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Jeremiah 10:23 (North Korea)

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Concerns about North Korea’s chronic food shortages are growing, with multiple sources suggesting this week that deaths due to starvation are likely.


Trade data, satellite images and assessments by the United Nations and South Korean authorities all suggest the food supply has now “dipped below the amount needed to satisfy minimum human needs,” according to Lucas Rengifo-Keller, a research analyst at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Even if food was distributed equally – something close to inconceivable in North Korea where the elite and military take priority – Rengifo-Keller said “you would have hunger-related deaths.”

In a briefing last month, vice spokesperson Lee Hyo-jung said, “according to local and international research institutions, if North Korea had used the expense of the missiles it launched last year on food supplies, it would have been enough to purchase over one million tons of food, believed to be more than enough to cover North Korea’s annual food shortage.”



Jesus rightly said:

“For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another

Were else do you see truthfulness of what is written in Jer 10:23? 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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21 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

As preocupações com a escassez crônica de alimentos na Coreia do Norte estão crescendo, com várias fontes sugerindo esta semana que as mortes devido à fome são prováveis.


Dados comerciais, imagens de satélite e avaliações das Nações Unidas e das autoridades sul-coreanas sugerem que a oferta de alimentos “caiu abaixo da quantidade necessária para satisfazer as necessidades humanas mínimas”, segundo Lucas Rengifo-Keller, analista de pesquisa do Peterson Institute for Economia internacional.

Mesmo que a comida fosse distribuída igualmente – algo quase inconcebível na Coreia do Norte, onde a elite e os militares têm prioridade – Rengifo-Keller disse que “você teria mortes relacionadas à fome”.

Em um briefing no mês passado, o vice-porta-voz Lee Hyo-jung disse: “de acordo com instituições de pesquisa locais e internacionais, se a Coreia do Norte tivesse usado a despesa dos mísseis que lançou no ano passado em suprimentos de alimentos, teria sido suficiente para comprar mais de um milhões de toneladas de alimentos, que se acredita ser mais do que suficiente para cobrir a escassez anual de alimentos da Coreia do Norte.”



Jesus disse com razão:

“Pois nação se levantará contra nação e reino contra reino, e haverá escassez de alimentos e terremotos em um lugar após o outro

Onde mais você vê a veracidade do que está escrito em Jeremias 10:23? 


It's all very sad, and North Korea has received several sanctions from several countries, and yet that man has a stubborn heart, Jehovah will reach him in the right time 

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