'marriages' to be allowed in church....

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Gay 'marriages' to be allowed in church

Ministers are proposing to change the law to allow homosexual couples to "marry" in traditional religious ceremonies – including in church.

Lynne Featherstone, the Liberal Democrat equalities minister, is expected shortly to outline firm plans to lift the current ban on civil partnerships being conducted in places of worship.

In a political "win" for Nick Clegg and his party, the Coalition will also say that such ceremonies should for the first time be allowed to have a religious element, such as hymn-singing and readings from the Bible.

They could, it is understood, also be carried out in the future out by priests or other religious figures.

The landmark move will please equality campaigners but is likely to prompt a fierce backlash from mainstream Christian leaders, as well as some Right-leaning Tories.

Currently civil partnership ceremonies, which were introduced in 2005, have to be entirely secular and cannot contain any religious element, even though civil partners have almost exactly the same legal rights as married spouses....

When the Equality Bill was passed by the House of Lords last March, a spokesman for the government equalities office said the move paved the way to allow religious groups "to let civil partnership ceremonies take place in their churches, mosques, synagogues and so on if they choose to do so".

The spokesman added: "It will not force any religious group to do anything that is not compatible with their faith."

However, the new move could open up a legal minefield with same-sex couples possibly taking anti-discrimination action against religious groups if they were barred from getting married in the place of worship of their choice....

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A readers comment...

I had always maintained that had Labour remained in power they would inevitably have made homosexuality compulsary. It now appears that the coalition are heading in this direction. It can only be the politically correct, right-on hand of Clegg guiding this.

Although now an agnostic, my religious teaching in my school days would have held a "marriage" between same sex couples, in a church, to be blasphemy.

Has the christian religion changed so very much in the past 60 odd years?, if so my decision to distance myself from organised religion was fully justified.

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Ministers are proposing to change the law to allow homosexual couples to "marry" in traditional religious ceremonies – including in church.

Not in my church!

The spokesman added: "It will not force any religious group to do anything that is not compatible with their faith."


However, the new move could open up a legal minefield with same-sex couples possibly taking anti-discrimination action against religious groups if they were barred from getting married in the place of worship of their choice....

But of course.

From time to time I have been asked what my thoughts were on legalizing gay marriage. Of course, this is a political issue and Christian neutrality moves me to have no opinion on this matter. It will never ever be allowed among us, and so what do we care what they are fighting about and legalizing outside the walls of our organization?

A readers comment...

Has the christian religion changed so very much in the past 60 odd years?, if so my decision to distance myself from organised religion was fully justified.

It's called the last days. Read 2 Tim 3:1-5. He just needs to find the right organized religion.


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Some points from...

The Bible’s Viewpoint....Does God Approve of Same-Sex Marriage?

The fire storm of controversy over this issue is not restricted to religion. Internationally, heated political debates are raging, since the social, political, and economic implications involving pensions, joint health care, and taxes are great.

Issues involving civil rights and legal recognition are often very complicated and divide public opinion. True Christians are careful to maintain neutrality by avoiding political debates. (John 17:16)* Still, some who respect the Bible find themselves confused regarding the subject of same-sex marriage and homosexuality. How do you view same-sex marriage? What is God’s standard for marriage? What impact does your attitude have on your relationship with God?

The men became “violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males.” (Romans 1:27) They had “gone out after flesh for unnatural use.” (Jude 7) In countries where homosexual rights campaigns are pervasive, some may object to using the word “unnatural” to describe homosexual behavior. However, is not God the final arbiter when it comes to nature? He commanded his ancient people: “You must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing.”— Leviticus 18:22.

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