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Are the churches REALLY Christ-like?->:D

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Are the Churches really Christ-like?

Honest observer

By Roy Flintoff, An Honest Observer - Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012.

Article Hits: 282


Dear Editor

Why do I ask that question? You might wonder. For many years now I have been looking at religions with a constructively critical eye. While I commend them for making God’s word available to many and teaching some good moral principles, I do think that the churches are not generally living up to and upholding the standard of God to a satisfactory degree.

1) The churches are “running down” the Jehovah’s Witnesses too much. Now if the pastors and their church members feel that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are wrong, why don’t they speak to the Jehovah’s Witnesses to correct them when they visit their homes? Why do the pastors tell their members not to listen to the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come to their doors?

If the pastors are truly “Christians,” why don’t they show love to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and help them, and urge their members to do likewise, rather than encourage their members to shut their doors on Jehovah’s Witnesses?

I know of a case where hot water was thrown on a Jehovah’s Witness by someone who claimed to be a Christian. In another case, urine was thrown at a Jehovah’s Witness, again by a member of a church claiming to be a Christian. These actions could never be right.

Yes, Christ said that Christians are to expect persecution, which Jehovah’s Witnesses meet frequently (Matthew 24:9; John 15:20). But when those who claim to be Christians are the ones doing the persecuting, then I shake my head and ask: Are they really Christians? Are they truly Christ-like?

Christ said to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:44). So why not love the Jehovah’s Witnesses too? Jehovah’s Witnesses speak to all who are willing to converse, even if they disagree on doctrines in the end.

From my observation, I think that the churches must be willing to use the bible to a much greater extent to prove their beliefs and practices. Their members seem afraid to defend their beliefs, hence, they feel it is the best course to avoid Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I personally think that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do a fine job in the way they use the bible to prove their beliefs and practices. Give credit where it is rightfully due. Of course, anyone is free to believe what he or she wishes, freedom of thought.

2) The churches are tolerating wrongs such as: Pastors committing adultery and preaching sermons still; pastors and church members fornicating and they are still highly admired by many in the church, even taking communion in their sinful state. They are only fooling themselves. Are they really Christ-like?

3) Politics is dividing church members. Even when elections are over, church members have been keeping malice with each other due to having different political affiliations. Are they seriously Christ-like?

The above-mentioned are honest, truthful observations I have made over the years, and I think that any fair-minded person would do well to consider the facts as he or she truly sees them. Let the truth be told and make us free. John 8:32.

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Wonderful to see that this letter to the editor in the online newspaper from Antigua is so well advertised. It is nice to see the hard work that Jehovah's Witnesses do is acknowledged so positively The negative comments below the letter are partially hidden by the thumbs up or down voting of those who read the article. I am glad that the positive comments are most of those who have thumbs up.

I would call this an example of an online comment that would call for a response from a Witness, as many Witnesses have done. The writer is apparently not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and yet he/she spoke up in their behalf. By encouraging that person to investigate further through Bible study would not only encourage that person, but anyone else who is reading.

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Are the Churches really Christ-like?

Honest observer

By Roy Flintoff, An Honest Observer - Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012.

Article Hits: 282


1) The churches are “running down” the Jehovah’s Witnesses too much. Now if the pastors and their church members feel that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are wrong, why don’t they speak to the Jehovah’s Witnesses to correct them when they visit their homes? Why do the pastors tell their members not to listen to the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come to their doors?

If the pastors are truly “Christians,” why don’t they show love to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and help them, and urge their members to do likewise, rather than encourage their members to shut their doors on Jehovah’s Witnesses?

I know of a case where hot water was thrown on a Jehovah’s Witness by someone who claimed to be a Christian. In another case, urine was thrown at a Jehovah’s Witness, again by a member of a church claiming to be a Christian. These actions could never be right.

This issue reminds of last weeks bible reading programme of Isaiah book. when I was going through chapters of 58 to 62 I had a pose on (Isaiah 59:15b -18) verse 15a Jehovah saw that "there was no justice" upon his people. Isaiah 59:16 he got wondered "when he saw that there was no man" to help his people.So, Jehovah was supported by his own righteousness to save his own.So, when the churches injustice treat JW's, Jehovah will not allow his people to suffer for a long time...He will do anything to protect those who are called by his name and reward rage to those who hate his people. Isaiah 59:17,18 shows That Jehovah will put on a complete armor to fight for his people.

Jehovah will do so because he knows his people can not fight against there enemies.

hope Jehovah will do it not so long than we expect...

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Very interesting sis and thank you for posting. I always enjoy a non biased point of view. Wonder if this person will ever take the time for a study?

If you go into Youtube, you will find a short program about why blood transfusion are not life saving. Wonderful piece of program because these doctors are not witnesses and yet argue the same point ie that blood is alive only for a short time etc.

Your sis Suzanne

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