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Interesting Reading - the Churches Role In WW1 by Bill Underwood

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The concordat that  (then) cardinal Vincent Pacelli entered with Hitler, after World War I, was illegal because it violated the Peace Treaty of Versailles France, which forbade Germany from additional colonization. Germany was plunged into abject poverty after WWI; Hitler wanted to be the King of  the Secular World: Pacelli wanted to be the KIng of  Religion, HOliest of Roman Emperors.  Pacelli did  become Pope. 

Watchtower 4/15/89 re: Babylon the Great 

".........and on July 20, 1933, at an elaborate ceremony in the Vatican, Cardinal Pacelli (who was soon to become Pope Pius XII) signed the concordat.
3 One historian writes: “The Concordat [with the Vatican] was a great victory for Hitler. It gave him the first moral support he had received from the outer world, and this from the most exalted source.” During the celebrations at the Vatican, Pacelli conferred on von Papen the high papal decoration of the Grand Cross of the Order of Pius. Winston Churchill, in his book The Gathering Storm, published in 1948, tells how von Papen further used “his reputation as a good Catholic” to gain church support for the Nazi takeover of Austria. In 1938, in honor of Hitler’s birthday, Cardinal Innitzer ordered that all Austrian churches fly the swastika flag, ring their bells, and pray for the Nazi dictator.
4 A terrible bloodguilt therefore rests on the Vatican! As a leading part of Babylon the Great, it helped significantly in putting Hitler into power and in giving him “moral” support. The Vatican went further in tacitly consenting to Hitler’s atrocities. During the long decade of Nazi terror, the Roman pontiff kept quiet while hundreds of thousands of Catholic soldiers were fighting and dying for the glory of the Nazi regime and while millions of other unfortunates were being liquidated in Hitler’s gas chambers.
5 The German Catholic bishops even gave open support to Hitler...." 


And, The Hills Were  Alive



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