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Passenger sets bus driver alight

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This random attack took place in my city, Brisbane in Marooka - its a very quiet place and the poor bus driver was doused by fuel by a passenger coming onto the bus and then set alight before other passengers.



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That poor bus driver :(  It really does get scarier the 'closer to home' it hits. The following 2 incidents happened same week. Two blocks down the street from us, a 90 yr. old lady was stabbed to death in a home invasion. Also have a big manhunt going on for a guy that shot two cops, killed 2 of his relatives and tried to behead some more of his family (I know there's more, just can't remember). 
Obviously, the 'motivation' for such vile crimes is Satanic influence. "...his spirit has power over everyone who doesn't obey God." (Eph.2:2) Satan's time is running out fast; he knows he only has 'hours' left in this system. He's not just angry now; he's raging .. destroying everything and everyone in his path.  The  everyday horror of news stories  evidence of such.. Increasing of lawlessness .. Violent acts have become *more sadistic, brutal.  Saw the headlines--> "Syrian Mother: Islamic State Baked Christians, ‘Kneaded’ Children in Bakery Machines" - Started to read but stopped.  This is too horrifying to even *think about let alone know that it's happening...but Bible prophecy being fulfilled right before our very eyes.  Every day praying for God's Kingdome to come - and for Jehovah to give us the faith, courage and strength to endure to the end!




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20 minutes ago, SusanE said:

Started to read but stopped.  This is too horrifying to even *think about let alone know that it's happening..

I know what you mean.  I think I'm had my fill of horrific violence and can't stomach any more.  Like Lot, we suffer now, waiting for Jehovah's deliverance.


"(Jehovah) rescued righteous Lot, who was greatly distressed by the brazen conduct of the lawless people— for day after day that righteous man was tormenting his righteous soul over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard while dwelling among them. So, then, Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people to be destroyed on the day of judgment" - 2 Pet 2:7-9

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It's very much the randomness of such an attack -  there ceases to be a HINT of a reason (reasoning by worldly people) for someone to do such horrible things nowadays.  I can't wait for this world to be over and the new system come in. I keep thinking about Noah and just wonder, how much worse - just as his day?? It certainly feels like people just think bad (of some sort) all the time.  I actually spoke to a guy in our cong who is a bus driver and he actually knew the driver (just friendly - not close). I hope he can give a witness to all those bus drivers affected.

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