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Uganda: Happy Science Aims to Unite All World Religions

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Uganda: Happy Science Aims to Unite All World Religions

Uganda: Happy Science Aims to Unite All World Religions

By Simon Musasizi, 14 June 2012


As Uganda prepares to receive lecture from World Teacher Ryuho Okawa, the founder of Happy Science, on June 23 at Namboole stadium, Simon Musasizi met with Yoichi Utebi, Happy Science's Director General International Public Relations Division, to further understand what Happy Science is all about.

What is Happy Science?

It's a religious organization from Japan, established in 1986 by World Teacher Master Ryuho Okawa. Today, we are one of the largest religious movements in Japan, and spreading across over 94 countries around the world - with 11 million members.

What's new about Happy Science?

Happy Science is a very unique worldwide religion. It is an integration of western and eastern religious and cultural values. Japan is a very unique country where the western cultures from America and Europe are very popular. But as an eastern country, we also have our own cultural values. So, Happy Science unites the western civilization and eastern civilization. The western civilization mainly teaches Christianity; the resurrection of Jesus, from 2,000 years ago.

On the other hand, eastern civilization has more of Buddhist influence. Maybe Buddhism is not so popular in Africa, but in eastern countries, it has very strong influence. So, we do have a Buddhist background as a backbone and together with teaching of love from Christianity. We also accept Muslims, Muhammad or Allah [for] Middle East.

So, we try to understand and unite these established major religions because that is the only way this entire humanity can progress - because there are so many conflicts, hatred and wars. Many of them are caused based on religious conflicts and/or nationalist egoistic ways of thinking. It is all ego and selfishness. Happy Science believes by uniting eastern and western religion and philosophy together, we can overcome the conflict and hatred and become one by practising love that gives.

But how easy is it to combine religions that are totally different?

Happy Science's main goal is to create Utopia on Earth through love and enlightenment. To love is to give, not to take from others. So, love can overcome hatred. If you take from others, you always want to take from them; but if you start giving, it creates harmony. It is a very simple way of thinking, but difficult to do. So, teaching of giving love is very important.

The other aspect is enlightenment, which is looking within yourself to discover who you truly are. Through studying the universal wisdom, we can learn the purpose of life and can awaken to our true mission. We believe any religious group can accept this way of thinking. That is why we want to spread this teaching, so that the world will be in peace.

Given the fact that Africa has its own unique values, what is your future plan?

We need to observe the cultural background and how people think because that is how one religion can become global. However, the core essence of who we are and the teaching of Happy Science is universal. It should apply to everybody everywhere in the world.

It is just that the way you practise might be a little bit different. As long as people's hearts and teachings are there, it can be the same. Every country has its own culture, which is why Master Ryuho Okawa is travelling around the world to preach what is needed for the specific country.

What do you think about drinking alcohol and polygamy?

We think the middle way of lifestyle is ideal. For example, we don't say you cannot drink. I think it is acceptable if you can be in control and act according to your good will. For polygamy, we do not practise it, but we cannot deny it either. There are other religions and cultures that practise this and we respect them for what they believe in.

Why do your members wear a pendant?

The RO on the pendant is the initial of Ryuho Okawa. This is the logo of Happy Science and a symbol that we are members. By wearing the pendant, we are protected by the Lord's light and are connected with the Lord. When we pray, it is easier for us to focus and bring out the light within ourselves because we are all children of God and God is light itself.

Do you also believe in the notion that unless someone converts to your religion they will never go to heaven?

Of course not. There are so many good religions in this world. There are so many beautiful people who keep giving love to others. It doesn't matter which religion you belong to. It is really the inside that matters. You can belong to your religion but still be a member of Happy Science. I was raised as a Protestant for a long time before I joined Happy Science. We are open to everybody.

Could you tell us a little about the Happy Science music project?

I think some of you may have already listened on the radio; we had artistes from Uganda make Happy Science songs for us. We have worked together with Jose Chameleone (Happy Science member), Iryn Namubiru, Benon, Robert Ssegawa (choir leader) as a team to create music for Happy Science.

We were able to come together because we have the same aim of wanting to make people happy. They don't sing for themselves. They sing to make others happy and give love to others. So, we have the same way of thinking - making people happy.

Tell us about the upcoming Master's lecture at Namboole stadium.

Master Ryuho Okawa has been travelling around the world to America, Brazil, Asian countries, Australia, and Europe to preach the universal truth that is needed in each country. And now, for the first time, he is coming to Africa. The title of the lecture is 'The Light of New Hope'. We look forward to seeing you all for this once-in-a-lifetime event on June 23.

(Deuteronomy 28:3)  “Blessed you will be in the city, and blessed you will be in the field.

Being blessed by Jehovah is not contingent on location, assignment or circumstances. 

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11 million members? . .where?

What a load of piffle . . their aims read like a fairy-tale. If people are gobbling this up . . :perplexed:

Can you imagine Obama, Merkel, Egyptian military, Sudans president all reading this article and saying . .'OK . .time to play nice now' . . :lol1:

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11 million members? . .where?

What a load of piffle . . their aims read like a fairy-tale. If people are gobbling this up . . :perplexed:

Can you imagine Obama, Merkel, Egyptian military, Sudans president all reading this article and saying . .'OK . .time to play nice now' . . :lol1:

I googled "Happy Science" and based on just the first page of results - they have chapters in the US (Florida, Atlanta, New York), Australia and Canada. People nowadays are desperate and yet, they want to take the easy route - one stop shopping.

It's just more of false religions interfaith movement - doesn't matter what/who they worship - just throw'em all in the same soup pot! :shrugs:

(2 Timothy 4:3-4) . . .For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.

(Deuteronomy 28:3)  “Blessed you will be in the city, and blessed you will be in the field.

Being blessed by Jehovah is not contingent on location, assignment or circumstances. 

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. . . .I googled "Happy Science" and based on just the first page of results - they have chapters in the US (Florida' date=' Atlanta, New York), Australia and Canada. People nowadays are desperate and yet, they want to take the easy route - one stop shopping. . . . . [/quote']

I noticed that too. They speak to any old congregation or followers and then loosley count them amongst their numbers. It looks more like a 'bums-on-seats' headcount than tangible followers.

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I am wondering - where does the "Science" come in?

It doesn't.

Definition of SCIENCE: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method and concerned with the physical world and its phenomena

So, let's be nice and assume that they haven't picked up a dictionary in awhile. Truth doesn't matter much in false religion and so a name with NO meaning behind it, coincides rather nicely here. 8-)

Aren't you just thrilled to have the beautiful simplicity of the truth! :heart:

(Deuteronomy 28:3)  “Blessed you will be in the city, and blessed you will be in the field.

Being blessed by Jehovah is not contingent on location, assignment or circumstances. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading an article about the church of Scientology last night.They believe that people are all immortal and traveling through earth. the religion helps them put negative or harmful attitudes out of individuals. The problem is that some of them have died because of the treatment, so they have to sign a document that says the church will not be held responsible in case of injury or death while in the process of treatment. Again, they don't have any set of beliefs. Opponents are saying they are money-grabbing people who use the front of religion, thereby tax-free entrepreneurs .I, too, love the simplicity of the truth, also the unity we enjoy. So they are more violent than the Happy Science, but just as misled.

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