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Doctor Who - A Spoiler Free Discussion of The Best TV Show in Time and Space!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Found this website. I haven't 'knitted in the round', but these - knit your own Daleks - look funny and cute:


Dr Who - Best of British Sci-Fi along with The Clangers! (My latest Avatar):laugh:

I agree...Doctor Who is the best British Sci-Fi...In fact, the best Sci-Fi. Been watching it since the last days of the 3rd Doctor. But the 4th Doctor, Tom Baker, was and always will be, IMHO, the best. My mum even knitted me a scarf like Tom Bakers. I though it was so cool.

You mentioned the Clangers...My daughter was listening to something the other day and the sound remind of the Clangers. I told her "That sounds like the Clangers" Her response "What are Clangers?" Honestly, I have no idea what the Youth of today are coming to. Still, at least she likes Doctor Who. I even took her to the Doctor Who Experience in June, this year. She loved it...and so did I. It really is good.

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I just saw the final episode where he "died". I don't know how I missed it earlier.

did you cry.....:crying: I did... then I realized it's just a show ... :wall:

Are you guys talking about Dave Tenant's final story?

I literally bawled my eyes out. It was so gut wrenching. And to think it's a kids show. How awful!

I periodically pick someone and get them to watch all the Doctor Who's with me, and even still when I get to this one I shed a tear or two.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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No, I wasn't. I was talking about the very last episode where he was "killed" on the beach by his "wife" ;) and during the episode time happened all at once as she didn't want to kill him.

I don't want to say more and spoil anything. Somehow I totally missed seeing that there was one more episode.

Anyway - Christmas special is coming :)

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 3 weeks later...



I just saw the final episode where he "died". I don't know how I missed it earlier.

did you cry.....:crying: I did... then I realized it's just a show ... :wall:

Are you guys talking about Dave Tenant's final story?

I literally bawled my eyes out. It was so gut wrenching. And to think it's a kids show. How awful!

I periodically pick someone and get them to watch all the Doctor Who's with me, and even still when I get to this one I shed a tear or two.

Me Too!!!! I had no idea that I'd get so emotionally involved with The Doctor!!:crush:

My girls (17 & 20) were squealing & crying over this show & giggling & chatting about the episodes & I was clueless! But now that I'm caught up on the show, I totally GET It! I miss the 10th Doctor & I did indeed cry when he was regenerating....dying..:cry: if I go more than a week w/out watching some Doctor Who, I get antsy, I need a "Fix" lol....even if it's re runs....it's better than nothing!

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I was looking up some info on Doctor Who and found out that it started way back in 1963 in black and white and eventually added color, then was off the air in 1989 and then started up again in 2005.

So those of you who are fans of the newer show, what do you think of all the old episodes?

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never saw the older show... my only experience was with Tom Barker ?... my mom hated the show then...so wee never looked at the show... however mom saw David Tennant in Casanova which aired on PBS ( only part of the movie though missed the other part....and he made her laugh at his antics ) so when she found out he played the doctor on the show it was history in the making ( my mom bad-mouthed Dr. Who for as long as I can remember (( bad special effects, (( worse than Star Trek even First series )) and the guy with the long scarf looking corny etc)) then she looked at the show was hooked.........until he left...:perplexed: now she says the new guy is just not a good actor for the part . :ohmy:

I did later on look up the show on the internet and saw that the show had been going on for a long while but I don't think we in the us got the first episodes... at least on PBS....

I may be tired and in pain :wheelchair: but I'll never   :surrender: to it just send some encouraging words or hugs  :kisscheek:  :encourage:  and I'll return the same   :kisscheek:  :encourage:

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I was looking up some info on Doctor Who and found out that it started way back in 1963 in black and white and eventually added color, then was off the air in 1989 and then started up again in 2005.

So those of you who are fans of the newer show, what do you think of all the old episodes?

I was introduced to Doctor Who when I was 8 years old in 1983, 3rd grade, so I do love the old episodes. That said, watching old sci-fi is actually hard to stomach because it is not the eye candy that modern tv and it's special effects provide. Story writing as come a long way in some respects, but suffers in others.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Less than a week away from another episode (<img src=)'>

It looks really good this year!! can't wait for my next doctor who fix!! shame we'll have to wait till end of next year for the next season though :crying:

I heard that also. The next season will be a "Fall season" and not a Spring season. Hopefully we get an Easter special and perhaps another filler to hold us over until then.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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  • 8 months later...

New episodes are playing :ecstatic:

for a list of whats coming - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Doctor_Who_serials#Series_7_.282012.E2.80.9313.29

2 episodes already :yes:

to watch - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006q2x0

or download them "somewhere" :whistling:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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:offtopic: of Dr. Who

about the nursing home your laws in the states and U.K. must be different in Aust. to have only one religious group in a nursing home is called discrimination.

For instance if you have a catholic run nursing home you have to allow non catholics there as well.

that is why we have many issues with the older ones getting to meetings etc if they are in wheelchairs and can't hook up on the phone line in the nursing home.

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2 episodes already :yes:

Yes, I am in! The first 2 episodes were really good too!

A lot of foreshadowing I think. Some of the dialogue is dropping some major hints. I don't know what is coming because this is one of only two shows I watch and I HATE SPOILERS!



or download them "somewhere" :whistling:

They are airing on BBC America right away this year. In previous years, I lacked the patience to wait and the Pirate Bay was my best friend :P


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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But spoilers are the best!! I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed my whovian experience. Although, I think to be a true "whovian" you need to have watched it from the very beginning and some of those older ones are pretty slow for us whipper-snappers. LOVE tom baker! I don't have bbc either, so I wait until I can see them on netflix :( I hate waiting! I am SO thrilled to have a universal jw show that we all like!!! Since I've been "inDOCTORinated" I've met so many others!!! A sister near me has a sonic screwdriver and I have a wallet with the tardis on it. There's a great doctor page on facebook too.

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Although, I think to be a true "whovian" you need to have watched it from the very beginning and some of those older ones are pretty slow for us whipper-snappers. LOVE tom baker!

I loved Tom Baker too!

I was introduced to it in 3rd grade, 9 years old, circa 1983. PBS was carrying it and it was John Pertwee the 3rd Doctor. I watched it through the Tom Baker and Peter Davidson era's, and when it got to the 6th doctor, PBS pulled it. I had to find other means of catching up on some 6th and 7th Doctor episodes, but have not seen them all just due to a lack of availability. In modern times, I have seen a handful of 1st and 2nd Doctor episodes, as i was collecting them when I saw them at Borders which has since closed. Now I have to Netflix them or buy them on Amazon which I am totally lazy about doing.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just love those weeping angels :yes:

I think they are the scariest of them all. :eek:

The weeping angels are awesome.

However, the mid season finale that aired this last Saturday was terrible and full of plot holes. Moffatt was noted to be such an awesome writer when he occasionally wrote shows during the Russel T Davies era, but I feel that the show has taken a slight turn for the worse since his taking over. The story line and character dialogue moves too fast to be comprehensible, and the solutions to half the doctors problems are just cheesy. I am not brokenhearted that Amy and Rory are gone, and it has been difficult to warm up to Matt Smith as the Doctor. I have grown to like him, but not nearly as much as I did David Tennant or Chris Eccleston for that matter.

How come nobody notices the Statue of Liberty moving around New York?

If the Doctor cannot go back to 1938, why not go back to 1939 then?

There is just too much that doesn't add up.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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