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Question: What is happening in San Juan??

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Hello Brothers en sisters,

I just reading in the newspaper in the Netherlands that in San Juan the court decided in favour of Jehovah's witnesses.

Is there anybody who got more information.

I'm very curious.

Here the article in Dutch language

Besloten buurt moet Jehovah's Getuigen toelaten

Laatste update: 12 mei 2012 21:21 info Bekijk op de kaart

SAN JUAN - Alle besloten woonbuurten in Puerto Rico moeten Jehovah's getuigen de mogelijkheid bieden aan de deur te evangeliseren. Dat heeft een Amerikaanse rechtbank bevolen.

De Christelijke Gemeente van Jehovah's Getuigen in Puerto Rico had geklaagd dat haar leden door 587 zogenaamde 'gated communities' in het autonome Amerikaanse gebiedsdeel werden geweerd.

De besloten woonbuurten moeten de Jehovah's Getuigen van de rechter voor dinsdag toegang verschaffen. Eerder had de rechter door bewakers beveiligde woonbuurten al gelast Jehovah's aan de voordeur toe te laten.

De uitspraak komt alle religieuze, politieke en maatschappelijke minderheden ten goede, reageerde de Amerikaanse Unie voor Burgervrijheden vrijdagavond verheugd.

Greeting Joop

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I think this is the story.

For Immediate Release

February 14, 2012

Puerto Rico upholds freedom of speech

PUERTO RICO—On February 2, 2012, the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico ruled in favor of Jehovah’s Witnesses establishing a foundation to bring to an end nearly eight years of litigation over restricted access to public streets.

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico enacted a law enabling public neighborhoods to restrict access by means of gates, walls, and security guards. This measure effectively barred Jehovah’s Witnesses from entering into hundreds of neighborhoods to engage in their door-to-door ministry, violating their freedom of speech. In response, the Witnesses filed a lawsuit in federal court in 2004.

District Court Judge Gustavo A. Gelpi’s ruling requires the defendant municipalities to create and present to the court action plans to assure that Jehovah’s Witnesses are granted entry to the previously restricted neighborhoods. The court gave the municipalities deadlines to comply with its orders.


We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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