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Oil prices below $60

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Saudi Arabia's oil war against Iran and Russia (Subheading of NY Post)


Below a very interesting article who looses and benefits from low oil prices



Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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From that article

"If oil prices remain low through next year, the effect on rogue governments, from the Russian Federation to Venezuela, will go from damaging to devastating.

But Western economies (and China’s) stand to benefit, with cheap oil possibly tickling Europe’s snoozing markets awake. Even most underdeveloped states will get a welcome break."

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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From that article

"If oil prices remain low through next year, the effect on rogue governments, from the Russian Federation to Venezuela, will go from damaging to devastating.

But Western economies (and China’s) stand to benefit, with cheap oil possibly tickling Europe’s snoozing markets awake. Even most underdeveloped states will get a welcome break."

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and how Bible prophecy plays into all this. But in the end, it's still all a guessing game how the dominoes will fall until we see it actually happening. Here's my hypothesis:

OPEC/Saudi Arabia really don't care about money as much as many others do. They care more about power. I've heard it said before that one can actually have too much money, but no one can have too much power. Money does actually lose it's appeal after awhile for those who have more of it than generations of their family would ever be able to spend in their lifetimes. I think that aptly applies to ones like these, correct? Since many of the OPEC nations have the 'easy oil', that is oil barreled with the least amount of overhead, they can afford to let oil prices drop to the point where it begins to hurt other countries, especially ones like Canada with our more expensive oil sands extraction methods that is much more costly to produce. So what would the purpose of letting oil fall in price so rapidly as OPEC is allowing it to do? Could it be helping to serve US interests in bringing Putin/Russia to it's knees? There is no hiding the fact that Presidents Obama and Putin can't stand each other. The west is trying to hurt Putin because he won't play the big boy games by the big boy rules that were largely made by 'the west'. Sanctions against him, Russia and the big boys in Russia this year haven't had the paralyzing effect that 'the west' had hoped for. Since Russia, an export country, has a huge amount of natural resources; oil being one of the most profitable, then wouldn't it make sense that a rapid decline in oil prices would cause what we see happening in Russia now? Collapse of the Ruble and of their economy. These could quickly cause the Russian people to force their leader to alleviate their suffering by cooperating with the western countries.

Then what? Putin is brought to his knees and forced to cooperate. OPEC decides that it's time to cut back production which causes oil prices to spike back. The economies of many nations spike into action, people begin feeling more SECURE as the world's markets are rising more on their own merits rather than manipulation. Their is less uncertainty and distrust in these institutions as there were in the last near decade. People and govn'ts see how true cooperation between nations actually benefits everyone.

I know I'm missing a LOT more details and I'm just using the events of the current situation which can rapidly change, but wouldn't it be interesting if events like this is how the Security part of the Peace and Security prophecy were fulfilled? Then something like the destruction of ISIS, and other extremist groups would certainly help people with the Peace part, wouldn't you say?

Of course, this is mere speculation but in light of how quick world events are changing, coming into existence etc, I think the FS class is quite right in telling us that we must be awake, attentive and ready to act when instructed to do so. We may be a whole lot closer than any of us could ever imagine.

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