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Territory Assistants Software

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Hello friends!

I was recently appointed as a MS!

One of my first assignments was/is to assist the brothers with our local territory ...

I have searched a couple sites fo a territory assistant program, but the 2 major ones will not work for me... one says missing a file error, the other will not completely download.

If anyone has or uses such a program, we would greatly appreciate the leads...

Thanks, it's so wonderful sharing association with you,


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I cannot imagine what a territory software would be. Isn't doing the territory the simplest of the assignments. I mean:

1. I have a book that has all the territories listed across the top of the pages and below that territory I write who checked it out and when. Then when it is checked back in I write the checked in date. What else is there? (note: the branch has pages specific for this)

2. To the actual territories. We use the cards from the branch. I put them in a box with the most recent on turned in going in the back. So, someone turns in a territory I write that in the book and put that card in the back.

3. Someone wants to check out a territory I hand them the one in the front - it is the one that hasn't been worked in the longest time (as the newest go to the back).

The CO comes - I hand him the book TADA - I am done. What does the software do? How could this be made simpler?

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Hello Doby, I'm new here myself, so from one noob to another, welcome. I'm a self-confessed computer geek i.e. someone who uses a computer purely for the sake of using a computer, so I think i can help you out. Go and take a look at www.jwdownloads.com. They have a selection of theocratic software including a comprehensive territory manager program, and best of all it's free. (But they suggest a donation to the world wide work fund).

You might also look at http://www.myministryapp.com/, there's a field service organiser program for Windows & Android devices. Hope this helps.

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Again, what would it do?

It's just putting it all on computer rather then having a box with the territories and writing down when they are checked out and such.

The latter seems easier to me than bothering with the computer! Just stand behind the counter and write this and that down and be done with it.

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Again, what would it do?

It's just putting it all on computer rather then having a box with the territories and writing down when they are checked out and such.

The latter seems easier to me than bothering with the computer! Just stand behind the counter and write this and that down and be done with it.

I agree!

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Well, thanks for the encouragement? Lol!

We have it all in hard copy, 100% the same as you!

BUT, we have inherited territory from a neighboring congregation and are going to be making new maps, territories, etc.

SO, We thought it would be nice to have things put into a PC data base, have some satellite visuals, possible residents count... You know, the census-type approach to 2013!

We're getting approval to split territories and other changes, so we're trying to CHANGE with it.

In the mean time, we are pushing No. 2 pencils like you. (I happen to enjoy the pencil work, personally)

So, again, thanks? for your response.

Love you like a brother,


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Thanks... I've actually tried the jwdownloads site, but a few bros have had trouble dld'ng the software... Getting an error after opening...

I will try the second link you provided...

Thanks much,

Love you like a brother,


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Thanks... I've actually tried the jwdownloads site, but a few bros have had trouble dld'ng the software... Getting an error after opening...

I will try the second link you provided...

Thanks much,

Love you like a brother,


You're welcome, glad to be of help.

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Again, what would it do?

It's just putting it all on computer rather then having a box with the territories and writing down when they are checked out and such.


Jerry prefers to use his abacus :whistling:

NO KIDDING - Did you see how complicated that was????? :S

I mean I write and initial and last name with the date - BOOM DONE!!!.

I am suddenly reminded of a recent news article - http://www.gadgetbox.msnbc.msn.com/technology/gadgetbox/rube-goldberg-device-takes-300-steps-pop-balloon-686978

300 STEPS!! to enter territory down. WOW!! :eek:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I agree Jerry. Computers are wonderful, many uses, but I truly believe that people are becoming obsessed with computers to the point that things are just harder, lol.

My husband downloaded this app on my phone for me to track my ministry. You put not at homes, time, rv's, etc. It takes less time for me to write it down, lol.

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Previously I was serving as one of the territory servants in Tagalog congregation. I was one of those who manage to have a pain-staking transition from manual (spreadsheet software) to this software.

In several Quebec circuit we use this: www.multi-terr.com

If you need assistance in this, PM me or email the brothers in support@multi-terr.com

The name itself explains the usefulness of this software.


If you want to create territories to, you can create it through private settings in google maps.

BTW, this multi-terr software has a link to google maps if you want to verify the COMPLETE address.

Try the software and see for yourself.

Modesty is not something we can simply define in a way that suits us.


Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.

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Yes, thanks! We're gonna get into the google mapping soon.

A bro that just returned from assisting another cong. brought us a huge wall map that we will incorporate as well...

Thanks again,

Love you like a brother,


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  • 8 months later...

I'm working on a Territory program that will help create map cards and keep them up to date. It uses a Bing Maps control to help you define the boundary of each territory as well as a master territory. It automatically maps the driving route between two markers to make this process easy. All the coordinates are saved in a database so you can easily update the territory or print a new one with the latest version of the map. You can download the map card in many different file types.

Currently it offers a basic one page Congregation Overview map, but I'm working on expanding this area since all congregations should have an overview map. I'm also working on adding Territory Management and tagging features. Until those are complete it is a great tool for creating map cards. It requires you to register using an existing Google or Yahoo account so you don't have to remember anymore username/passwords. It is encrypted and doesn't store sensitive information. There is nothing to download, it runs in your web browser. I'm also very open to suggestions for improvement.

On the welcome page there are links to YouTube videos that show the app in use. That way you can decide if it will help you before you register.

Here is the link:


I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting the link or by resurrecting this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3. Someone wants to check out a territory I hand them the one in the front - it is the one that hasn't been worked in the longest time (as the newest go to the back).

What if the publishers won't take the next territory in the line up? I have suggested this method in our hall and they don't want to do it because it might be a hardship on some. I suggested that the elderly or mothers of small children or the halt and lame ONLY work the flat easy territories that get worked all the time. They didn't want to do that either.

Personally I am getting tired of taking rural territories and spending a tank of gas a week to work them while others say they don't want to do them because it's too hard. Before my car group started taking these they were worked maybe once a year and the BOE was OK with that. If we stopped going there, I think they would be OK with that too. One elder brags that he won't go out of town. I have been in a car group in his car and asked to make calls 10 miles out and he refused.

Sometimes I get discouraged about some of these men who are supposed to lead us into the new system. Moses wandered for 40 years in the wilderness as a punishment for the people. I think some of these might lead us for 40 years in the wilderness just because they get lost (no metaphor intended).


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we are allowed to pick one out by ourselves. They are in a box, and we go through them and pick one out.

And that's not a problem? People don't grab the "choice" territories so they are worked 500 times in a row and the other territories (and the people who live in them) are left to rot? Your congregation must be made up of fine and caring people.


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