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Nothing On Earth Can Compare...To Jehovah's Discipline

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To those of us who have experienced it...how true those words are.


To the world...this is what the word discipline means: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.


The world uses a variety of “punishments” ...everything from prison to public hangings, whippings...labor camps...and yes...even the death penalty. Their goal is justice...but because they are imperfect and often corrupt...it turns into injustice and tyranny that bring misery and death to many.


How different Jehovah is!


True...no discipline is joyous at the time it's given. I will not lie and say that Jehovah's people always get it right either. The fact is, we screw up...we make mistakes.


The elders try hard to keep Jehovah's house spotless...but sometimes things escape their notice...and sometimes they err. It's not a perfect organization at the bottom...but it's the single best imperfect organization on earth. If you look at it from the bottom up...you will notice...and focus on... the errors.


But if you view the organization properly...from the top down...you will see why it FEELS the way it does to be part of it. It stems from Jehovah...and his purity flows downwards and covers all of us in a warm snugly blanket of forgiveness and love that not a single one of us deserve.


But why then did I say that nothing can compare to Jehovah's discipline?


Well, not only is it always 100% fair and just...not only is it given to JUST the proper degree...it also dignifies us as individuals in a way that perhaps you haven't thought of.


Let's start with a contrast...let's take the Greek gods...here are 10 of the most horrific punishments that they meted out to their subjects: 1. You could be Cursed to be lost at sea for ten years. 2.Cursed to hold up the sky. 3. Transformed into a cow and bitten by flies 4. Transformed into a deer and eaten alive by his own dogs. 5. Cursed to receive visions of a future you're unable to change. 6. Flayed alive. 7. Cursed to push a big rock up a hill forever. 8. Cursed with eternal hunger and thirst. 9. Chained to a rock with an eagle pecking at his liver. 10.  Cursed to spin through the sky on a fiery wheel for eternity.


Do any of those sound like fun? Obviously not...in fact...to those of us who know the truth...they probably cause us to chuckle, raise our eyebrows and even shake our head in disbelief at the stupidity of some people to believe such meaningless drivel.


But friends...make no mistake...Satan doesn't care what you believe...as long as you don't know the truth. That's why hellfire is such a popular teaching...it appeals to people's sick sense of “justice” that has been warped by imperfection over 6,000 years of human history.


Now...let's take Jehovah.


To some of us...those of us who have felt the sting of Jehovah's discipline...we know that after having left the truth for whatever reason...there is simply nothing else that will satisfy us.


True, we may have been mad at the brothers and sisters...we may have been furious at the organization...and we may have felt deeply and personally wounded by Jehovah himself at certain injustices that we KNEW were wrong...but the simple truth is...OUTSIDE OF THE TRUTH...nothing is true...and everything is meaningless...like a bowl of tasteless oatmeal that sticks to the back of your throat with every mouthful.


Some of you may still be in that place...still stuck in an endless loop of anger and bitterness at whatever wrongs have been committed against you...whether real or imagined.


I make no judgments...I offer no solutions to issues that you may be dealing with when it comes to certain members of Jehovah's organization...or even if you are just raising your fists to the sky and offering to duke it out with Jehovah personally. (I say that because...at one point in my life... I was there...I was standing in the middle of a field on a starry night...looking up into the night sky and screaming my heart out to my God. Tears were flowing freely that night...my heart felt as if it were ripping into tiny shreds...but I was ready...because I was RIGHT...or so I stupidly thought).


I speak to each of you now, my dear brothers and sisters...those who have been disciplined...those who may still be going through discipline...and to the rest of you who have watched all of the rest of us go through this discipline...please allow me to share one set of scriptures that proves...beyond a shadow of a doubt...that Jehovah's discipline is truly like nothing else you will ever experience.


Please turn to the book of Deuteronomy...and join me in listening in as Jehovah disciplines the man who was...by Jehovah's own words...BY FAR the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth.


