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Friday, August 2 These will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire.​—Rev. 17:16.

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Friday, August 2

These will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire.—Rev. 17:16.


God puts the thought into the hearts of the ten horns and the wild beast to carry out the destruction of Babylon the Great. Yes, Jehovah will motivate the nations to use the scarlet-colored wild beast, that is, the United Nations, to turn on the world empire of false religion and completely destroy it. (Rev. 18:21-24) What does this mean for us? We need to maintain “the form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God.” (Jas. 1:27) Never would we want to allow ourselves to be influenced by the false teachings, the pagan celebrations, the lax moral standards, and the spiritistic practices of Babylon the Great! And we would continually call out to people to “get out of her,” so that they can avoid sharing in her guilt before God.—Rev. 18:4. w22.05 11 ¶17; 14 ¶18

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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The prophecy in Revelation 17:16 presents a vivid depiction of judgment against “the prostitute,” a symbol for Babylon the Great, representing the global empire of false religion. This entity is portrayed as being stripped of power, consumed, and utterly destroyed by the political powers symbolized by the ten horns and the wild beast. This act of destruction is seen as being orchestrated by Jehovah God, who influences these political entities to carry out this judgment. We understand the “scarlet-colored wild beast” to symbolize the United Nations, which is used as the tool for this divine retribution.


For us, this passage holds significant implications:

    1.    Divine Judgment: The destruction of Babylon the Great is interpreted as a definitive act of divine judgment against false religious systems. We believe that Jehovah will use political powers to dismantle these corrupt religious institutions that have deceived and exploited humanity.

    2.    Commitment to Pure Worship: Reflecting on James 1:27, the passage underscores the importance of maintaining worship that is “clean and undefiled” from God’s perspective. This calls for a continual self-examination to ensure that our beliefs and practices are in strict accordance with Biblical teachings, free from any influence of false religion.

    3.    Rejection of False Religion: The prophecy serves as a stark warning to avoid the influence of Babylon the Great. This involves rejecting false teachings, pagan rituals, moral laxity, and spiritistic practices that are common in many religious traditions. We are encouraged to distance ourselves from such practices to maintain spiritual purity.

    4.    Evangelistic Urgency: Revelation 18:4 emphasizes the need for individuals to “get out of her,” urging people to leave false religious systems to avoid sharing in their sins and the ensuing divine judgment. We feel a profound responsibility to warn others about the imminent destruction of Babylon the Great and guide them towards true worship.

    5.    Spiritual Vigilance: The material calls for us to remain vigilant in our spiritual practices, ensuring we are not swayed by the moral and spiritual corruption prevalent in the world. Maintaining a close relationship with God and adhering to Biblical principles is essential to avoid the fate awaiting Babylon the Great.


In summary, the prophecy in Revelation 17:16 serves as a powerful exhortation for us to maintain spiritual purity, reject false religion, and actively engage in helping others to do the same. It highlights the belief in divine justice and the importance of living in accordance with God’s standards to avoid the impending judgment on Babylon the Great.


Edited by dljbsp
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Revelation 17:16

Serbia - Gilead bro V

Russel and associates discovered very early on who the prostitute was - 1879 issue #5


Wife - why do this? Jehovah causes it. Thinking of what Jah can do with an org who does not want to do God's will confirms what He can do with one that does!


Sis W - Increase zeal? There are still sincere people looking to get out.


Bro W - Jah will never allow what? Divisions - Satan powerless to stop one part of his organization from attacking another - ironic as he has tried to do this with God's people.


Upcoming plans for the future... We made have said, "We'll plan on that unless the GT comes first" :wink: First sentence - Jah starts this - Keep on the Watch Broch:


Will the world’s governments really do such a thing? The Bible states that ‘God will put it into their hearts.’ (Revelation 17:17) It will be sudden, surprising, shocking, not foreseeable or gradual.




Will come at His designated time. To build faith in the non gradual and unexpectedness ...

1. Babylon Is 47:8&9 - right in schedule, but shocking. No one expected this when it happened.


2. Sept 1942 - Peace can it Last talk - this will not lead to Armageddon, but a period of peace. Not thinkable, but the slave started Gilead based on the unthinkable and unexpected from Jah.


Help us how? He 4:16 .. help us at the right time. He knows the right time for the GT to start and the exact right time to help us!

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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A sister friend in our congregation who is a remote Bethelite said that they were reminded today that nothing in the world news will indicate the end. 


We should not look at world events and use it as a gauge for what’s to come because just like with the fall of Babylon It will be sudden, abrupt, surprising, shocking, unforeseeable- because Jehovah has his own calendar of events that is not dependent on human events.  When Babylon fell, the way it fell and the time it fell, it was unpredictable but it was Jehovah’s time.

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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