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This is from an email we received.




Hi there: 


As you know of the terrible flooding in Alberta – The Town of High River was completely wiped out. 157 Bros and Sisters there. All cared for immediately. Because of the Bow River flooding in Calgary, we had to cancel out our Convention that was to be held June 22, bur in two days the brothers arranged for us to go to Edmonton July 5,6,7. The Edmt Convention was the previous week-end. A miracle in itself because they don’t have any openings normally there. The Brothers in Edmt 1,000 were there at 5 A. M. to help clean up the Rexall Centre, it was overwhelming to see….. A big Sign in front of the place WELCOME ALL OUR DEAR BROTHERS FROM ALBERTA AND B. C… Lots of tears…


We had a little disappointment – 10 vehicles were vandalized as tires slashed and spray painted, Also Apostates out side doing their thing. The brothers from Edmt patrolled the lot day and night for us, so that none would have to miss any of the convention. There were a lot there to help the Handicapped and so on. Experience of a Bro in High River, whose house was completed covered in water, along with all the rest. He helped a neighbor lady get out and got a boat and rescued an 83 year old Brother and sister, who was up to their waists hanging onto a cloths line. Many other experiences - lots of tears…. When the brother was thanking the Edmt brothers for their help – there was a least a 2 minute applause – this happened again when Bro Funk talked to us.


1000 Brothers showed up for the cleanup so that we would’nt have to stay so long. It is a 3 hr drive from Edmt to Calgary and another one to High River. Good news we had 52 baptized and the beautiful Tracts to use so effectively in the ministry and the book and DVD

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I know this is irrelevant in the big picture, but if it were your car spray painted....it is said WD-40 will remove it. Our prayers for our dear friends who were affected by this. But, they being our family, all of us are affected. They had an opportunity to show loyalty and continue to develop endurance. That is why the world is puzzled at us. What ever happens, with Jehovah's help, we endure it, and Jehovah being a happy God.....

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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This looks like an experience, vs. convention information. Of course, there is my thick skull I contend with.....but just how are things on your side of the pond?

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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This looks like an experience, vs. convention information. Of course, there is my thick skull I contend with.....but just how are things on your side of the pond?


I agree it is an experience but using items released at the convention, some may not wish to know what is released, that is why we have the spoilers thread.


Thinks are hot over here at the moment, not as hot as you have had in USA, but hot for us!  Looking forward to my convention, we started the invitation campaign today.

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Ah ha. Right you are brother. Early in the AM for me. Well, enjoy your tract work. It is cooling down for us. It think. In the 80's yesterday.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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