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"The end of evolution? Scientists say human brain may have reached full capacity

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This article is wrong on so many levels "The end of evolution? Scientists say human brain may have reached full capacity We've invented penicillin, space shuttles, computers and even artificial hearts, among many other wonders. So where will human intelligence go from here? The answer, if certain scientists are correct, is nowhere. Mankind’s brain power has reached its peak and it is physically impossible for us to become any smarter, they say. They claim that in order to become any more intelligent the human brain would need vast amounts of extra energy and oxygen – and we simply cannot provide it. Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up. Simon Laughlin, professor of neurobiology, said: ‘We have demonstrated that brains must consume energy to function and that these requirements are sufficiently demanding to limit our performance and determine design."

44036=1918-article-2020546-0D3F8E8100000 Full article... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2020546/Full-brim-Scientists-claim-human-brain-capacity-tiring-smarter.html

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The need to read the "Was life Created" Brochure.......that is a well written brochure!!

it's amazing we give these things out free of charge to the public it is so full of invaluable research and infomation.......

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

Growth Demands Change!

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I have only heard that humans DO use %100 of our brain, but NOT our brain power. If we were using %100 of our brain power we would be super human. From my research, scientists do say we're using all of our brain because just about every part is active while we're doing certain things, but they say the brain power we use is so small that we would turn into super humans if we used %100 brain power for everything we do. I would love to use all my brain power! If we're able to use %100 of our brain power in the new system (I'm sure we will) then just imagine that!!

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Have you seen the movie "Limitless"?

No...so I just did a search...


An action-thriller about a writer who takes an experimental drug that allows him to use 100 percent of his mind. As one man evolves into the perfect version of himself, forces more corrupt than he can imagine mark him for assassination.

Out-of-work writer Eddie Morra's (Cooper) rejection by girlfriend Lindy (Abbie Cornish) confirms his belief that he has zero future. That all vanishes the day an old friend introduces Eddie to NZT, a designer pharmaceutical that makes him laser focused and more confident than any man alive.

Now on an NZT-fueled odyssey, everything Eddie's read, heard or seen is instantly organized and available to him. As the former nobody rises to the top of the financial world, he draws the attention of business mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro), who sees this enhanced version of Eddie as the tool to make billions. But brutal side effects jeopardize his meteoric ascent...


I like that phrase...As one man evolves into the perfect version of himself... something all in the paradise can look forward too..

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