Verses 23-29: “At that time I pleaded with Jehovah, saying,24 ‘O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, you have begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty arm, for what god in the heavens or on the earth performs such mighty deeds as you?25 Please let me pass over and see the good land that is across the Jordan, this good mountainous region and Lebʹa·non.’26 But Jehovah was still furious with me because of you, and he would not listen to me. Rather, Jehovah said to me, ‘Enough from you! Never speak to me again about this matter.27 Go up to the top of Pisʹgah, and look to the west and north and south and east and view the land with your eyes, for you will not cross over this Jordan.28 Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see.’29 All this happened while we were dwelling in the valley in front of Beth-peʹor.


Jehovah was FURIOUS with Moses...not just hurt...not even angry...he was absolutely FURIOUS.


How many of you caught it?


I didn't. It was a loving brother who pointed this out to me...a kind, loving brother who put himself in my shoes and tried to feel what I was feeling after having been disciplined by Jehovah.


He showed me something so simple...and yet so profound...that it has stayed with me to this day...and now I will share it with you.


Jehovah told Moses that he would not enter into the promised land after what he had done...but he told him he could view it. (We know Moses is in line for a resurrection, but his discipline at the time meant he could not enter that land of flowing milk and honey...a land he just wanted to pass through and see.)


Did you notice where Jehovah told him to go?


He was to go to the top of Pisgah...and to SEE the land from all sides.


Do you get it?


I still didn't...until the brother opened my eyes and my heart with his next words: When Jehovah disciplines us...he will always give us an ELEVATED view.


We know it's the truth, no matter what else may be in the way...we KNOW it's the truth.


As angry as I was...as HURT as I was...I knew it was the truth.


Jehovah had already dropped the veil...he had given me a view of the new system from the highest mountain...and no matter how hard I tried...no matter what lies I told myself...I couldn't escape that fact.


Friends...if you are currently being disciplined by Jehovah...please hear me loud and clear...no one but Jehovah can take away that pain you feel.


He understands...He more than anyone else wants to wipe the slate clean and start anew...but it requires a heart willing to accept counsel. As someone who has battled it out with Jehovah and lost...please take it from me...there simply is nothing else.


There is nowhere else to go...there is no other truth.


I spent years trying to punch Jehovah and his organization...I wish I could have those years back. I tried my hardest to prove the truth wrong...only to end up proving it right...to myself.


Jehovah isn't here to hurt us...he isn't here to cause us pain.


He wants to protect us from our own faulty thinking...our own faulty logic. He knows we're stupid and easily led astray by the desires of our flesh...so when he is forced to discipline us...he gently leads us to the top of the mountain when we're ready...and gives us the elevated view of where we belong in his organization.


Then, he waits patiently for us to respond and prove Satan a liar.


Please, respond to Jehovah's discipline...and to those of us who have...just know each and every one of you is loved and appreciated...your example shines like a beacon for all of Jehovah's people. 

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brother you are well meaning in your comments but did you realized everyone in the organización is being displined at the same time just in different ways how do we know that? because we are still here time diciplines us all weather we see it or not you my brother are being dsiplined even now. So thank Jehovah.











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3 hours ago, bible truth said:

brother you are well meaning in your comments but did you realized everyone in the organización is being displined at the same time just in different ways how do we know that? because we are still here time diciplines us all weather we see it or not you my brother are being dsiplined even now. So thank Jehovah.

Thank you for your comment. Yes, in the larger sense of the word, you're absolutely right. All of us are being adjusted, or disciplined... constantly. 


No matter what form it may take, Jehovah readjusts all of us...all the time. In fact, if we aren't being readjusted, or disciplined...in that sense...are we even in His organization at all?


However, by using Moses as my example...I was mainly addressing the more serious side of discipline...when a brother or sister has to be restricted from privledges or even, (like I was)... disfellowshipped.


I chose not to use those words directly because, to some, it's a very sensitive subject. Personally, I was bitter for years after being disfellowshipped...and it took me a very long time to understand that Jehovah had already given me an elevated view along with my discipline. 


Once I finally accepted Jehovah's helping hand and accepted his discipline...he continued to elevate my spiritual view point. I am still being disciplined, or readjusted...to this day... just not as severely.


Why? Because I try to respond positively to those small adjustments right away and implement changes where necessary.


So thank you for your point, because in the larger sense of the word... you're absolutely right!



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