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Do you use a "designated room/space" for school?

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Do you have a separate room or designated space set aside for schooling or do you use the living room or dining room for the bulk of your schooling?



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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We had a separate space for most of our time homeschooling - all the books, desks, crafty / science stuff stored there. But it always migrated to the main living space. Kitchen table, family room... It was good to have everything in one area but sometimes I found it easier to have a roller file cart (2 levels of baskets) to keep the main stuff we were working with close to our hub of living.

It's just kind of come to a point where I have one bookshelf (gasp! Only one now!) of reference books and odds and ends of our homeschool life that I will sort thru again this summer. (I will sell what I know is no longer needed for us but I will keep reference for history/science and geography)

We also have 2 bookcases of theocratic resources that I considered part of our learning journey there (I can't part with my paper books and just go only digital yet), a small desk and a sofa to curl up and read / study on.

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Oh and I have a 6 drawer storage unit (those white / clear ones on wheels) that housed all our math manipulatives and markers, pencil crayons, paper, etc. (that needs to be sorted this summer and sold off / given away now too)

Often that ended up coming and living in the kitchen / family room area too.

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We were going to have a separate room. Had some awesome ideas for it, it's a nice room in the third floor very sunny. Planned it for a couple of years. But when we actually started school. It started in the dining room and it will probably stay their for a while. Even though we are currently doing a cyber school, we are still very flexible. Our school supplies, like Tazzy, are in plastic drawer things and a milk crate. And a whiteboard/chalkboard in the corner. I used to be a little obsessive about my dining room, no children for 20 years of marriage will do that! So I am learning to let go and accept the school "clutter".

This works good for us because it the dining room is the center of our house on the first floor. So I can be working in the kitchen if Elijah is working on a project.

We also don't "do school" all day, cyber takes a few hours at the absolute max. Usually way less.

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When we had a house, the little guy had his own place, almost like his own 'office' or school. Now we are transitioning for a possible move to the Warwick area of NY and we use the dining room table for the work and a seperate 'school area' for supplies.

Wow Washington to NY that is a big transition.

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We have stuff in every room. Her bedroom especially when she was younger so she would always have access.  We didn't have a start and end to our school day. I posted on another thread how our "curriculum" works. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would go into her room and she would be reading or singing or drawing or building these amazing structures with boxes or books or lego's or dominoes. She was and is very self motivated. She is out in service right now and it started out being about -5 this morning. She know's that when she puts her mind to something It's as good as done. 

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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We have stuff in every room. Her bedroom especially when she was younger so she would always have access.  We didn't have a start and end to our school day. I posted on another thread how our "curriculum" works. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would go into her room and she would be reading or singing or drawing or building these amazing structures with boxes or books or lego's or dominoes. She was and is very self motivated. She is out in service right now and it started out being about -5 this morning. She know's that when she puts her mind to something It's as good as done.

You are raising a crazy child .... WINK WINK! -5

I appreciate your style.

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We started off with a school desk I found at Goodwill.He kept his books in it,he loved his desk when he was little.Later on,in upper grades he had a laptop and was pretty much all over,even the park,the library,Panera Bread...the library was an awesome place to do a school day.I insisted on his having his own text books,which they provided though the pdfs were also on-line.

So we had all that in a bookshelf next to a work table.

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We do have a room, mainly it's for my own sanity. I'm ADD, and sick a lot. I have some chronic illnesses. Between the two, I have to have organization. So the room is more about organizing our stuff... and also having a quiet place to do things, away from the crazy littles for a few moments. Although reading, art, etc continues after we are done with the curricula agenda of the day. I like being able to put every thing away. I admire those able to use the table, our stuff would just be ruined, or we just wouldn't eat at the table! lol haha I would be too sick/tired to move stuff around like that every day. But, I admire those who can. I do like her at a desk while she is fine tuning good handwriting. I had been letting her do it on a pillow on the floor or where ever, but I noticed the quality of her penmanship went waaaay down. So for penmanship-copywork, etc she now has to do that at a desk, she can do work sheets where ever still though.


I also find we need more and more book cases, I am working on getting custom made ones right now. Up to this point it's been hand me downs, and second hand finds, but this year will start our first custom made one, and each year add one or two custom made ones til it is exactly how I want. (I want it to fit the space exactly so we are not wasting space). I had our apartment in NYC pretty efficient space wise, and just starting on making this house efficient on use of space.  I can only get one book case this year though, because we've kind of figured out I need a few more chairs for our dining table then I originally had made... the same man who makes all our furniture (chairs, tables, couches, bed, night stands, coffee tables) will be making our book cases too. So every thing kind of matches as well. 

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