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How Jehovah's Witnesses helped kill Prop 8

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in the video "knocking" a doc. about the witnesses it explained more those court cases.......... very accurate doc. and gave the witnesses a thumbs ups.

it used to shown quite regularly on tv here in oz.

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This article in USA Today was very good. I've mentioned this before, but in my opinion, all Wtinesses should read the book "Judging Jehovah's Witnesses- Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution" by Shawn Francis Peters to really understand what went on back in the 40s and the role it played in the freedoms that all enjoy today including the Civil Rights movement. I was telling some young people in our congregation about some of the things that we witnesses endured back then and they were shocked and said, "Did that really happen here in the United States?!!!" On the back of the book is a quote from the Journal Of American History " The stories of persecution are horrendous, and Peters tells them with sympathy and remarkable attention to detail and context"

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Yes, this is what we recently studied regarding the image's feet being partly of iron and partly of clay. Otherwise the USA would be just like Rome in their dictatorial rule over the people. JWs are law-abiding 'rebels with a cause' in favor of human rights. Of course this is based on the Constitution of this country. Completely legal and well within the laws.

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